Pregnancy Nausea


A pregnant woman has a period in which she can be sick of anything - for example, the smell of spices or her favorite perfume. Everyone has heard about early toxicosis, many with horror are waiting for its first manifestations. But sometimes pregnancy occurs, but there is still no nausea. What does it depend on? Why is a woman generally experiencing toxicosis?

There are several answers to these questions, but none of them can guarantee 100% truth. For example, our grandmothers claim that according to a common belief from "boys" more sick. However, childbirth comes, and this sign comes true with an accuracy of fifty percent.

Theories of scientists are much more serious business - they are supported by research, all kinds of tests and surveys. Interesting facts were discovered by Canadian scientists - the children of mothers who experienced toxicosis while carrying them, grow up as intellectuals. According to researchers, nausea is caused by hormones that can positively affect the child’s intellectual development. Many scientists believe that the phenomenon of nausea is closely related to the protection of the developing fetus from harmful substances that enter its body through the mother’s food.

It is in the first months that the most important systems and organs of the child are laid, the mother’s body, through toxicosis, is saved from a miscarriage. But the most likely cause is an increase in the level of pregnancy hormones in the mother. By the way, emotional experiences and stresses only reinforce these phenomena. Nausea and vomiting reduce the level of hormones that the child does not need, rejecting all unnecessary, and leaving the most necessary.

Symptoms of Toxicosis

Vomiting pregnant

There are three degrees of severity of vomiting. Mild vomiting occurs about 5 times a day after meals. Vomiting of moderate severity - up to 10 times a day, after meals or even on an empty stomach. For 2 weeks, a woman can lose more than 3 kg of weight. In this case, the pulse rate increases, the pressure decreases. The third degree is very severe vomiting, which is difficult to tame. It does not stop even at night, disturbing sleep. A smell appears from the mouth, the skin deteriorates, and sometimes the body temperature even rises. In this case, kidney function may be impaired, so patients need to be hospitalized to exclude the issue of abortion.

Drooling (ptyalism)

The second most common symptom of toxicosis is excessive salivation, often accompanying vomiting. In the most difficult cases, a woman can excrete 1.5 liters of saliva per day, along with which proteins and mineral salts are excreted. The condition can worsen quite quickly, so it is better to sweat with excessive salivation by careful medical supervision.

In addition, it is observed:

- weakness
- drowsiness,
- irritability,
- feeling unwell,
- depression
- increased salivation,
- weight loss,
- loss of appetite,
- change in taste.

Sometimes early toxicosis takes the form of dermatoses, asthma, or muscle spasms.

Pregnancy Nausea - Early

Early toxicosis is most often combined with vomiting. In Greek, toxikon sounds like poison. In pregnant women, the first manifestations begin at a period of about 6 weeks, and last up to 13-14 weeks. Morning nausea can torment a woman all day, but sometimes it is almost not manifested - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The longest deadlines are up to 15 weeks.

A real battle unfolds in the mother’s body - the immune system defends itself from the invading “invader”. At the biological level, the mother’s body perceives the development of the embryo in this way. The fetus tries to stay in order to increase its chances of development. Sometimes the urge to vomit can be quite strong and prolonged (up to 15 times a day). In such cases, it is imperative to ensure that dehydration does not occur. A woman can even be put in a hospital.

Late Pregnancy Nausea

At the beginning of the second trimester, toxicosis gradually disappears. This is a blessed time when a woman can rest before the tummy grows and brings with it weight and discomfort. In the third trimester, the appearance of nausea occurs as an unpleasant surprise. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the child puts pressure on the abdominal organs of the mother.

When the liver is affected, the body begins to resent, and the mother experiences nausea. If other ailments are also present, you should consult a doctor to rule out more serious causes. A real threat can be gestosis (another name is late toxicosis). Oxygen deficiency is accompanied by other symptoms:

- nausea and vomiting;
- high blood pressure;
- dizziness, tinnitus;
- A sharp increase in weight, swelling and intense thirst;
- headaches;
- the appearance in the urine of protein;
- pain in the hypochondrium.

The risk group for late toxicosis is composed of women over 35 years of age who have had abortions and miscarriages, as well as who had the following diseases in the past:

- pyelonephritis;
- cardiovascular;
- endocrine.

How to deal with nausea during pregnancy

Probably it will not be possible to avoid completely toxicosis, but in order to mitigate its manifestations, it is better to take some steps in advance. First, preparing for pregnancy, you need to cure all current diseases. Revise your diet, get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol). Pregnancy and childbirth will go well if you maintain confidence and tune in to positive.

Recommendations for observing the diet:

- Make a healthy, balanced menu of fresh, healthy foods. Spicy, spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods are best excluded for a while.
- In the morning, get out of bed smoothly, without making sudden movements. Have something else in bed (cookies, breadcrumbs, yogurt or fruit).
- Take on the principles of fractional nutrition - eat often, but in small portions.
- Do not allow a sharp feeling of hunger, but do not abuse chocolate, cakes and other sweet confectionery.
- Forget carbonated drinks - drink water without gas, weak tea and infusions of permitted herbs. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
- Try also not to transmit or force yourself when you do not want to.
- Spicy, fried foods and indigestible foods should be excluded from the diet; eat more dairy and sour-milk products.

Daily routine recommendations

- Practice daily walks in the fresh air.
- Avoid stresses and unnecessary worries, fight with their consequences.
- Take vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid.
- If you experience debilitating nausea, consult a doctor.
- Sleep in a well-ventilated area. Leave the window open often.

Herbal collection for nausea during pregnancy


- marigolds (2 teaspoons),
- mint (2 teaspoons)
- yarrow (2 teaspoons)
- Valerian root (1 teaspoon).

Pour the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Drink 50 ml every 2 hours, (6 times a day). You can drink 25 days, a break - 2 weeks.

Good relieves the phenomenon of nausea ordinary lemon.

Have a good pregnancy! And no toxicosis!


Ilona 03/28/2016
And again, it all depends on nutrition. Maybe this is not the only factor, but one of the main ones. With proper nutrition, a balanced menu of such problems, in most cases can be avoided. And outdoor walks are very important.

Lydia 03/28/2016
For my entire pregnancy, nausea and vomiting was only once, already somewhere at 8 months. And they explained to me that this child hurts the liver. And at an early stage, I did not know what toxicosis was, only by hearsay I was waiting for everything - when did it start ...

Manyunya 03/28/2016
Yes, there are such terrible cases when vomiting does not stop even at night! then only the doctor is able to help, but something must be done, because the child can be hurt. oh, thanks for the recipe, useful!))

Ira 03/28/2016
And I like this version, that with nausea and vomiting, the body gets rid of any substances that the baby does not need. Hard of course. it’s all portable, but ... it’s necessary, it’s necessary! Moreover, this all happens, usually only at the beginning of pregnancy.

Ira 03/28/2016
And I like this version, that with nausea and vomiting, the body gets rid of any substances that the baby does not need. Hard of course. it’s all portable, but ... it’s necessary, it’s necessary! Moreover, this all happens, usually only at the beginning of pregnancy.


Watch the video: Two genes likely play key role in extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. UCLA Health News (June 2024).