Admiration makes family life happier


Often you can hear from women that they do not find a pretext for admiring their men. This is one of the strongest misconceptions, which allows the lady in her life. The female generation is not accustomed to praise men. Criticism, accusations and complaints against her husband accompany the lady for many centuries.

Psychologists say that partners should always admire each other. This should especially be manifested by a woman. The need for admiration lies in the nature of men, so the open manifestation of such feelings makes family life happier.

A person always expresses a desire to brag about his achievements, successes and feats. He wants people to truly admire his personal merits. When a man does not receive the necessary portion of admiration and does not feel an interest in his aspirations, he begins to look for the desired emotions on the side or becomes angry with loved ones and life itself. It is because of lack of admiration that a young person eventually turns into a gloomy person who constantly finds fault with trifles and nudges.

It is very important to apply the technique of admiration in the initial stages of family life. It is at this moment that the spouses get to know each other better, try to please and please the partner. The man tries, but he does not always, it turns out, guess the desires of the woman he loves. Making one mistake after another, he begins to doubt his abilities. But if the lady expresses her support and admiration in time, the partner will have the strength to correct her mistakes and give pleasure to the second half.

Need to admire properly. This should be done, given the specific reason. If a woman spends all day praising her superhero qualities to her beloved person, she will achieve the exact opposite result.

  • First, she will spoil the man's attention and compliments;
  • Secondly, he will become so accustomed to the words of flattery, that for him they will turn into an empty sound;
  • Thirdly, he will begin to suspect the lady in an attempt to achieve the desired in this way. "What does she want from me?" - the man inadvertently thinks.

You need to admire in time, emphasizing what is important for a partner. If the lady tells her lover that he looks amazing in a new shirt, he will not be affected by such words. Delights require precisely male qualities and character. This may be his professional success, passion, finances, mental abilities, personal qualities. In this case, competent flattery will be fruitful.

  • If a admire the qualities of a man, it is necessary to point out his perseverance, determination, willpower and other features;
  • If a admire his mind, it should emphasize the excellent ability to count in the mind, a strategic type of thinking, good memory;
  • If you exercise male admirationit is better to talk about his endurance, victories in sports, the ability to lift heavy objects.
  • If a admire his hobbies, it is worth more interested in what he does and how he manages to do this.

But a woman should take into account one thing: not all men can take admiration in direct form. Due to low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence, a young person can take any praise in his address aggressively.

Here you should carefully look at the partner. If he irritably perceives admiration, it means that he has low self-esteem. In this case, it is necessary to praise him in an indirect form - to show a greater interest in his affairs. Suppose a loved one was able to quickly repair the door. The lady should carefully consider the result of his work and thoughtfully note: "Really good job! The masters whom I called could not do it, and you coped with the task so quickly!"

When a man hears admiration from the woman he loves, he gains confidence and courage. If he understands that he will not be criticized for another mistake, with each attempt he will get better conceived.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


Watch the video: BEST RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: Admiration vs Judgment. Psychology of Happiness by Elena Semenek (June 2024).