Plum bones - the benefits and features of eating a unique product. What is important to know about the dangers of plum seeds


Plum - a wonderful fruit, but rarely think about the edibility of its seeds. And on the one hand it’s right, and on the other hand, with appropriate processing, this product is unique, tasty and very healthy.

Plum bones - benefits from herbalists and the absence on the table in its purest form

One of the first fruit trees cultivated by man, plum, is known for a variety of varieties and wide fame for the whole world. Plum, this is a jam, juice, liquor, dried fruit, tkemali sauce, an addition to meat and pastries ... The list can be long.

But few people think about the taste and benefits of plum seeds.

Although the same apricot kernels are well known in the confectionery industry.

About the properties of the seeds from plum fruits, you can say about the same thing, regardless of their varietal affiliation. Yes, theoretically they are edible. More precisely, they are not the whole, but hidden under a hard, hard-to-split shell, the nucleoli.

Their qualities are completely unique and can not be compared with plum pulp.

Over a thousand years ago, in Chinese folk medicine, plum-seed alcohol tinctures were prescribed for the treatment of mainly respiratory diseases due to the anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties of tinctures.

Despite the fact that today science agrees with some views of ancient herbalists, it is unacceptable to choose a single prescription of traditional medicine for self-medication without consulting with an appropriate specialist.

But as a product that could be included in the diet, plum bones in their pure form did not receive distribution. The fact is that the counterweight to the beneficial substances in their composition was the harm to this part of the plum.

True, if you eat plum seed oil, you will have excellent taste, good, and zero harm.

What can be the harm from plum seeds

Theoretically, if you accidentally swallow a plum bone, there will be no harm. Of course, this will be a burden for the gastrointestinal tract and it is recommended that you soon eat something like porridge, mashed vegetables, drink sour milk, that is, adjust the menu to facilitate the natural and quick removal of fruit bones from the body.

There will also be no harm from the plum bone if it happens to eat literally 1-2 nucleoli, and this will not even load the digestive tract.

But it is very valuable for maintaining health and even life that the plum bones contain a substance called amygdalin from the group of cyanogenic glycosides.

Once in the human digestive tract, amygdalin falls under the action of microflora and enzymes that convert it in such a way that hydrocyanic acid appears in the body, which, at a certain level of accumulation, is a serious danger.

However, it should be noted that many culinary specialists prepare compotes and jams from plums without first removing the seeds from the fruits. This is done out of personal habits, and also because, for example, in a compote of such whole fruits, the contents are more beautiful and neat, and the liquid is more transparent.

And to eat blanks from plums, if you have not chosen seeds from it, is completely safe.

Because in the process of thermal prolonged exposure, a special destruction of harmful substances occurs to a partially safe state, that is, nothing poisonous is emitted from the seeds, at least to the jam, even to the compote (and nobody eats the bones themselves from the blanks).

But this is only the first time. Similar to apricots and cherries (and a number of other fruits), plum preserves and fruit compotes with pits cannot be stored for a long time.

Already after 6-8 months, a maximum of a year, they can detect gradually accumulating harmful substances that can lead to severe poisoning.

But if you discard the bones and then cook the blanks, roll them in banks - you can store them for months without any fear.

How plum oil maximizes the benefits of plum seed

To obtain oil, plum bones are dried, then cracked and kernels containing 40% fat are selected. Get it by cold pressing (cold) pressing.

Thanks to this production technology, unrefined (unrefined) plum seed oil, otherwise known as plum oil, retains all the positive characteristics given to it by nature.

There is something fruity in the taste of this oil, but the main thing is its unusual aroma, in which the almond shade prevails with hints of marzipan.

Like other vegetable oils, plum has a high energy value - almost 900 kcal per 100 ml.

Plum seed oil was widely used in the cuisines of France and southern Italy, Spain, as well as in Japan (elite sushi is prepared here with it).

Salads, cold and hot appetizers are seasoned with plum oil, added to desserts, used for marinades and sauces, for the preparation of bakery products and main dishes.

Plum oil has a high degree of combustion - 180 degrees, which allows it to be used for quick frying of ingredients.

Almost 92% of the oil composition is accounted for by fatty acids - polyunsaturated (Omega-3, Omega-6) and monounsaturated (Omega-9).

Their influence covers all human health in general:

· The body becomes more resistant to high physical exertion;

· Improves the state of the cardiovascular system;

· Inflammatory processes come to naught - from internal organs to external damage to the skin;

· Memory improves and problems with it are prevented in old age.

We must not forget about vitamin E, which directly and powerfully affects women's beauty - thanks to it, the hair is silky, fluffy and obedient, and the skin literally shines with youth and velvety impeccable tone.

In addition, tocopherol is necessary for vision and plays the role of an antioxidant that protects cells from the damaging, aging effects of free radicals.

It is not at all useful to consume as much as 100 ml of plum oil per day (you need to monitor fats and calories!), But it is useful to know that such a volume, theoretically, can provide 800% of the daily norm in vitamin E.

But this is not the only benefit of the plum bone in the form of oil, it is also:

· Cleanses the body, accelerating the removal of toxins and toxic substances;

· Accelerates the metabolism;

· Stimulates appetite and normalizes digestion;

· With regular use - protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, giving it partial immunity to UV radiation.

Is there any harm from plum seeds processed into oil

As for the harm of plum oil, scientists have not yet identified serious contraindications to its use, with the exception of individual intolerance to the product (but this phenomenon is very rare).

That is, it can be present in the diet of women who are expecting a baby and during breastfeeding.

But do not get carried away with this vegetable fat, because its ultra-high energy value already mentioned above may well become the reason for gaining excess weight.


Watch the video: The Shocking Truth about Hybrid Foods and the Raw Food Diet (June 2024).