Haley's diet Pomeroy and the metabolic effect: a panacea or an advertising move? The essence of the Hayley Pomeroy diet and sample menu


Anyone who at least once thought about losing weight, probably heard about the importance of metabolism in the process of assimilation of nutrients by the body and the "postponement" of fat deposits in undesirable parts of the body.

Often from women you can hear a story about how "girlfriend eats cakes, jamming sweets, and does not get fat", and complaints about his figure expanding "from one cookie per week." To instill such ladies in the belief in success, American Haley Pomeroy built a diet based on accelerated metabolism.

In the past, a livestock specialist, having abandoned horse care, Pomeroy today has his own weight loss clinic, helping Hollywood stars get rid of obesity. The Haley Pomeroy diet is described in her book, Diet to Boost Metabolism, where she suggests losing weight without fasting and counting calories. The diet has not yet received objective scientific confirmation, but many people who stick to it claim that the proposed scheme is effective.

The book is large, it contains convenient tables for planning meals.

How Hayley Pomroy Explains His Diet

Confident that she knows why an overweight person does not lose weight on any of the diets, even on “drying”, with tireless physical exertion, Pomeroy claims about the effectiveness of his system, which is radically different from the rest.

"Revolution in eating behavior" - this is what Hailey Pomeroy calls his diet, and claims that in 28 days the patient easily drops from 10 kilograms. The author insists that overweight is not formed due to overeating, but because of metabolic disturbances. That is, all responsibility for excess weight is transferred from the person to the circumstances. It was this psychological trick, to a greater extent, that helped Haley quickly achieve popularity. What is the "metabolic theory" from the point of view of Pomeroy?

About metabolism

According to the latest scientific information, genes predetermine human metabolism by 10%. The rest, whether the metabolism will be slow, accelerated, or within normal limits, depends solely on each individual person.

The determining factors of metabolism are:

• physical activity;

• nutrition;

• weight;

• age;

• gender;

• daily regime;

• exposure to stress;

• the presence / absence of chronic diseases.

Adherents of metabolic theory believe that by type of figure you can determine the metabolic rate of a person and choose a metabolic diet for him.

What type of figure indicates problems:

mesomorphic (normal metabolism) - is athletic, with the right proportions, physique, and a slow set of body fat;

ectomorphic (accelerated metabolism) - a lean body structure, not prone to weight gain;

endomorphic (slow metabolism) - a rounded physique, initially overweight, easily gaining both fat and muscle mass, are prone to rapid weight gain.

It is the latter type of figure that needs a "metabolic" correction of lifestyle - proper nutrition and moderate physical exertion.

Three-phase metabolic diet Haley Pomeroy

Only 28 days the test time lasts for a tough regime of eating food. The main requirement of the author is strict adherence to all diet rules, and if deviation from them is allowed once, then the diet must be started anew. Each week of "good nutrition" is divided into three phases.

First phase

A relaxing phase whose goal is to relieve stress and calm the adrenal glands. The phase lasts two days, in which the metabolism is gradually accelerated, adaptation to the new regime and change in nutrition occurs.

Haley Pomeroy recommends eating foods with a high glycemic index and complex carbohydrates in the first two days. The amount of protein should be small, and fat in a minimum amount.

Foods ideal for the first phase are cereals, non-starchy vegetables, easily digestible meat, oatmeal, apples, mangoes, pineapples, brown rice and kiwi rich in vitamins B and C.

Power scheme in the first phase:

• Breakfast: fruits, cereals;

• Snacks - fruits;

• Lunch - cereals, protein, vegetables, fruits;

• Dinner - vegetables, cereals, protein.

Variations of the first phase menu:

1 day (option 1)

• Breakfast - fruit salad;

• Snack - banana;

• Lunch - porridge made from whole grains and sweet fruits;

• Snack - mandarin;

• Dinner - a glass of kefir, fruit salad.

1 Day (option 2)

• Breakfast - oatmeal with apple;

• Snack - orange;

• Lunch - whole grain bread toast with vegetables and chicken breast;

• Snack - an apple;

• Dinner - soup with chicken and barley groats, vegetables.

Day 2 (option 1)

• Breakfast - oatmeal pancakes, fruit smoothie;

• Snack - steamed Chinese pear;

• Lunch - chicken breast with arugula, a glass of chicken broth;

• Snack - fresh fruit salad;

• Dinner - 1 plate of pearl barley soup with chicken.

Day 2 (option 2)

• Breakfast - smoothie with apple and tangerine, with the addition of oatmeal;

• Snack - carrot;

• Lunch - thick soup with chicken and vegetables, vegetable salad with soy sauce and lemon juice;

• Snack - tomato;

• Dinner - chicken-pike cutlet, radish salad with green onions.

In the first phase, Hayley calls for aerobic exercise, cardio, and jogging.

Second phase

The mission of the second phase (3 and 4 days) is to accelerate the breakdown of fat reserves and muscle growth. Pomeroy calls this phase "unlocking" and explains that at this time, body fat is used by the body to maintain vital activity, that is, it self-destructs.

The basis of the diet of the second phase is protein, with a minimum amount of fat and a moderate addition of fiber (carbohydrates). Porridge and fruit are prohibited in this phase.

Cabbage, onions, spinach, mushrooms, eggs, chicken, rabbit, beef and turkey are “friends” for both days of the second phase.

The power supply circuit in the second phase:

• For breakfast, lunch and dinner - protein foods with vegetables;

• Snack - pure protein.

Variations of the second phase menu:

3 Day (option 1)

• Breakfast - meatballs from turkey, cucumber;

• Snack - shrimp;

• Lunch - broth with turkey, cucumber;

• Snack - shrimp;

• Dinner - egg whites, cabbage salad with cucumber without oil.

3 Day (option 2)

• Breakfast - an omelet from two proteins, onions, tomato and pepper;

• Snack - chicken meatballs;

• Lunch - boiled beef, salad of tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper;

• Snack - mussels with onions;

• Dinner - fish with fresh cucumbers.

Day 4 (option 1)

• Breakfast - a piece of chicken breast, cucumber;

• Snack - turkey rolls;

• Lunch - cod with spinach salad;

• Snack - turkey ham with celery root;

• Dinner - stew with cabbage.

Day 4 (option 2)

• Breakfast - protein omelet, cucumber salad and lettuce with lemon juice, half grapefruit;

• Snack - ham;

• Lunch - baked veal with a side dish of cauliflower;

• Snack - tuna;

• Dinner: Baked chicken (veal) with steamed cauliflower or broccoli.

As physical activity, Haley assigns strength exercises.

Third phase

Accelerate fat burning and normalize metabolic processes - the main task of the third phase (the last three days of the "diet week"). This is achieved by increasing the diet of natural fatty foods, and reducing the amount of protein and carbohydrate.

A lot of nuts, berries, seeds, as well as vegetable oil, red fish, olives, legumes, non-starchy vegetables and fruits.

Phase 3 power scheme:

• Breakfast - fatty and protein foods, porridge with vegetables;

• Snacks - fatty and protein foods, vegetables;

• Lunch - fat, protein with fruits and vegetables;

• Dinner - protein, fat, vegetables, cereals and starchy vegetables are acceptable.

Phase Three Menu Options

5 Day (option 1)

• Breakfast - oatmeal with steamed pear;

• Snack - fritters from a veal liver;

• Lunch - a salad of one egg, chicken breast and spinach;

• Snack - 15 almonds;

• Dinner - 1 bowl of fried vegetables with shrimp and brown rice.

Day 5 (option 2)

• Breakfast - whole grain cereal with fruit and an egg with a cucumber;

• Snack - stew with cucumber;

• Lunch - meat, fresh vegetable salad with butter, pear;

• Snack - stew with lettuce;

• Dinner - grilled red fish with fresh vegetables, an apple.

6 Day (option 1)

• Breakfast - omelet with vegetables;

• Snack - half an avocado;

• Lunch - soup with lentils and chicken, a salad of orange and onions, seasoned with sesame oil;

• Snack - peanuts;

• Dinner - 2 chicken cutlets with pike, vegetable salad.

6 Day (option 2)

• Breakfast - avocado and cod liver with whole grain tortillas;

• Snack - toast with butter and cucumbers (berries) walnuts;

• Lunch - half a bowl of hummus with a cucumber;

• Snack - fried vegetables with shrimp;

• Dinner - a stalk of celery, 2 tablespoons of unrefined almond oil, pita rolls with turkey.

Day 7 (option 1)

• Breakfast - whole grain bread toast, 2 tablespoons of hummus;

• Snack - half an avocado;

• Lunch - some porridge, vegetables, a piece of white meat;

• Snack - almond nuts;

• Dinner - cutlet with a salad of radish and carrots, seasoned with sesame oil.

Day 7 (option 2)

• Breakfast - toast with boiled egg, fresh tomato, onion;

• Snack - half an avocado;

• Lunch - salad with tuna and Beijing cabbage;

• Snack - sea cocktail;

• Dinner - chicken curry with vegetables.

Pilates, yoga, Hadu, fly yoga and massage are the best types of physical activity in the third phase.

A hateful violation of the sequence of phases in weeks, the Hailey Pomeroy diet does not accept. It is in this sequence that each of the four weeks should pass. The author convinces that with each subsequent week the effect of weight loss should accelerate.

Basic dietary requirements

1. A complete rejection of dairy products, sugar, fruit juices, coffee, alcoholic beverages, tea, any food made from corn or wheat.

2. A full meal three times a day.

3. Snack between meals no more than twice a day.

4. Avoid breaks between meals for more than three hours.

5. Eat only after complete digestion of previously eaten food.

6. Have breakfast within half an hour after waking up.

7. Drink two liters of water daily.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a diet reviews

What do you like:

• varied nutrition;

• lack of hunger;

• no need to count calories;

• unlimited servings of food;

• steady effect;

• with strict adherence - rapid weight loss.

What are the problems:

• low daily calorie intake;

• lack of carbohydrates on days of intense stress;

• the diet is "expensive";

• need adaptation to the diet;

• compulsory physical activity every day;

• not for vegetarians;

• difficult to understand and not break.

The Haley Pomeroy diet found a large number of skeptics. In their opinion, there is no metabolic effect, and the diet is a banal PR move. By counting the number of kilocalories in the daily diet offered by Pomroy, it is easy to find that it does not exceed 1500. This is enough to lose weight. Whatever the metabolism, but if the body does not have enough energy from food, it will absorb its own reserves.

But there is a category of people who really lose 10 kg per course. Perhaps one of them will be you?
