Are the mushrooms beneficial or disproportionately harmful? Important information about mushrooms, their harm, benefits and calories


Mushrooms have become part of the nutritional diet of people for a very long time.

Is this product as healthy as tasty?

This question is particularly relevant in our time, when interest in the use of wild gifts of nature is growing everywhere.

The composition of mushrooms, calories and their role in people's lives

Mushrooms are widespread and are used not only as food. Due to the beneficial properties they are often used in medical and economic sectors. What is so valuable about them?

Fresh mushrooms contain up to 92% of water and about 5% of nitrogenous compounds, which are 70% represented as proteins.


The percentage of proteins in the dried mushrooms is much higher, therefore they are often called “forest meat”. The most nutritious part is the cap due to the high content of proteins in it.

However, it is worth remembering that mushrooms are hard to digest due to the presence of fiber in their composition, which is difficult to digest for the human body. To facilitate the work of the digestive system, "forest meat" is cut into small pieces and chew well during meals. In the ground form, they absorbed by the body by 70% and if dry mushrooms are crushed into powder, then this indicator will reach a record high of 88%.

In addition to fiber, consisting of cellulose and lignin, chitin is a part of fungi, which is found in the cells of crustaceans, various insects, spiders, etc. and gives greater stability to their protective layer.


Mushroom contains very little fat and is absorbed by the body with difficulty. When preparing them, you can use animal fats, such as sour cream or butter.


In young mushrooms, a carbohydrate can be found polysaccharide, which eventually decomposes into mannitol and glucose, and therefore is not found in old mushrooms. Mannitol and glucose contribute to the formation of mucus on mushroom caps in wet weather.

Calorie content

Mushrooms have a low calorie content, which is very valuable. In many ways, this factor depends on the method of preparation, which deserves special attention. Below are the most familiar types of mushrooms and their caloric content per 100 grams. product with different methods of preparation.

Calorie pickled mushrooms:

• White - 24 Kcal

• Oyster mushrooms - 23 Kcal

• Milk - 26 Kcal

• Maslata - 18 Kcal

• Honey agarics - 18 Kcal

Calorie fresh mushrooms:

• White - 30 Kcal

• Oyster mushrooms - 38 Kcal

• Milk - 16 Kcal

• Chanterelles - 20 Kcal

• Maslata - 9 Kcal

• Honey agarics - 17 Kcal

• Brown overalls - 31 Kcal

• Aspen mushrooms - 22 Kcal

• Ryzhiki -17 Kcal

• Morels - 27 Kcal

• Russula - 15 Kcal

• Truffles - 51 Kcal

• Chernushki - 9 Kcal

• Champignons - 27 Kcal

• Shiitake - 34 Kcal

Calorie dried mushrooms:

• White - 282 Kcal

• Chanterelles - 261 Kcal

• Boletus - 231 Kcal

• Aspen mushrooms - 315 Kcal

• Shiitake - 331 Kcal

What are the beneficial properties of fungi

In addition to the mentioned proteins, fats and carbohydrates, in the composition of mushrooms there are vitamins of group B, in a smaller amount vitamin C, PP and provitamin A (carotene). In addition, there are minerals in mushrooms such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, necessary to maintain the health of the body, as well as iodine, magnesium, zinc and copper, which are actively involved in metabolism.

Potassium and sodium must be in an equilibrium state in the human body. If sodium is enough for modern man in excess in the form of table salt, then potassium deficiency can adversely affect health. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the absorption of calcium, and its deficiency can cause such complications as vascular spasm.

In medicine mushrooms are used to create various antibiotics, including penicillin, as well as for the treatment of infectious diseases. In eastern medicine, Kombucha is used as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drug. In folk medicine, the use of a fly agaric (from diseases of the nervous system), dung beetle (from alcoholism) and chaga fungus (from tumors) have been used. Another medicinal mushroom is a boletus (cep), which has a tonic and anti-cancer property. You can use mushrooms all year round, if you know how to properly harvest and store them.

It should be noted that mushroom caps have a miraculous predisposition to strengthen the immune system. Regular use of mushrooms is a good prevention of cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

Abundant levels of zinc and vitamin B will help avoid mental exhaustion and emotional breakdown.

The presence of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in mushrooms makes them a useful product for teeth, bones, nails, skin and hair.

What are the harmful fungi for the human body

Since mushrooms can accumulate harmful substances, they should be collected away from industrial enterprises, highways, railways, etc. Be careful with collecting large mushrooms, because the larger the mushroom, the more poisonous and harmful substances are in it.

Due to the content of cellulose and chitin in mushrooms, instead of the prescribed 25-30% of proteins contained in dried mushrooms, only 17-21% are absorbed by the human stomach. That is why people with a weak digestive system should be extremely careful when used. In addition to poor digestibility, mushrooms tend to slow down the secretion of gastric juice, which is bad for the digestion of all products that were consumed along with mushrooms. For these reasons, mushrooms are considered heavy food.

The greatest concentration of chitin is found in the legs of the mushrooms, therefore, they should, if possible, be excluded from the diet, and if it is not possible, remove the top layer before cooking.

Another dangerous substance that cannot be passed by - choline. Choline is an extremely poisonous product, the use of which can cause such signs of poisoning as diarrhea, decreased heart activity, shortness of breath. This component is part of all mushrooms, but the amount is different everywhere. In champignon, choline ranges from 0.007 to 0.009% dry weight, chanterelles up to 0.007%, young boletus 0.1-0.2%, and at the mushroom - 0.4%. Choline is a product of the decomposition of proteins and fats, so mushrooms that have managed to deteriorate or rot, are extremely dangerous foods.

Well, the last point is poisonous mushrooms, which can not only cause serious poisoning, but also cause a lethal outcome. If there is no confidence in the safety of mushrooms, it is better to refrain from their use.

Harm and benefits of mushrooms for a child

In no case should not give mushrooms to children. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is still too weak and is not able to process substances contained in mushrooms If you use mushrooms in childhood, you can earn a disorder for the digestive system. In this case, they can not be used either in boiled or dried, or in any other form.

Mushrooms can cause severe poisoning, which will not pass without consequences. Even after careful processing in the mushrooms can be harmful substances. An adult's body is able to cope with them with little or no consequences, and in the child's digestive tract these enzymes can cause severe poisoning.

Full value the digestive system is formed closer to 14 yearstherefore, it is absolutely contraindicated to give mushrooms to young children.

Harm and benefits of mushrooms for pregnant and lactating women

Immediately, we note that pregnant women are not forbidden to eat mushrooms, if they adhere to certain rules that can reduce the harm from these fastidious foods.

• First, you should not eat mushrooms, the edibility of which is questioned. This rule should be followed by all people, but for pregnant women it is especially important, because they are responsible for the health of the unborn child.

• Boil the mushrooms thoroughly before use. This will get rid of most of the harmful substances, while retaining a lot of useful properties.

• Mushrooms should be cut as small as possible to make it easier for the body to digest them.

• Do not eat salted, fresh and marinated mushrooms. The best option would be boiled or steamed., but it is permissible to eat and fried, if not tormented by heartburn.

• A good addition to mushrooms will be tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, parsley, beets, cabbage, citrus, due to their high content of vitamin C.

A few words about cooking. Cooking mushrooms should be at least an hour, but before that you need to boil for half an hour on low heat.

A separate item can be affected. tea mushroom. This product is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes, but at the same time capable of:

- normalize blood pressure;

- improve sleep;

- positively affect the nervous system.

This is when taken orally. When applied topically, Kombucha improves the condition of the skin and hair, and also prevents the appearance of age spots.

Nursing mothers, however, many doctors categorically prohibit the use of mushrooms, because not only useful, but also harmful substances are transmitted to the child’s milk.

Mushrooms, when consumed by a nursing mother, can cause stomach problems in the child and even provoke allergies.


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