Healthy pleasure - beet salad with garlic. Classic and new recipes for beet salad with garlic


Beet salad with garlic can be a great addition to a festive dinner or a family dinner.

Beetroot-Garlic Salad: General Cooking Principles

To prepare such a salad, boil the beets. We will try to experiment with the classic recipe and add to it everything that previously seemed impossible. But still note that such a root crop should be well cooked, the taste of the salad depends on it. It boils for about one hour, depending on the size. You can check the cooking root with a fork or knife. It should be soft.

Before boiling the beets, wash them thoroughly, but in no case remove the peel, otherwise the vegetable will give up its entire coloring element to the water.

In order not to lose your time when making beetroot-garlic salad, quickly peel the garlic, easily cut off the edges of the clove and press the garlic with the flat side of the knife. The husk disappears by itself and does not force you to mess around for a long time.

If we talk about the principle of making such a salad, it is always grated beets, squeezed garlic and mayonnaise. All the ingredients are mixed and immediately served on the table, as the red juice begins to stand out and this makes the aesthetic appearance of the salad disappear.

We will try to diversify such a familiar salad and add new ingredients to it.

Salad with beet "Classic"


• One medium beet;

• 15 walnuts;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

For dressing, we will immediately prepare garlic sauce; to do this, quickly clean the garlic, how to do this you can read in the general principles of making beetroot-garlic salad. Now chop all four cloves of garlic and mix with mayonnaise. Refueling is ready.

Now proceed to the main stage, rub the root and chop the nut. Walnuts can be chopped with a knife. You can grind with a coffee grinder or food processor.

It remains only to combine all the ingredients and arrange the salad on the table. Enjoy your meal!

Liquid vinaigrette


• Medium sized beets;

• Two potatoes;

• One medium carrot;

• Vinegar;

• Three canned cucumbers;

• Head of garlic;

• Lightly salted salmon;

• Two onions;

• Canned peas;

• 1 teaspoon sugar.

Cooking method

The remaining ingredients are salt, pepper, olive and sunflower oils, you can take them to your own taste.

And so, the principle of cooking is practically no different from the usual salad. But here garlic is added for spice, so watch the process carefully.

Wash vegetables well and cook, how to do this, you can read in the general principles of making beetroot-garlic salad. To save space, boil all vegetables except beets in one pan.

Finely chop the onion and mix it together with the sugar and vinegar. Peel all the vegetables and cut into small slices. Do not pour out the decoction. It can be useful to you at the end of cooking.

Cut the cucumbers into convenient pieces and mix them with boiled vegetables, mix well, add oil, salt and pepper to the vegetable mixture.

Peel the garlic, an easy way to peel the garlic, read above. Throw it in a mixture of vegetables without cutting.

Onions can be washed a little after such a marinade, but if you can not stand the smell of vinegar, leave the chopped onions for 10 minutes in warm warm water. The smell will evaporate - the effect will remain. Add the prepared onion to the vegetables and put the salad in the fridge.

After an hour, remove the salad and use a blender to turn the vegetables into mush. If it comes out too thick, add some beet broth.

Serve beetroot salad and other vegetables in deep plates. Put a handful of peas and chopped salmon on each serving.

Beet salad with pomegranate


• Beet - 0.5 kg;

• Garlic - 1 head;

• Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;

• Pomegranate seeds - 1 cup;

• Sour cream - 200 grams.

Cooking method

Prepare the sauce immediately for dressing. Sour cream and garlic need to combine. To do this, peel the garlic, as it is indicated at the very beginning of the article (basic principles of making beetroot-garlic salad). Now skip the garlic through a press and mix with sour cream, do not forget that the finished sauce is stored only in closed containers.

Now let's take the main ingredient of the salad. Finely rub the cooked beets, mix with half the dressing.

Cook the eggs in steep.

Clean the grenade. There are many ways to clean the pomegranate grain, we will choose the easiest. Remove the top of the grenade. Do not be afraid to damage the grain. Now move the sharp knife across the veins of the fruit, turn the pomegranate over the top with your feet and knock it, preferably on a cutting board. A sufficient amount of grain is poured from the pomegranate.

Now let's start forming our beet salad with garlic. To do this, take a special form for salads, with which you distribute it into small round portions.

At the bottom of the molds, place the beets, now sprinkle them with a handful of pomegranate seeds, and spread a little cream on this layer. Now lay grated eggs, a small amount, 1 or 2 teaspoons. Resort to the sauce again. Spread out a layered salad until the very end of the form, do not forget to coat it with sour cream and garlic mixture.

Now cover the salad with a plate in which you plan to serve it, and gently turn it over. Beet miracle is ready, you can serve it.

Beet salad with raisins


• Beetroot - one big fruit

• Garlic - two heads;

• Raisin - two handfuls;

• Fat sour cream or yogurt - 100 grams;

• Parmesan - 50 grams;

• Salt to taste.

Cooking method

Beets for this recipe is best baked. To do this, wrap it in foil and put it in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

While the beets are baking, prepare other foods. Raisins are best to pour boiling water and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Peel the garlic as we have indicated in the general principles of cooking. Now finely chop it and set aside.

Parmesan is better to grate on a coarse grater in a long strip.

When the beets are cooked, grate it on the same grater as the cheese and combine with raisins and garlic. Add to the mass of yogurt or sour cream, and mix everything thoroughly.

Served salad in a separate plate, and is prepared immediately before serving. To decorate, sprinkle beetroot salad with garlic and grated parmesan raisin, add some raisins to the plate to decorate.

Cooking salad over.

Beetroot salad with feta


• Beetroot - 1 medium root vegetable;

• Feta cheese - 200 grams;

• Head of garlic;

• Romano salad;

• Balsamic vinegar.

Cooking method

Boil beets for salad. Pre-rinse the romano lettuce well.

Since feta is a very fragile cheese, just break it into small pieces.

Garlic can be cleaned in the way we talked about in the general principles of making beet salads. Cut it is not very small, you can simply cut the teeth into 4 pieces.

Beetroot free from the peel and cut into cubes, the size depends on how you broke the feta cheese. Be careful here, depends on the presentability of the salad.

Put romano lettuce on the bottom of a deep plate, then beet cubes, now garlic, at the very end there should go feta cheese. Pour over all the balsamic vinegar, add a little salt and pepper.

Spicy salad is ready, mix the ingredients better after serving.

Fresh beetroot and garlic salad


• Medium beet;

• Two medium carrots;

• Mayonnaise - 100 grams;

• Garlic - one head.

Cooking method

Preparing a salad of beets and garlic for five minutes, eaten even faster. Raw grated root vegetables in a large grater in different containers. Give the beets a little time to insist, drain the formed liquid and combine the carrots with the grated beets.

While you wait for the beets, peel the garlic cloves, as we were taught in the general principles of cooking, and pass through the press.

Combine all the ingredients together, mix, and here you have a delicious fresh salad.

Salad of beets, garlic and other vegetables


• Beets - 1 pc .;

• Carrots - 1 pc .;

• Grains of fresh corn - 1 tbsp .;

• Garlic - 2 cloves;

• Salad leaves - 100 grams;

• Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;

• Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

• Salt and pepper.

Cooking method

Pre-wash all the vegetables, peel them and put the corn grains for half an hour. Watch the grains carefully, as the ripeness of the corn may be different, and the overcooked grains will spoil the impression of the salad.

Cut raw carrot into long strips, do the same with beets. For this recipe, beets do not need to be heat treated.

Salad from beets and garlic must be refilled. For the sauce, mix salt, pepper, lemon juice, vegetable oil, soy sauce. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour.

Peel two garlic cloves and rinse. Then casually cut each part into 4 pieces.

Take a bunch of dill, as well as a little green salad and chop them in a food processor or blender.

Let's start the presentation of the salad. To do this, put the remaining lettuce leaves on the bottom of the plate, on top of them put the beets, carrots and garlic. At the end, pour the cooled corn grains, a mixture of lettuce leaves and dill and pour all the pre-cooked dressing.

Salad from beets and garlic can be served, its aroma and taste will be impeccable.

Korean beetroot with cherry


• One beet;

• One clove of garlic;

• Salt;

• Sugar;

• Ground coriander;

• Ground pepper;

• Refined oil;

• Table vinegar.

Cooking method

Beets carefully wash, boil. After cooking, give time to cool, and rub on a coarse grater, if possible, make the strips longer. If there is a grater for the Korean carrot - it will be the most suitable option, you can also use a special knife.

Grate the garlic on a coarse grater and move with the beets so that it becomes saturated with its flavor. Add to the mixture 2 teaspoons of coriander, salt and pepper to taste.

Fill the resulting salad with five spoons of butter. Cooked beets are hidden in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours and covered with plastic wrap.



• Beets;

• Beet tops;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• Walnuts - handful;

• Lemon juice or lime juice;

• Prunes - 100 grams;

• White cheese - 150 grams;

• Olive oil-3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method

The remaining ingredients are salt, pepper, you can taste their proportions.

To prepare this wonderful salad, prepare three important ingredients. The first is garlic, process it as we have indicated in the basic principles of making beetroot-garlic salad. Now boil the beets, the correctness of this process also compare with the description at the very beginning of the article. And the third ingredient is prunes, wash it with running water several times and be sure to dip it in boiling water for half an hour.

Now let's do the rest of the ingredients.

Split the walnuts and chop a little. Wash the tops thoroughly and finely shred. Cheese can be cut, you can break. Cheese crumble strongly - it is better to choose the second option, but you need to break into small pieces.

Mix lemon juice and olive oil with salt and pepper.

Now cut the beets into blocks, if the fruit is very large cut in half. Prune cut in half. Combine all the ingredients and fill the prepared dressing.

Beets with Pie and Curd


• Medium beet;

• Low-fat cottage cheese - 50 grams;

• Cumin;

• Milk - 50 milliliters;

• Pepper and salt;

• Garlic.

Cooking method

Peel the garlic, the principle of fast processing can be read above. Salad from beets and garlic is better to cook boiled beets, but you can use the slow cooker to process it.

Chop the main ingredient with a grater, and grate all garlic on the grate. Let the salad stand for at least 20 minutes. Now combine the milk and cottage cheese, try to mix them as best as possible. Add salt and pepper to the mixture.

Now you can combine the ingredients. To do this, mix them in a deep dish and sprinkle with cumin at the very end.

Layered beet and garlic salad


• Beef liver;

• Beets;

• Mayonnaise;

• Garlic;

• Salt.

Cooking method

The salad is made in layers, so before you start shaping it, prepare the ingredients.

Cook beets, cut into small cubes. Beef liver is also required to cook. When cooking, just add a little salt at the end so that the liver does not become rubber and hard.

Chop garlic, mix with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. The resulting sauce will need to coat the layers.

Now take a round shape for salads and start shaping the turret. At the bottom of the form lay out a little chopped beef liver. The approximate size of one layer is 1-2 centimeters. Then, blot profusely with garlic mayonnaise and place beetroot cubes on top. Again, apply the garlic mayonnaise. It is necessary to make four such layers so that during the presentation the turret does not break. Do not regret mayonnaise, since the layers are thick, they need to be well soaked.

Now turn the form on a plate and bring the guests a wonderful beet salad with garlic with the addition of liver.

Garlic Beetroot Salad - Secrets and Tips

  • To neutralize the smell of garlic - rub your hands on the metal shell, the smell will disappear immediately.
  • Do not overcook the beets, otherwise it will become too soft, and the salad will look like mashed potatoes, which is not typical. If there is a desire, process the beets in a slow cooker, for this you need to wash and peel it, remove the tail and the remains of the tops. If the salad says chop it into cubes, then immediately do so. If it is worth rubbing beets, then put a root vegetable cut into two parts in a slow cooker. It is processed in a slow cooker for no more than 20 minutes.
  • There is also the option of roasting beets. It does not need a lot of effort, just wrap the beets in foil and put in the oven. To the beets are not burned, take a glass of salt, you can sea, and sprinkle it on a baking sheet, and already on this layer lay out beets.
  • In variants of salads with raw root vegetables, when buying, pay attention to soft root vegetables.


Watch the video: How To Roast Beets - Clean & Delicious (June 2024).