Diet sauces - a wealth of taste without harm to the figure! Recipes for diet sauces from yogurt, sour cream, tomatoes and other vegetables


Any diet food will be tastier if served with the right sauce. A good dressing will complement a boring salad, boiled breast or baked fish. With it, a diet dish will sparkle with new tastes, and a boring diet will become much more fun. Your attention is a selection of low-calorie sauces for all occasions. Losing weight can be tastier!

Dietary sauces - general principles of preparation

The base of any sauce is liquid or viscous products. Usually these are yogurts, vegetable purees and juices, broths, sour cream, soft cottage cheese. Do not forget that for diet recipes it is better to use ingredients with minimal fat content. Oil can be added to the sauce or used in the cooking process, but it should not be much. It is better to take olive oil or coconut, they have pleasant tastes, fresh they are very useful and easy to digest.

What is added to sauces:

• fresh, sautéed or boiled vegetables;

• cheese, eggs;

• horseradish, mustard, adjika;

• various spices.

Do not use a lot of salt for refueling, as it interferes with losing weight. Flour and starch belong to high-calorie foods, but you do not need to pay attention to this. A small amount is used for sauces, but it can coolly change the texture. If sugar is indicated in the recipe you like, you can exclude it or replace it with honey. You need to be more careful with soy sauce, purchased mustard and other industrial additives. Often they contain a lot of sugar, thickeners, preservatives, which will only harm the body.

Fake mayonnaise diet sauce

A variant of a very simple diet sauce that tastes like mayonnaise. Suitable for poultry, fish, salads, meat and it is truly universal. You can add garlic to it to taste.


• 200 g of natural yogurt;

• 1 tsp mustard;

• salt pepper;

• egg;

• 1 tsp lemon juice.


1. Boil an egg, take out the yolk, we do not need protein. Grind the yolk until smooth, salt, pepper, add mustard with lemon juice.

2. Continue stirring, gradually introduce natural yogurt. We choose a thick product so that the sauce does not turn out liquid, does not drain from the dish.

3. If desired, squeeze a clove of garlic, throw a little dill, it all depends on which dish the sauce will be served to.

4. We use the sauce immediately, it does not need to be infused. If fresh vegetables and greens were not added, then in the refrigerator it will stand perfectly for two days provided that fresh yogurt is used.

Diet Tomato Tomato Sauce

A recipe for a very tender and dietary tomato sauce, which will be a great alternative to purchased ketchups with an incomprehensible composition, thickeners and starch.


• 1 kg of tomatoes;

• a spoon of olive oil;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp ground paprika;

• 0.3 tsp red pepper;

• 0.5 tsp coriander kernels;

• clove;

• five peas of black pepper.


1. Boil a little water in a saucepan, a liter is enough. Throw tomatoes with notched skin, stand for several seconds, catch with a slotted spoon and pretend to be in a bowl of cold water. Remove the peel.

2. Cut the tomatoes into pieces, drop them into a cup, grind them with a blender. You can twist the tomatoes. If you want to get a very tender sauce, you can take out the seeds, use only pure pulp of tomatoes.

3. Pour a little oil into the saucepan, put the chopped garlic cloves, fry for a few seconds.

4. Add tomatoes, boil the sauce after boiling for about five minutes, salt, throw one clove.

5. Add paprika, crushed peppercorns. For sharpness, put the red ground pepper. Its quantity is adjustable to your taste. Let the sauce boil for a minute, remove from heat.

6. After cooling, it is advisable to remove the clove, the sauce is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for several days. If desired, you can add a little vinegar, for greater reliability.

Sour cream, garlic and cottage cheese diet sauce

A variant of sour cream diet curd. Use a product with minimal fat content, usually 10%. Missing taste and density can easily be adjusted with cottage cheese.


• 150 g sour cream;

• 70 g fat-free cottage cheese;

• 15 g of garlic;

• salt, pepper, dill.


1. Cottage cheese is good to knead or rub. You can put it in a blender and grind immediately with garlic. Or chop the cloves separately, combine with the curd brought to uniformity.

2. Mix sour cream with cottage cheese and garlic, pepper and salt. Thoroughly grind the mass or quickly beat with a blender. In this case, the sauce is homogeneous, light, tender.

3. Cut several branches of dill, add to the sauce. We use it as a salad dressing, serve with meat, poultry or baked vegetables.

Tsatsiki's diet sauce (zaziki)

A variation of Greek diet yogurt sauce. He is preparing with fresh cucumbers. Despite the low calorie content, it turns out to be pleasant, rich, complement any dish of chicken, fish, vegetables or cereals.


• 200 g of yogurt;

• two cloves of garlic;

• two cucumbers;

• 10 ml of olive oil;

• salt, herbs, pepper.


1. Rub the cucumbers. If the skin is rough or large seeds inside, then we get rid of all unnecessary. Sprinkle the grated vegetable with salt, mix, leave for fifteen minutes.

2. While you can chop a couple of cloves of garlic, combine with olive oil, then pepper, dilute all this with Greek thick yogurt. If the oil does not fit into the calorie content, you can reduce the amount, but it is advisable to add it for a light flavor.

3. We return to the pickles. They have already released a lot of juice that needs to be squeezed along with excess salt. You can just do it with your hands.

4. We shift the cucumbers to the base of yogurt, stir and the sauce is ready! Let it stand for about a quarter of an hour to reveal the taste of the ingredients.

Horseradish - A Popular Diet Sauce

Horseradish, horseradish, gorloder - this is an old Russian sauce, with amazing taste and aroma. It is very simple to cook, it is perfectly stored for several months and has a very low calorie content, great for diet food.


• 1.5 kg of tomatoes;

• head of garlic;

• 40-50 g horseradish root;

• salt, a little oil.


1. The most difficult moment in the preparation of horseradish - chop horseradish. Roots are quite stiff and vigorous, cause lacrimation. They need to be carefully cleaned, cut into pieces, twisted through a meat grinder or chopped with a combine. A bag can be attached to the meat grinder so that the chips fall into it and do not irritate the eyes.

2. Peel the garlic. It should also be a lot, since the vegetable is a good preservative. Grind. You can skip the horseradish through a meat grinder.

3. Tomatoes cut into pieces, remove the seal at the attachment point with a twig, chop. The peel in the classic horseradish does not need to be removed.

4. Put in a total mass a tablespoon of salt. Stir until completely dissolved.

5. Transfer the sauce into jars or bottles. Apply a thin layer of oil on top so that mold does not accidentally appear. Close, leave in the refrigerator. It is advisable to insist on horseradish a day.

Diet Gravy Sauce

The recipe for a simple tomato sauce, which goes well with cereal dishes, legumes or side dishes from boiled vegetables.


• 500 ml of tomato juice;

• onion;

• carrot;

• a spoon of flour;

• a spoonful of oil;

• garlic, spices.


1. Pour a little oil into the pan, add the onion cut into small cubes, grated carrots in a minute, cook over low heat until soft.

2. Add flour, stir quickly so that no lumps appear, warm up for a minute. Since little oil is used, the flour will not be fried.

3. Add tomato juice, bring to a boil, stir constantly. The mass will begin to thicken.

4. After boiling, warm the sauce for a couple of minutes, add salt and pepper.

5. At the very end, we throw crushed garlic, any seasonings to improve the taste, season with herbs, laurel.

Diet onion sauce on broth

To prepare such a sauce, you will need a little chicken, meat, mushroom or vegetable broth. Remember that it should not be bold.


• 170 g of onions;

• 200 ml of broth;

• 10 g of oil;

• 90 g sour cream;

• two cloves of garlic;

• some spices.


1. Peel the onion, put it in a slightly greased frying pan, pass over low heat for a minute. Add broth, simmer under the lid until soft.

2. Remove the onion in the broth from the fire, cool slightly, then mashed with a blender or wipe through a sieve. It should make a gentle onion puree.

3. Return the mashed potatoes to the pan or transfer to a small pan, put them on the stove again.

4. Add sour cream, pepper and salt, season with garlic, warm until almost boiling.

5. Cool the finished sauce, season with green onions and dill.

Diet Sauces - Useful Tips and Tricks

• To reduce the calorie content of the sauce with fried vegetables, you can passer them in a non-stick pan or drizzle with oil, cook in the microwave or in the oven.

• If you don’t like the pale color of the sauce, you get a not very appetizing or unpleasant shade, then you can fix it with turmeric, paprika, beetroot juice and other coloring ingredients.

• Vinegar in diet sauces is better to replace with lime or lemon juice, they are much more useful.

• Ripe avocado has an oily structure; it perfectly replaces mayonnaise and other greasy dressings. You just need to add spices to the chopped pulp.


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