63% of women wish eternal youth, and 25% are categorically against


The elixir of youth for many years remains the most desired fantasy of mankind. However, how many scientists do not puzzle themselves - all in vain! But despite this, the fair sex does not lose hope. The portal “Women's Opinion” became interested in the issue of “victory over aging” and conducted a social survey “Would you like science to discover the secret of eternal youth?”.

The study found that 44.2% of Russians would like to stay young forever. Those who answer in this way do not even imagine how one can think differently, because one can try so many things in life and succeed everywhere. In their opinion, it would be ideal to "stay at the age of 27-35 years." Although some survey participants spoke out for the inviolability of having an antidote against eternal youth - what if you get tired!

About 19% of Russians are not against discovering the secret of eternal youth and beauty, but are not sure that they would take advantage of such an attractive offer. Adherents of this point of view argue that this secret should not be accessible to everyone, otherwise our planet will face overpopulation and "other delights." Most likely, this technique should not even be used by certain categories of society, but by certain people who can do something useful for society.

Another 25.4% of the fair sex categorically state that they are against eternal youth, since it is impossible to violate the laws of nature. Interviewees would not want to live forever and remain forever attractive. For them it is boring and monotonous! Everything should change over time, go away.

And 12% of Russians remain indifferent: thoughts of impending old age are alien to them.

The survey involved 5660 women aged 20 - 45 years old, who live in 154 cities of Russia.


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