Do not rush to throw the husk from the bow! The benefits of onion peel for health, beauty, at home


Onion peel is one of the universal remedies that has healing properties, is used in everyday life, to maintain beauty and health, and much more. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, active substances and minerals.

Benefits for the body:

- natural immunostimulant;

- due to the presence of natural oxidants, aging processes are slowed down;

- improves blood circulation, helps to remove cholesterol from the body and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

- will help lower blood pressure;

- prevents the formation of substances that contribute to the appearance of allergies;

- has a cold and healing effect.


Onion peel has found wide application in folk medicine. On its basis, there are many recipes for tinctures and decoctions for internal and external use:

1. For skin diseases, an oil or ointment is made on the basis of the husk.

2. With high blood pressure, chopped onion husk is added to the tea leaves.

3. At the first manifestations of a cold, asthma, runny nose, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, loss of voice, with a disease

urethra, allergies are consumed.

4. With cuts, injuries and hematomas from onion peels, lotions are made.

5. Foot baths with husks are used for varicose veins.

6. Helps with digestive disorders.

7. Helps establish heart function.

8. With diabetes, a decoction of the husk will reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.

9. Infusion based on onion peel is an excellent tool in the fight against stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Contraindications and safe uses

The use of onion peel for medicinal purposes is prohibited, with an acute form of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, with increased blood coagulability, alcohol consumption, and incompatibility with the drug.

To maintain beauty, onion peel is used as a rinse and hair dye, ice cubes obtained from frozen tinctures will give your skin a fresh and healthy look, the ointment will help get rid of warts, dermatitis, boils, corns and acne.

In everyday life, onion peel is used to dye wool, fertilize indoor plants and as an aid in caring for them, rid the soil of fungus, relieve indoor pests, and thanks to the bactericidal properties of onion peel, vegetables and fruits last longer, and is used as a food coloring.


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