Female opinion: Russians accumulate negative in themselves and frustrate others


Unfortunately, stress is an integral part of the life of any modern person. Conflicts at work, turmoil in the family, misunderstanding with children, illness, driving a car and much more - all this we face every day. If you are an ordinary person, not a robot, every day you encounter a huge amount of stress of various kinds, in other words, your body reacts to what annoys you, scares or threatens you. The past 20th century is not without reason called the age of stress. How women in Russia struggle with stress - I decided to find out the portal “Women's Opinion”. The results are distressing.

It turned out that the majority of women surveyed (32.9%) choose the most dangerous and unproductive way. They prefer all their troubles ... silently save in themselves. At the same time, explaining their choice, they realize that stress has the ability to accumulate and can result in irreparable health consequences.

22.1% of respondents consider the best way to relieve tension is to frustrate those who come to hand. Both close and strangers. Of course, then they regret what they did, but admit that in a stressful situation they can’t pull themselves together.

19.6% of women chose a much more productive method - they pour out the soul to their friends. Women are sure that a glass of champagne and a frank conversation with a friend is the best cure for stress.

Stress is seized by something tasty - 13.7% of the people who took part in the survey. They return home tired and irritable and begin to absorb everything indiscriminately, naively believing that in this way they will be able to relieve tension.

And only 11.7% of the people who participated in our survey meditate and relax. They argue that stress can be eliminated, you just really want to; it is necessary that this desire settles in you not only in consciousness, but also in the subconscious. These people are sure that meditation and working on oneself is a real way to relieve stress without resorting to alcohol, nicotine and extreme sports.

The findings are extremely disappointing. The modern realities of life are such that stress is the main disease of our contemporaries. Is it possible to live without stress? Science unequivocally answers this question: "No. Life itself is the main source of stress." Therefore, it is very important to properly respond to stressful situations and learn to relieve stress: laugh more, relax, chat with friends and let go of negative thoughts, play sports and creative work. And the most important thing - not to keep the negative in yourself, not to grab on food or alcohol - all this promises only negative health consequences.

The survey involved 2240 people from 156 cities of Russia, aged 20 to 38 years.


Watch the video: Double Standards and Diverse Media (June 2024).