Althaea officinalis. How to safely and effectively use the marshmallow in the fight against various diseases?


The use of alternative recipes can be a great addition to the main prescribed therapy. Medicinal marshmallow is a plant with a pronounced pharmacological effect, used in gynecology, urology (as an anti-inflammatory), gastroenterology, pulmonology as an expectorant, antitussive.

But mindlessly resorting to naturopathy is impossible. Large dosages of marshmallow cause dangerous side effects. Plants are not a panacea, much less a solution to all problems. Before use, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Useful properties, composition

The composition of the marshmallow, all its parts, includes such substances:

Polysaccharides. They account for up to 40% of all useful compounds. Due to the presence of complex substances, marshmallow has the ability to lower blood sugar, which is important for diabetics. He does not give guarantees, but reduces the risks of the adverse effects of diabetes. Polysaccharides are also useful for losing weight. They provide normal catabolism (breakdown of fats), prevent excessive deposition of fats. The effect of reducing body weight is achieved faster.

Minerals, vitamins. They cover the daily need of a person almost completely. Therefore, remedies based on marshmallow are indispensable in the treatment of colds, infectious diseases, and restoration of immunity.

Organic acids. Provide effective work of the respiratory system. Artificially provoke the work of the ciliated epithelium located in the bronchi. This ensures the discharge of mucus in pneumonia and other conditions. At the same time, use in slightly larger dosages gives the exact opposite result. The cough reflex is inhibited. This should be considered when determining the treatment regimen.

Vitamin C. Promotes the active production of interferon. It is necessary for the body's natural fight against infectious agents. It is possible to use preparations of Althea, including for the prevention of inflammatory diseases.

In addition to these substances, the composition includes starch, lecithin, which helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body, pectin.


An approximate list of the grounds for the use of Althea preparations:

Inflammatory diseases of an infectious origin. Regardless of the location of the lesion. Marshmallow is actively used in urology, gynecology, otolaryngology (ENT practice) as a means for rinsing, douching. Perhaps washing the wounds with a solution of marshmallow, applying crushed leaves. The plant prevents infection of wounds, due to the high concentration of organic acids disinfects the area.

Diabetes. Helps to keep sugar within normal limits due to the high concentration of polysaccharides. But with excessive use, the opposite effect is possible. This is the result of the action of starch.

Cardiovascular diseases. Atherosclerosis, hypertension. Lecithin removes cholesterol, normalizes the metabolism. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vessels, destroys the already formed. The effect is only in the early stages. When the plaque was calcified, it became stiff; it is pointless to use marshmallows. Due to the ability to reduce vascular tone, prevent the synthesis of angiotensin-2, renin, partially aldosterone, marshmallow reduces blood pressure. Overdose should be avoided. Dangerous effects from the heart and blood vessels are possible.

Colds, infectious pathologies. To increase local and general immunity, the synthesis of interferon, vitamin support for the body in a crisis period.

Obesity. Marshmallow activates metabolism, catabolism. Fats are burned faster. When used correctly, the plant replaces expensive, dangerous drugs for weight loss. A folk remedy is effective in the framework of a complex effect: diet, plus adequate physical activity and marshmallows in the form of a decoction (not tinctures).

Dermatological problems. Benign neoplasms on the skin. Folk remedies for papillomas include marshmallow broth, fresh crushed leaves. All parts of the plant have the ability to reduce the proliferative activity of cells (reduce the rate of division and generally inhibit it), inhibit the activity of the human papilloma virus, which is responsible for the formation of aesthetically unpleasant warts. Folk remedies for papillomas based on the marshmallow require prolonged use according to a clear pattern.

Diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by cough. Marshmallow removes sputum, in a larger dosage inhibits the cough reflex.

Diseases of the stomach, duodenum. As an enveloping, sedative. Relieves pain, dyspeptic symptoms.

Indications for use are wide, but it is important to choose the right dosage.


Absolute only one thing - individual intolerance to the marshmallow. An allergic reaction is visible after administration, this is the problem. However, there is a way to check for an immune response. To do this, it is recommended to drip the juice of the plant onto clean, healthy skin. Allergy will manifest itself as redness, itching, burning. Even the absence of an effect does not guarantee normal oral tolerance. Therefore, for the first time it is worth taking the drug in a lower dosage than prescribed.

Diabetes mellitus is the basis for the careful, verified use of Althea-based products. The same applies to pneumonia and generally lung diseases, bronchi, cardiovascular problems. The risk of adverse events is growing. Pregnancy, lactation are also considered contraindications for oral administration. Substances cross the placental barrier, and during feeding, into breast milk. Rinses, douching are admissible. Outdoor application.

Side effects, overdose

Overdose manifests itself in a number of phenomena:

Drop in blood pressure. It manifests itself as weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headache.

Rising blood sugar.

Allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity. From simple skin rashes, hives to Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, an attack of bronchial asthma.

Inability to discharge sputum. Even if she is. Large doses of Althea drugs inhibit the cough reflex, act in the opposite way.

Among the side effects, itchy skin can be distinguished as an allergic reaction. Especially often it occurs with the systematic use of folk remedies against papillomas. Hypersensitization of the body occurs (increased sensitivity). Therefore, it is recommended from time to time to take breaks in the course use of the drug. For example, use a decoction or juice according to this scheme: 2 weeks 3 times a day to process the formation, then a 3-4 day break and so on for an indefinitely long time.

Folk recipes and precautions

The following methods of application of the marshmallow are widespread.

• Decoction. 200 grams of raw material per 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 40 minutes, drink half a glass 2 times a day for at least 7 days. Perhaps the repetition of the course according to indications. The dosage is strict, no more than 100-130 ml at a time, no more than 260 per day. Decoction can gargle, douching mucous membranes. There are no restrictions in this case. In the absence of allergies.

The juice. Purely used for local use. Folk remedies for papillomas are used intermittently. As stated above. Long-term use is fraught with the development of allergies, especially if there is a predisposition.

Crushed leaves. As a compress. Superimposed on the affected area. The essence is the same as in the case of juice.

Althea tincture reduces the effectiveness of the plant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, digestive tract pathologies. Therefore, it is not prescribed in such conditions.

Althaea officinalis is used as a means to combat inflammatory, infectious processes. As a mucolytic and antitussive. The scope is quite wide. But the plant is "capricious" in terms of dosage selection and with illiterate use it will be more likely harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with your doctor and not to self-medicate.


Watch the video: 7 Unbelievable Things Marshmallow Root Can Do To Your Body. (June 2024).