How to clean the oven from fat: traditional and innovative ways. How to clean the oven of fat: principles and secrets


An oven is a good addition to the stove.

Cooking in it is pleasant and convenient.

However, it requires constant self-care.

Over time, the oven loses its original appearance: the remains of fat remain on it, and soot appears.

Cleaning it later becomes difficult and difficult.

In this regard, every housewife asks herself a question: how to clean the oven of fat?

There are several ways to do this. But first things first.

How to wash the oven from fat: a review of tools

Modern chemicals quickly and easily eliminate fat. They are easy to use and save a ton of time.

To make it easier to apply detergents to hard-to-reach places, some manufacturers produce their goods with a spray bottle and in special containers.

In household chemical stores, you can buy special gels designed to eliminate stubborn dirt and soot. The most common are: Frosch, Cillit Bang, Green Clean, Shumanit, Mr. Muscle, Sanita Anti-Fat. The best of them is considered "Shumanit." Instructions on how to clean the oven of fat are written on the packaging of these detergents.

However, when using, you must follow the safety rules:

- be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands;

- during the procedure in the apartment, open all the windows wide;

- after the cleaning of the oven from fat is over, it must be wiped with a soap solution.

How to clean the oven of fat: mechanical devices

Conventional ovens can be cleaned manually. This can be done easily and quickly, since they usually have smooth enamel. You can wash the oven from fat in several stages:

1. Soak all the baking sheets in the sink, after removing them from the oven.

2. Apply a cleansing gel to a clean sponge.

3. Wipe the inside of the oven (this must be done very carefully, so as not to accidentally wet the fan and heaters).

4. After that, turn on the oven for about half an hour: the space warmed up from the inside will soften the fat, later it will be easier to remove it.

5. Wipe the oven again with a damp sponge.

6. Once the fat is removed, wipe the inside of the oven dry.

Tip: Do not prematurely open the oven, as there is the possibility of a burn to the face and hands.

If the oven is too greasy, you can wash it several times.

How to Clean Oven from Fat Tips and Tips

If chemicals did not help, you can use folk. They will easily remove carbon deposits and dirt. The oven will shine and look like new.

Soda. Soda solution can remove almost any fat. To do this, mix it with liquid soap and dissolve in hot water. The consistency should be this: put 2 teaspoons of liquid soap and soda on 2 cups of water. The resulting mixture must be poured into any spray bottle and shake it. Then apply to contaminated areas. You need to wait 30 minutes, and then rinse the space with warm water.

If there is no liquid soap, you can simply dilute the soda with water. It should get a thick mass. Lubricate the inside of the oven with this paste and leave for several hours. If heavily soiled, you can leave it until the morning. For easier removal of fat, you can add 4 tablespoons of regular salt.

Baking powder. First, use a clean, damp sponge to wipe the oven. Then pour baking powder into the dough. Moisten with spray at the top with water and leave for half an hour. Later, the fat exfoliates from the surface and rolls into lumps. It can be removed with a damp sponge dipped in soapy water.

Vinegar, soap, soda. To quickly wash the oven from fat, you need to make a solution. Vinegar and baking soda are mixed together. Then the laundry soap is rubbed on a grater, and then added to the vinegar mixture (a kind of pop should be obtained). After that warm water is added. A small amount will be sufficient, since in the end a thick homogeneous mass should be obtained.

Next, it is necessary to moisten the sponge and wipe everything inside the oven. And then leave for 3 - 3.5 hours. After this, the oven only needs to be washed with water and it will again have an attractive appearance.

Sometimes only vinegar is used. Apply it to the surface and leave for about 30-35 minutes. Then wash off with a damp sponge.

Ammonia. To wash the oven from grease, you need to drench them abundantly with a clean cloth. Then wipe the walls and baking sheets and leave overnight. The next day, you can wash the inside with soap and water with a wet sponge. At the end, wipe with a dry cloth.

A warning: use of ammonia is recommended very carefully. It is best to wear a respirator during the procedure. Otherwise, poisoning may occur.

Lemon juice. This simple procedure will help to quickly and almost effortlessly wash the oven from fat. All that is needed is soda and water. Water must be passed through a filter before use. So it will become softer.

So, first of all, you need to pour water into the pan. Then a lemon is taken and the juice is squeezed out. The peel must be cut into slices. All this is placed in a baking sheet with water. Turn on the oven to the average value (for whom the degree is indicated, it is put at 100). Boil for 30 - 40 minutes.

Tip: periodically it is worth adding water, otherwise the lemon wedges will burn up and it will not work to clean the oven of fat.

At the end of 40 minutes, let the oven cool to room temperature. Then wipe the walls and lattices with a wet cloth (for better effect, you can also moisten it in lemon juice).

Salt. You can remove carbon deposits and stubborn dirt with ordinary salt. To do this, it is scattered on a baking sheet and wire racks, and then calcined. When the salt turns brown, it can simply be washed off with water. And fat will also be washed off with it.

You can make a saline solution. Pour half a liter of water into the container, add carbonic acid to it. Top up with salt. The resulting liquid is placed in the oven. This solution should boil for half an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. Then the oven is cooled to room temperature and washed with water.

There is another way: in equal proportions, mix the detergent, table salt and soda. Apply to the surface immediately so that the soda does not have time to dissolve. Hold the inside of the oven in this solution for 2 - 2.5 hours. Then rinse off with a sponge. This method will remove even complex stains that conventional detergents cannot handle. The same solution can be used to clean glass.

How to clean the oven of fat and not spoil it

If the oven is outdated and you need to purchase a new one, experts recommend buying a stove with a self-cleaning function. It has a special surface coated with an oxidizing agent. When heated, the fat breaks down, turning into a powder, thereby facilitating its elimination.

Many modern ovens have oxidizing panels. But they have one feature: the amount of oxidizing agent is limited (no more than 300 hours are enough). Therefore, the panel will often have to be changed.

There are also ovens that have a mechanical self-cleaning function. The principle of operation is this: the furnace is heated up to 500 degrees. All the fat on the walls, baking sheet and wire racks turns into ashes. After the oven has cooled, you can rinse it with plain water.

Tip: Do not scrub the oven with a metal mesh, as it leaves scratches.

In order not to have to wash the adherent fat for a long and tedious period, the oven should be washed every time after cooking. Fat must be washed immediately, otherwise it will have time to dry. You can use some secrets:

1. When baking any complex dishes, you can use foil. It must either be placed under the container or covered on top.

2. Fat can be removed during cooking. You can sprinkle a greasy stain with table salt, close the door and wait until the dish is ready. After the food is removed from the oven, the stain must be wiped with a wet cloth or sponge.

3. You can dissolve vinegar in equal proportions with water and immediately after cooking, wipe the oven with a solution.

If the grates are not placed in the sink, they can be washed in the bathroom. True, and then it will have to be washed.

When cleaning, do not be afraid to use more soda. After all, the greater its amount, the more intensively fat will dissolve. However, spraying it while the oven is still hot is not worth it. Otherwise, hand burns may occur. It is also not recommended to clean the door with soda, as its particles can clog in the gap between the windows.

However, it is possible to wash the glass on the door by pre-sealing the slots with foil or special paper. Soda can be applied not in dry form, but in solution. It is enough to mix it with water in a ratio of 1: 0.5. It is necessary to stir the mixture until a peculiar paste is obtained. Moreover, it should be very thick.

Use a damp cloth to rinse off the first layer of dirt and dust. After that, spread the paste evenly over the entire surface. You need to rub in a circular motion. Leave the soapy door for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the paste, periodically washing off the remnants of the previous solution from the sponge. At the end, wipe the glass with a clean rag. Everything! The glass is clean.

In order to prevent the smell of a cleaning agent coming out of the oven, it is necessary to turn the oven on to a low temperature and let it warm up a little. During heating, the door should be open.

This must be done one hour after washing the oven. Then just wipe it with a damp cloth (or sponge) and wait until it dries. After this procedure, the smell will not remain.


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