Recipes for shugaring pasta at home on the stove and in the microwave. We make paste for shugaring at home on our own


Sugar depilation, or shugaring, is a popular way to get rid of excess hairs on the body and face.

Only a few years ago, only the most fashionable and wealthy girls could afford a sweet salon procedure.

And now the price tag in the salons bites.

Therefore, women have adapted to do shugaring on their own.

Moreover, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made composition for the procedure: you can cook pasta at home.

Shugaring at home: is it possible?

There is nothing complicated in making pasta for shugaring. All that is required is to cook the caramel, and then use it under one of the two techniques for carrying out the procedure. Girls came up with a lot of recipes for shugaring pasta at home, which are suitable for unpretentious and sensitive skin.

Why bother with homemade sugar paste if you can buy a finished product of industrial manufacture or banal store wax strips? Purchased products are expensive, and waxing is more traumatic and painful compared to working with a sugar ball.

Sugar hair removal is really almost does not cause pain, irritation, and most importantly - hair ingrowth. This is a very important advantage of shugaring, because many women refuse wax or, for example, an electric epilator precisely because after them the hairs begin to grow.

The thing is that the technique of applying sugar means is completely different. The paste is applied against growth, and the movement during epilation is done by the growth of hairs. Bulbs are not damaged, and the hairs do not grow crooked in the future.

To make caramel paste, you need sugar, water, lemon (or citric acid), sometimes honey. A cheap price compared to salon prices and purchased products. It remains only to master a few pasta recipes for shugaring and home conditions and work out a little.

Homemade Shugaring Pasta Recipes: The Most Effective

The consistency of the paste may be more or less liquid. If a liquid foundation is obtained, it is better to use it in the traditional way for wax: apply on a large surface of the skin and remove using long woven pieces (the so-called bandage technique).

What are the most effective recipes for shugaring pasta at home? There are several of them.

With lemon

The basic recipe is very simple. To try whether this method is suitable for you, you can start with it.


• 250 grams of white sugar;

• 50 ml of water;

• four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Sugar must be exactly white, so that by changing its color, you can track the degree of caramelization of the mixture. It is better to choose a cooking container with a convenient long handle, as you will have to rearrange too boiling syrup from time to time on a free burner to lower the temperature.

So, pour sugar in a small ladle, stewpan or pan, pour water and juice. Stir the mixture and put it on a small fire.

Slowly, the sugar begins to dissolve. All this time the mixture must be continuously stirred so that they do not stick to the walls of the dishes. As soon as the sugar grains are completely dissolved, the main stage of cooking caramel begins. At this moment, the power of the fire must be reduced to a minimum and the syrup continuously stirred. If the liquid is boiling too violently, remove it from the heat for a minute to even the temperature to the optimum.

The finished composition should acquire a yellow color, reminiscent of fresh honey in shade. It is important not to miss this moment, otherwise the sugar will burn out, the mixture will become not pasty, but solid, unsuitable for shugaring. Will have to make candy out of it. Undercooking is better than digesting sugar caramel.

The finished paste must be poured into a convenient plastic mold or glass jar, cool at room temperature.

To prepare pastes for several procedures at once, you need to take seven tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and eight tablespoons of water per kilogram of sugar. Cooking the paste in such quantity will take quite a while, about 45 minutes. It must be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.

With citric acid

If there is no lemon in the kitchen, ordinary citric acid may well replace it. This option is no less effective and more convenient, since you do not need to spoil the lemon and guess the right amount of lemon juice.


• a glass of sugar;

• two tablespoons of warm water;

• one and a half teaspoons of citric acid.

Pasta is prepared in the same way as with lemon juice. The main thing is not to overdo it with acid. To understand that everything is done correctly, you need to try to roll it into a ball after cooling the paste and work it out with tensile movements. If the mixture stretches easily, it turned out elastic, after thirty to forty seconds it began to turn white, then everything is fine: the paste was a success.

If the household has a microwave, then pasta can be prepared in it. It is faster and easier. Four tablespoons of sugar with a pea will require a teaspoon of acid and a half tablespoons of warm water. After mixing the components, you need to put the paste in the oven at the highest power. The total cooking time is three minutes. However, the paste must be stirred every fifteen to twenty minutes, opening the door.

With honey

Among the effective recipes for shugaring pasta at home, the recipe with honey occupies a special place. This is a special composition that can be used with very sensitive skin and in the most delicate, intimate places. There is no acid in such a paste, which means less irritation.


• a teaspoon of honey;

• four tablespoons of sugar;

• two tablespoons of warm water.

The ingredients must be mixed and put on fire. When honey and sugar melt, the paste is boiled in the same way as described in the basic recipe.

On fructose

A practically professional recipe for shugaring paste at home will work if sugar is replaced with fructose. What is the difference? Such a composition is more plastic and more durable, which makes it very convenient for independent use. Fructose can easily be replaced with glucose in the same volume.


• two tablespoons of water;

• six tablespoons of fructose;

• a pinch of citric acid.

Preparing a paste based on sweeteners in the same way as a regular sugar composition. The golden color of the composition indicates its readiness. It remains to cool and use as directed.

In fact, it’s very simple to cook and apply paste for home shugaring. Even if the first experiment is not entirely successful, the second one will surely please the result. Thanks to sugar hair removal, you can painlessly and easily part with ugly hairs on the face, arms, legs, in the intimate zone, on the stomach and armpits.

Homemade Shugaring Pasta Recipes: Causes of Failure

Shugaring paste can be unsuccessful in two cases: if it is undercooked and if it is overcooked. In the first case, the caramel simply does not solidify, it remains liquid. In the second, it will turn into a giant candy that can only be eaten.

It is easy to distinguish digested syrup: it is very dark and has a dense consistency even before cooling. Most likely, such a mass cannot be used for its intended purpose.

There are several main reasons that can ruin any recipe for shugaring pasta at home:

• wrong cooking time. Yellow is the signal that the paste is ready. If you take caramel the color of tea leaves from the fire, it’s definitely digested;

• poor quality of granulated sugar;

• too acidic composition, a lot of citric acid (caramel has the desired color, but does not want to harden);

• lack of citric acid (the finished paste does not stretch, it turned out to be unplastic);

• Incorrect cooking temperature (this is why you need to remove caramel from heat from time to time and cool slightly).

There may be one piece of advice: try, adjust the basic recipe to the characteristics of your dishes, stove, temperature in the apartment. In fact, it’s very easy to understand what's what when cooking sugar paste. And don't be discouraged: spoiled sugar is not worth it.

If not a kilogram of sugar is used, but about a glass, then the cooking time of the paste is about ten to fifteen minutes, not more. Keep in mind: after removing from heat, when cooling, the composition continues to caramelize. Therefore, it is better to digest it than to digest it. Within half an hour, while the mixture cools to an acceptable temperature, it will become darker.

Undercooked paste does not want to keep in shape, spreads. It can be brought to mind if you boil a little more. In some cases, even overcooked pasta can be reanimated. To do this, you need to warm it over hot steam, constantly kneading. You can, for example, do this over the spout of a boiling kettle. If the composition is not digested too much, it can still be brought to the desired consistency.

If a lot of pasta is harvested, and it stored in the refrigerator, then the consistency of the composition is very dense. To prepare the composition for use, you need to heat it in the microwave, then separate the lump, knead and begin processing the skin. It is enough to hold the composition in the microwave for only fifteen minutes. If there is no such oven in the house, you can soften the composition in a water bath. It will take more time, but it will not affect the result.

Restoring sugar caramel for home shugaring is as easy as boiling it. The simple preparation of the paste, the ease and effectiveness of the application, a pleasant budget explain the popularity of the procedure. The skin after it remains velvet, soft, smooth and beautiful for two to three weeks. Just what you need for a successful vacation.


Watch the video: NEW RECIPE! FOOLPROOF SUGAR WAX FOR BEGINNERS. abetweene (June 2024).