Lush fritters on milk - the best recipes and useful tips. How to cook delicious and lush pancakes in milk


Are there any people who can refuse delicious, fragrant, lush pancakes with sour cream, jam or chocolate for breakfast? Soft, tender, tasty - pancakes in milk always turn out successful, no matter what dough was used for their preparation: yeast, yeast-free, on flour, semolina.

So, the minimum available ingredients, the simplest recipes, a little time and now, an excellent, nutritious breakfast is ready. Let's get started?

Lush fritters on milk - the general principles of preparation

Although yeast baking a lot of fuss, and time is wasted more, but the pancakes from it are really magnificent and very soft, and all this thanks to the ability of such a dough to rise. Typically, fresh yeast is used to make lush pancakes in milk, but baking is no worse than dry yeast.

The principle of preparation of such fritters is quite simple: yeast is diluted in warm milk, put a little flour or other ingredients according to the recipe, after which the dough is removed for some time in the heat. Next, knead the dough, keep it warm again until it rises, mix and bake in well-heated oil on both sides.

But lush pancakes can be prepared without the addition of yeast, using soda or a baking powder as an ingredient to raise the dough. In addition, you can cook magnificent pancakes on kefir, yogurt, or in our case - on sour milk.

The pancakes can be either sweet or not. Often in lush pancakes in milk to give special tastes and aromas put fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, spices. They make products with honey, candied fruits, nuts.

Indeed, there are many recipes for fritters and each housewife will be able to choose for herself exactly the one that she will like more.

Recipe 1. Yeast curvy pancakes in milk


• 320 ml of milk;

• two eggs;

• 22 g of yeast;

• 40 g of sugar;

• 280 g flour;

• 50 ml of plant oil;

• cooking oil;

• salt.

How to cook:

1. Dilute the yeast in 50 ml of boiled, cooled water. Let them brew at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

2. Pour milk into a small saucepan, heat, but do not boil. Remove from heat.

3. Add the egg yolks, sugar, salt, beat well.

4. Pour diluted yeast into the milk mass, pour flour, mix.

5. Beat the whites separately and put them into the pancake dough.

6. Pour in vegetable oil, mix again and leave in a warm room for 20-30 minutes.

7. Once the dough has risen, mix it thoroughly again.

8. Cook the pancakes in a frying pan well-heated with vegetable oil, frying on both sides until a light golden hue.

Recipe 2. Apple fritters on milk


• two glasses of milk;

• two glasses of flour;

• three sweet apples;

• 20 g of yeast;

• half a pack of oil;

• half a glass of granulated sugar;

• a pinch of salt;

• five eggs;

• cooking oil.

How to cook:

1. Mix the yeast with a glass of slightly warmed milk. Keep warm for 10 minutes.

2. Pour half of the indicated rate of flour, mix well, remove again in heat, allowing the dough to rise.

3. While the dough is standing, tackle the other ingredients: beat the eggs with sugar and salt, melted with cooled butter.

4. Add the remaining milk and the second half of the flour to the mass. Shuffle, make sure that not a single flour lump remains.

5. Mix the dough with the risen dough, remove to heat for another 30 minutes.

6. At this time, peel the washed apples from the skin and seeds, cut the fruit into small cubes.

7. Stir the apples into the risen dough.

8. Fry the pancakes in milk on both sides in a well-heated oil in a pan.

Recipe 3. Lush fritters on milk and cottage cheese with oatmeal


• a glass of soft cottage cheese;

• a glass of flour;

• two glasses of milk;

• 65 g of sugar;

• egg;

• a glass of oatmeal finely ground;

• 185 g sour cream;

• 1 tsp baking powder;

• vegetable oil;

• a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

1. Mix one cup of oatmeal with flour, pour this mixture with hot, but not boiling, milk.

2. Add sugar, salt and baking powder to the mass, mix thoroughly.

3. In another bowl, mix sour cream with cottage cheese and an egg and two tablespoons of vegetable oil so that you have a homogeneous curd mass.

4. Now mix the flour mass with the egg mixture, leave for 20 minutes to swell the dough for pancakes.

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the pancakes first on one side, then turn over to the other and fry for another 3-4 minutes.

6. Serve the pancakes, having previously laid them on paper towels for a few minutes, so that the glass is excess oil, hot or cold, pouring sour cream, condensed milk or jam to taste.

Recipe 4. Lush pancakes on milk and semolina


• liter of milk;

• a pound of semolina;

• sachet (25 g) of yeast;

• 115 g butter;

• 3-4 tbsp. l Sahara;

• salt, oil.

How to cook:

1. Pour half the milk into a bowl, pour yeast and 200 grams of semolina into it. Stir, remove for fermentation for 30-40 minutes in heat.

2. As soon as the dough is increased in volume, add the yolks to it, previously whipping them with sugar.

3. Pour in the remaining milk, pour the semolina. Stir until all lumps disappear.

4. Keep the fritters dough warm for another 15 minutes, after which you can start frying.

5. Pour the oil into the pan, heat it, fry the pancakes in milk on both sides until a rosy color is formed.

6. Serve the finished baked goods with jam and sour cream.

Recipe 5. Lush fritters on sour milk with a banana


• a glass of flour;

• a glass of sour milk;

• 4 tsp Sahara;

• 1 tsp soda;

• two pinches of salt;

• egg;

• three bananas;

• 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. Break the egg into a blender bowl, add sour milk, vegetable oil. Whisk.

2. Pour sugar, salt, baking soda or baking powder, put the diced bananas.

3. Sift flour here and beat thoroughly again so that the dough for pancakes is homogeneous.

4. Fry in hot oil in a frying pan from two sides to a slight blush.

5. Before serving, you can sprinkle lush pancakes on milk with powdered sugar. Serve with boiled condensed milk, liquid chocolate or just sour cream.

Recipe 6. Lush pancakes with sour milk and yeast


• a pound of flour;

• 300 ml of sour milk;

• 300 ml of water;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

• salt;

• three eggs;

• 20 g of yeast;

• 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

• cooking oil.

How to cook:

1. Dilute the yeast in three tablespoons of warm water, add half the milk and 0.5 tbsp. l sugar, 2 tbsp. l flour. Stir, remove the fritters dough for a couple of hours in the heat.

2. After two hours, the dough should rise. Mix it with a thoroughly beaten mixture of eggs, salt, sugar, water, milk and vegetable oil.

3. Pour the sifted flour into the resulting mass, mix well.

4. Let the dough stand for another 15-20 minutes to warm.

5. Bake lush pancakes in the usual way: spread the dough with a ladle onto hot oil in a frying pan, fry, turning over, from side to side for 3-4 minutes.

Recipe 7. Lush fritters on sour milk with raisins and dried apricots


• 200 g flour;

• 200 g of sour milk;

• 60 g of granulated sugar;

• egg;

• vanillin to taste;

• 85 g of raisins;

• 50 g dried apricots;

• cooking oil.

How to cook:

1. Pour the sour milk into a deep saucepan, break the egg into it, pour vanilla, sugar and whisk thoroughly.

2. Wash raisins and dried apricots, pour boiling water for 20-30 minutes, then drain the water, rinse and dry the dried fruits themselves. Cut dried apricots into small cubes.

3. Add flour to the bowl with milk, mix until smooth.

4. Without ceasing to knead the dough, introduce prepared raisins and dried apricots into it. The dough for lush pancakes should be thick enough, viscous.

5. Bake the pancakes in a well-heated oil in a pan until blush.

Lush fritters on milk - tricks and tips

• All presented recipes for pancakes in milk can be made fruit. To do this, it is enough to put small pieces of apples, plums, pears, bananas, peaches and any other fruits in the prepared mass. Such pancakes are baked in milk similarly to ordinary pancakes.

• In addition to fruit pancakes, you can also make vegetable pancakes by adding squash, pumpkin, carrot or, for example, berry: raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and other products to the dough.

• You can also make pancakes with filling. To do this, prepare any filling: pieces of fruit, cottage cheese, fried vegetables and even minced meat. Then put the dough prepared according to any of the above recipes onto the pan with a ladle, put a spoonful of the filling in the center and cover it with a small amount of dough. Fry fritters like ordinary ones: first until golden on one side, then on the other.

• If you do not use yeast, then it is rather difficult to achieve magnificent pancakes, but you can: prepare a thick dough, its consistency should be such as that of a very thick sour cream.

• If you do not sufficiently heat the pan with butter, then your pancakes will settle, no matter how good the dough turns out. The reason for the lush fritters on the milk is also the minimum amount of oil used for frying.

• You can check if the oil is sufficiently warmed up in a simple way: drip a little dough and if it seizes and does not spread, you can safely start frying.


Watch the video: Recipe Pancakes with kefir delicious and mouth-watering (June 2024).