How to tighten your body with a set of exercises? The best sets of exercises for the whole body: options of different difficulty levels


How to make your body beautiful and fit, and health is perfectly strong?

The best assistant in this matter is sports.

Effective load: the first set of exercises for the whole body

The presented set of exercises for the whole body does not take too much time. It can be easily performed both in the gym and at home. It is based on the following exercises:

• bar;

• incomplete bridge;

• squats with weight;

• hand spread with weight;

Note! You can not perform sets of exercises without warming up on light exercises. This can harm the general condition of the body.

Plank: with and without weight

The bar is a very good strength exercise. It gives an excellent load on all muscle groups. For beginners, it will not be easy to perform. What do we have to do?

1. Sit on your stomach on the floor;

2. Lift the body to the elbows and socks;

3. Keep the body in the indicated position for exactly one minute in three sets.

For experienced athletes, this exercise can be complicated by putting weight on your back.

"Incomplete bridge"

The Incomplete Bridge works out the buttock muscles very well. How to do it?

1. On the back, sit on the floor;

2. Lift the pelvis to the top, forming a straight line with the body. At the same time, one cannot rely on elbows;

3. Hold in this position for 30 seconds;

4. Then you need to raise your hips even higher, complicating the load for 30 seconds;

5. Relax.

A more difficult version of the exercise is to put some weight on the stomach and hold the bridge with it.

Squats: with and without weight

Squats with or without weight work well not only the buttock muscles. They are well suited for calf and thigh muscles. As a weight fit dumbbells. If not, any other weighty item. How to do it right?

1. Legs should be placed across the width of the shoulders;

2. Inhalation: with dumbbells in hand, you need to slowly lower yourself until the buttocks are visually located parallel to the floor surface.

Note! The most important condition of this exercise is in no case to take your heels off the floor. This affects its effectiveness. For the health of the knees, it is important that they do not go beyond the line of socks.

3. Exhale: also slowly return to the starting position.

The exercise must be repeated several times. To get a greater load, you need to squat deeper than a parallel line.

Hands with weight

A hand-held stance is an exercise that trains the spinal muscles very well. For weight, dumbbells or another weighty item are suitable. How to carry out a scam?

1. Feet should be placed across the width of the hips;

2. Bend your knees and tilt your body forward slightly;

3. Hands should be in front of the body, lowered down, shoulder blades are reduced, and the stomach is pulled up;

4. Spread your arms with weight to the sides at the same time and not too fast.

We complicate the training: the second set of exercises for the whole body

This set of exercises for the whole body is more complex. However, it is also suitable for beginners, as it contains various options for performing heavy exercises - from the simplest to the most complex. The second set of exercises for the whole body includes:

• complicated bar;

• wave your legs;

• raising legs from three positions;

• lifting the body from two positions;

• exercises with a chair;

• push ups;

• press.

Complicated Bar

The sophisticated bar is aimed at a large study of all the muscles of the body. How to do it?

1. Sit down on the floor with your stomach;

2. Lift the body to the elbows and toes;

3. The right leg: you need to bend so that the heel touches the buttocks;

4. Left leg: bend underneath so that the knee touches the chest;

5. Keep in this position for a minute;

6. Swap legs.

To complicate the load of this exercise, you can use any weight on your back.


Swings with legs give a good load to the muscles of the hips and buttocks. You need to perform them as follows:

1. Sit on the floor in the "cat" position: face down, resting on the palms and knees;

2. The back is arched, the right leg is bent under the body at the knee;

3. The left leg serves as a support. Swing your right leg as high as possible. At the same time, with each swing, the back must be bent well, and with each descent, bend back to its original position.

4. Role the right and left leg.

Swings need to be done intensively, but not very fast. The higher you lift your leg, the higher the load from the exercise.

Leg Raise: Three Positions

Raising legs from three positions is a very good exercise, giving a load on the muscles of the hips, buttocks, abs and calf muscles. Let's consider in more detail how to perform leg lifting in different positions.

Regulation No. 1

1. On the floor you need to sit on the right side;

2. Lean the head on the arm bent at the elbow;

3. The left leg in a straight position needs to be lifted up. This should be done as high and slow as possible, with maximum load.

4. After working out the left leg, you need to change the side and work out the right leg.

Regulation No. 2

1. Located on the stomach on the floor, for convenience, you can put your hands bent at the elbows under the face;

2. Right leg: raise the leg as high as possible. This should be done slowly, without bending the legs at the knee;

3. After working out the muscles of the right leg, work out the left leg.

Regulation No. 3

1. You need to lie on the floor on your back;

2. Clasp your hands in a "lock" and place it under your head;

3. Raise as high as possible two legs at the same time, without bending at the knees.

These exercises can be performed in several approaches. Breaks between sets should not exceed minutes, and over time they need to be reduced.

Body Lift: Two Positions

Lifting the body from two positions is a very effective exercise that works well on the back muscles, abs and oblique muscles. How to do it right?

Regulation No. 1

1. On the floor lie on your left side;

2. Bend the left hand at the elbow and lean on it;

3. To lift the hips up so that they form a straight line with the body.

Exercise must be performed slowly. Holding the hips up for a while will increase the load well.

Regulation No. 2

This exercise requires the help of another person.

1. Lie on the edge of the bed as follows: the body to the hips on the bed, the body above the hips is lowered to the floor;

2. Clasp your hands into the lock and place behind your head;

3. The assistant must hold his legs securely so that they do not come off the surface of the bed;

4. Slowly perform body ups. The higher the rises, the more effective the exercise becomes.

Chair: 3 exercises

The exercises on the chair work well on the muscles of the arms and back. There are three different difficulty exercises. How to fulfill them?

The first exercise is a lightweight option and is well suited for beginners.

1. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your back, bring the shoulder blades;

2. Hands should be straight;

3. Stretch your arms up, forward, back and down. Repeat several times.

The second exercise is more complex, it must be done with dumbbells:

1. Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten well in the back;

2. Hands pressed to the body and do not tear from it;

3. Raise the dumbbells, alternately bending the arms at the elbows.

The third exercise also with dumbbells:

1. Located on the edge of the chair, lower your arms down, draw in your stomach;

2. Alternately raise your arms with weight as follows: slightly bend at the elbow, raise the hands to the level of the pelvis, then pull back, bend.

Note! Performing this exercise, you need to ensure that the shoulders are motionless. This greatly affects its effectiveness.

Push ups: 3 ways

Push-ups are a very effective exercise for the arm muscles. You can perform it in various ways.

Lightweight way:

1. Sit face down on the floor;

2. Lean on the palms of the hands and on bent knees;

3. Perform push-ups: bend your elbows and bend back.

Medium difficulty method:

1. Lean your hands on the windowsill, legs back;

2. Perform push-ups.

The hard way:

1. Sit on the floor as follows: face down, resting on elbows and socks;

2. Start doing push-ups.

Note! The lower you go down when pushing up, the stronger the load. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a straight line of the body, not to bend down and not bend up, otherwise the exercise will become ineffective.

Press: varying difficulty

Press - exercise that works well on all the muscles of the abdomen. How to do it right?

1. Sit on the floor with your back down, and load the feet with something so that they do not come off the floor;

2. Perform lifting the body up and down is not too intense. For beginners, hands can be bent at the elbows, but not lean on them. To increase the load, you need to close your hands in the "lock" behind your head.

A set of exercises for the whole body: 5 useful tips for training

After an intense workout, you must do some exercises to completely relax the body. What is it for?

• this will significantly reduce pain and eliminate the possibility of injury;

• this will eliminate the risk of dizziness and fainting, which can occur due to a lack of oxygen after a sharp interruption in the implementation of a set of exercises for the whole body.

And now we will share some useful tips that are especially useful for inexperienced athletes.

1. Individual order;

All of the above exercises should be performed in an individual amount, carefully monitoring the maximum limit of your heart rate. The following scheme will help: 220 - age = maximum heart rate. For example, if you are 30 years old, then your ripple limit is 190 (220-30 = 190). Thus, by measuring your maximum allowable heart rate during exercise, you can control their number.

2. Gradual load;

If you're a beginner, don't try hard exercise options. This will not improve the condition of your body, but rather worsen it. The load must be given gradually.

3. breath;

When doing this or that exercise, always pay attention to your breathing. If it begins to become more frequent - it's time to change the exercise to another, or at least slow down.

4. Water;

Due to increased salivation and intense heartbeat, you always feel thirsty during training. But, in order not to reduce cardiac activity, you can not drink a lot of water. It is permissible to use only non-carbonated water in extremely small quantities. And it's best to just rinse your mouth.

5. Food.

You can eat food before a workout only in 2 hours, as well as after it. You can’t eat heavy food. You need to limit yourself to a light salad or low-fat soup.

By following all the above recommendations, you can achieve ideal results from a workout. In a healthy body healthy mind!


Watch the video: Oblique Workout for Ripped Obliques 7 EXERCISES!! (June 2024).