Salad with arugula - the best recipes. How to cook salad with arugula correctly and tasty.


Arugula salad - general principles and methods of preparation

In the Italian menu you can see a dish called Insalata di rucola - salad with arugula. So in Italy it is called salad, where the leaves of this spicy plant are used as one of the ingredients.

Arugula is a plant with a long history, the ancient Romans began to use it, and now in the Mediterranean cuisine it is used as an additive in salads, pizza, risotto, pasta. Instead of basil, it can be part of the pesto sauce. With its pronounced aroma and pungent mustard-nutty flavor, many dishes begin to sound new. Why did she conquer the hearts and stomachs of gourmets?

In our country, no one knew about her for a long time. Today it is becoming a real symbol of utility, legends are literally composed about it. The cultivated Russian gallows, a close relative of the dandelion, is no longer considered weedy grass. Fashionable restaurants without fail provide rucola dishes - and all because no other salad has such a positive effect on metabolism as this plant with a pleasant light bitterness and a nutty note.

She becomes a real friend of losing weight girls, as she has a low calorie content, in her composition almost one water. This storehouse of vitamin C and iodine is able to remove cholesterol and increase hemoglobin levels. And having felt the tonic effect on the whole organism as a whole, we can conclude: this plant is a real natural energetic.

Arugula Salad - Product Preparation

Probably, arugula would not have taken root in the menu of many countries if it had not been so juicy and tasty. But there are dishes with her presence right after cooking, as she quickly lets the juice out. Like all salads, it is recommended to tear it with your hands, but in many recipes its young shoots act as a basis in general. Arugula goes well with many products - vegetables, seafood, various cheeses and meat, so there are a lot of salads with its participation. As a rule, miniature handsome cherry tomatoes are indicated in recipes - well, of course, they can be replaced with ordinary tomatoes from the dacha. The main thing is to decide on the fill - and here the Mediterranean cuisine has many options.

Salad with arugula - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Arugula Salad with Shrimp

A simple summer salad with shrimp and arugula can be a great alternative to a full dinner. What else is needed for complete happiness? Of course, a glass of white wine and fruit for dessert.

Ingredients: arugula (250 grams), shrimp (10 pcs), cherry tomatoes (1 cup), olive oil, basil, chili pepper, parmesan (50 gr), balsamic vinegar (1 tablespoon), black pepper hammers.

Cooking method

We wash the baby tomatoes and cut them into halves. Rinse and dry the arugula, peel the shrimp. Dressing: chop the pepper and mix with olive oil and spices, add finely chopped basil, put the shrimp in the resulting marinade for half an hour. We form a salad. We spread the arugula in the center of the dish, distribute the tomatoes over the dish, pour over the fill, spread thinly sliced ​​parmesan slices and shrimps strung on skewers on top. Here is an original dish worthy of the most exquisite restaurant.

Recipe 2: Arugula Salad with Tuna

Sea gold - tuna - taste is not inferior to meat and does not lose its beneficial properties when canning. By combining it with arugula, we get a real energy blow to the spleen and poor health. And besides, it’s also very tasty!

Ingredients: canned tuna (2 cans), arugula (50 gr), cucumber, tomatoes (2 pcs), seedless olives (1 can), a quarter of a lemon, olive oil,

Cooking method

We chop the tuna with a fork, cut the tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Cut the olives in half, add the arugula and lemon juice. Fill with oil and mix. Garnish with sesame seeds.

Recipe 3: Avocado Arugula Salad

This simply super-salad for a romantic dinner - it consists of solid aphrodisiacs. Mustard taste makes this salad not only delicious, but deliciously delicious.

Ingredients: arugula, avocado, cherry tomatoes (250 gr), lemon, olive oil, mustard, salt, pepper.

Cooking method

Mix olive oil with mustard and freshly squeezed lemon juice, add salt, black pepper and mix again. Cut tomatoes and season with filling. Add chopped arugula.

Recipe 4: Arugula Salad with Quail Eggs

Those who have tried quail eggs know that they are similar to chicken in taste, but there are much more useful substances in them. Another plus - they just ask for a salad, small and neat, a real salad dressing. And if in any other salad, cherry tomatoes are desirable, but not necessary, then with quail eggs we are simply obliged to use only cherry. Such a composition of babies looks very elegant in the frame of arugula. A real mini salad with the scent of Provence rights - well, who can resist this temptation?

Ingredients: arugula, cherry tomatoes, quail eggs. Dressing: olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar, garlic, Provence herbs.

Cooking method

Everything is very, very simple - tomatoes, quail eggs, arugula, a beautiful dish, pouring - our salad is ready. A little about pouring: the aroma of Provence herbs should be barely noticeable, so add a small pinch. Combined with garlic and balsamic vinegar, our sauce becomes one, and you get an amazing aroma.

Recipe 4: Salad with Oranges and Arugula

This very interesting salad has a combination of sweet fruit and a bitter taste. In it, real life is sweet and bitter, in general, extremely diverse.

Ingredients: arugula (200 gr.), oranges (5 pcs), olives. Dressing: shallots, fresh mint, Dijon mustard (2 teaspoons), olive oil, sugar (1 teaspoon) salt.

Cooking method

We tear the arugula into pieces. Peel the oranges and remove the white peel. Cut the pulp into pieces, collect the juice separately, it will come in handy for us in the fill. Finely chop the shallots, mix with chopped mint, lemon juice and mustard. Pour in oil gradually, add sugar, salt and pepper. Mix half the sauce with oranges, pour over the remaining fill on top. We spread the olives - and immediately on the table.


Watch the video: Healthy Arugula Salad (June 2024).