Are legs from knee to foot sore - is this a serious disease? What to do if the legs hurt from the knee to the foot, than to be treated


Almost every second person is concerned about leg pain.

Often discomfort affects the area from the knees to the feet.

The reasons are varied, from simple overwork, to the development of serious diseases.

Leg pain from knee to foot causes

The part of the leg from the knee to the steps is called the lower leg. When one of its parts is affected, pain occurs. That is why the legs in this area often hurt.

Pain in the lower leg can occur for various reasons. Usually this is an abuse of physical activity, as well as a lack of trace elements.

Muscle lesion

In many patients, as a result of abuse of exercise, muscle damage occurs. Damage can cause severe pain in the legs, as well as severe cramps. The lack of vitamins in the body plays an equally important role. Stretching, muscle breaks, other injuries require immediate medical attention.

Ligament and tendon damage

If the tendons or ligaments are damaged, severe pain occurs in the area from the knee to the feet. Moreover, this reason is the most common. There are several options for damage to the ligaments and tendons, as well as inflammation. The most dangerous is the gap.

Bone and joint diseases

This category includes bone dislocations, fractures, as well as some diseases - arthrosis, arthritis. The cause of all diseases is a fracture or dislocation.

Vascular and nerve damage

As a result of damage or pinching of the nerve, pain occurs. This also includes thrombosis, varicose veins, narrowing of the blood vessels of the circulatory system.

Other causes of pain

This list includes sciatica, pregnancy, a violation in the water-salt metabolism, inflammatory processes.

You can find out the exact cause of severe pain and discomfort with a thorough examination. Immediately after the onset of discomfort, visit a medical facility.

Leg pain from knee to foot: treatment

Before taking certain actions, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the occurrence of such a condition. Only in this case, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, which will eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the disease, as well as deal with the cause of its occurrence.

Atherosclerosis Treatment

At the first stage of the development of the disease, symptoms appear as small spasms of the vessels. But after some time, people feel pain in the area from the knee to the foot.

Treatment involves the use of droppers with drugs Actovegin and Ilomedin. Specialists, in the presence of such a disease, advise to move as much as possible. If an attack of the disease occurs when walking, stop, wait until it passes, and continue to move.

Diet is an important component of treatment. Refuse smoked, fatty meat, eggs.

How to treat atherosclerosis is decided only by the doctor. The following medications are often prescribed - Colestid, Zokor, Holetar.

If the use of medications is not effective, surgery is used.

Varicose veins treatment

Even at the first stage of the disease, you can not leave it unattended. If there is a genetic predisposition to the development of the disease, then it is necessary to be examined twice a year by a phlebologist.

Do not forget about compression therapy. When squeezed, the diameter of the veins decreases significantly. Medications are prescribed - Venarus, Eskuzan, Rutin.

The main treatment is directed to phlebitis. This is an surgical intervention in which the removal of problem veins occurs. Modern medicine involves laser coagulation.

Another treatment without cuts is radiofrequency coagulation. This method eliminates reflux.

Treatment of inflammatory processes

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the true cause of the problem.

Most often, edema as a result of bursitis extends to the muscles of the lower leg, thereby causing pain. In order to alleviate the condition of the patient, experts prescribe painkillers, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs - Codeine and Ibuprofen.

Arthritis affecting the joints can also cause pain. For treatment, the same painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

The use of physiotherapy, as well as the restoration of cartilage with a laser, is effective.

Legs hurt from knee to foot: folk remedies

In addition to the use of drugs, traditional medicine is used as an additional treatment. It is advisable to use them after consulting a doctor.

We get rid of the pain of black radish and comfrey tincture

In order to eliminate pain in the lower leg, use comfrey tincture. Grind the plant, take one spoon, combine it with a liter of vodka. For three weeks, the tincture is in a dark place, then strain it, add water, so that in the end you get three liters of the drug. The medicine is taken three times a day, 10 minutes before a meal, one spoonful. The course of treatment is a month. As a supplement, grated radish can be applied to a sore leg.

Herbal Pain Treatment

An effective remedy that allows you to remove leg pain is a decoction and tincture of medicinal herbs. Take carrot seeds, immortelle flowers, birch leaves - half a glass of each plant. A series - three glasses, bearberry and a stalk - one glass. Grind everything thoroughly and mix. Separate one spoon from the general collection, fill it with half a liter of boiling water. Preparing tincture in the evening, strain it in the morning, take three times a day, 100 ml.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to make compresses from dandelions. Fill a half liter jar with 1/5 of the plant's flowers, pour vodka on top. The mixture is put in a dark place for two weeks, shake the jar a little every day. After the tincture is ready, moisten gauze in it and apply all night to a sore foot.

Important! During the period of such treatment, it is forbidden to take any medications.

Tansy tincture

Tincture of tansy helps get rid of leg pain caused by rheumatism, arthritis. Pour a spoonful of the plant with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours. Take one spoonful twice a day.

Aloe oil and juice

For injuries, sprains, muscle pain, it is recommended to use this tool. Take in equal parts camphor oil, cloves, eucalyptus, aloe juice, mix well. Rub the product twice a day in a sore spot, tie a woolen scarf on top.

Water treatments

An effective remedy for arthritis is the foot bath. Grind the bay leaves, pick up two glasses, fill them with 0.5 liter of water. Add one cup of sunflower oil, boil everything for 2-3 minutes.

Wait until the broth stops, add 5 tablespoons of mustard. Take baths daily, add three cups of water to three liters of water. After taking the procedures, do not go out in the cold.

Legs hurt from knee to foot: prevention

In order to prevent the development of foot diseases in advance, undergo preventive examinations. For the purpose of home prevention, you can follow simple tips:

1. Do not wear uncomfortable shoes and clothing, especially trousers. This will help prevent the development of lymphatic stasis in the legs.

2. If you have to sit for a long time, be sure to avoid the position in which the left leg will be thrown to the right.

3. Control the water-salt balance in the body.

4. During rest, try to lie on your back, lift your legs a little higher than your head, this will improve blood circulation.

5. Watch your weight.

6. Walk more often in the fresh air, using only walks.

7. A sedentary lifestyle is recommended to alternate with exercise.

A good way to stop and prevent leg diseases is pneumopressotherapy. Treatment has a good effect on the whole body, due to the fact that venous blood will be displaced from the muscle pockets.

Using a medical device, massage your legs. One procedure of pneumopressotherapy can replace 20 sessions of conventional manual massage.

You need to carefully monitor your legs, because any disease, even not serious at first glance, can lead to irreversible consequences.


Watch the video: Your Leg Pain Questions Answered with Dr. Joshua Dearing (June 2024).