Pancakes with cornmeal: a magnificent beautiful dessert on kefir. How to Make Corn Pancakes: A Step-by-Step Photo-Recipe


Do you like pancakes? You know, these American pancakes are very firmly established in our family menu. I cook them often enough and like to try new tastes. We have already tested pancakes with pumpkin, apples, chocolate, and the time has come to try pancakes with cornmeal.

In addition to being bright in spring, they are also delicious. The structure of the test is not familiar, but it is no less tasty. The slide of pancakes disappeared from the table in minutes. And this, I tell you, is an excellent result - that means the recipe was a success. Inspired by this success, I hasten to share the recipe with you.


Kefir - 1 tbsp .;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Sugar - 600 g;

Baking powder - 10 g;

Wheat flour - 100 g;

Corn flour - 120 g;

Vegetable oil - 15 ml.


To make a lush dough, combine eggs and sugar in a bowl. Beat them using a mixer or whisk.

Now you can add kefir and two types of flour to the dough. Do not forget about the baking powder. What to do if a baking powder has run out in a house? Replace it with soda. If a baking powder needs a teaspoon, then half a teaspoon will be enough soda. It is not necessary to extinguish it separately, since dairy products do a good job of this.

Mix the dough thoroughly so that there are no lumps and leave for 5-10 minutes. The dough should rest. Cornmeal will swell a little, and wheat flour will gluten and your pancakes will go well.

In a frying pan, we heat just a little vegetable oil, add the rest to the dough. Scoop the dough with a small ladle and pour it into the pan. Fry the second and subsequent pancakes in a dry pan.

After 2-3 minutes, turn the pancakes on the other side and fry for another 2-3 minutes. If you have a large frying pan, fry several fritters at once.

We add the finished pancakes in a pile, on top you can put a piece of oil. Any jam or jam, or maybe sour cream or condensed milk, just perfectly complement this baking.

Servings Per Container - 4 pcs.

Cooking time - 40 min.

Per 100 g:

Squirrels - 3.34

Fats - 2.94

Carbohydrates - 66.62

Kcal - 306.81


Watch the video: Making Cornmeal Pancakes (June 2024).