Potato juice: benefits, use in traditional medicine and cosmetology. Can potato juice be harmful to humans


Potato is a product that should always be in the house. Russian people believe that the hostess is obliged to put potato dishes on the table so that her guests leave full. Few people know that the product can be used for medicinal purposes.

Potato juice, whose benefits are really powerful, copes with many ailments. This "home doctor" will come to the rescue when pharmacy products fail.

In addition, it can be used for cosmetic purposes to prolong youth and beauty of the skin. Potato juice will be harmful if its quantity is abused.

Potato juice: benefits, beneficial effects on the human body

Potato dishes are very tasty and satisfying. At each holiday, you can not do without them. Few people realize that juice made from raw potatoes contains many useful substances for the body. Such a "tool" has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.

1. The composition includes B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin E and PP. Also in the composition of many minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, etc.).

2. Fresh juice from a raw product contains natural sugar, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. It is important to know that when cooking potatoes, it instantly turns into starch, which is not so useful.

3. Normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and heart, is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect.

4. Ideal for treating stomach ailments. Potato juice effectively heals ulcers, relieves cramps.

5. Normalizes the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Accelerates the healing of wounds, cuts.

7. Allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, the juice is characterized by a diuretic effect.

8. Potato juice is recommended to be included in the diet of hypertensive patients, as it reduces pressure.

9. Has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and traces of fatigue.

10. Allows you to relieve heartburn, and is also characterized by a general strengthening effect on the body.

11. Potato juice in home cosmetology can be very useful. If used correctly, it will get rid of edema and acne.

12. During pregnancy, potato juice can help a woman deal with constipation. It can also be used to relieve headaches, as medications during the period of bearing a child are not recommended.

How to make potato juice and what you need to know before drinking it

Preparing fresh juice from potatoes is very simple, it takes a minimum of time. If there is no juicer, you should not despair, an ordinary grater is also suitable.

Step-by-step process description

1. Peel potatoes and rinse thoroughly.

2. Tubers are rubbed on the smallest grater.

3. Using a small piece of gauze, squeeze the juice. With 2-3 tubers, about 1 cup of juice is obtained.

Before you start treatment with potato juice, you need to familiarize yourself with some important nuances.

1. It is no secret that the potato begins to blacken in just a few minutes, as the hostess will peel it. The same process occurs with juice, it is for this reason that you need to use it for medicinal purposes immediately after preparation.

2. It is best to choose a pinkish potato variety - this product contains more vitamins and nutrients.

3. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to minimize the use of smoked and spicy dishes, exclude spices and confectionery from the diet. Such a "diet" will allow you to achieve a better effect.

4. One day before treatment, an enema must be done so that the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.

5. Potato juice should be shaken before consuming it.

Traditional medicine recipes

The presented simple recipes of traditional medicine are recommended to be noted by each housewife.

1. With insomnia, stress, to strengthen the immune system. You will need potatoes, celery root and carrots. It must be remembered that the resulting product will need to be drunk immediately after preparation. Vegetables are peeled, rubbed on a fine grater and mixed in the same proportion. The drink is recommended to drink for both adults and children during an exacerbation of viral diseases 5-7 days, 200 ml 3 times a day (before meals).

2. With heartburn, bowel disease. The course of treatment is 14 days. Every day on an empty stomach, you need to drink 150 ml of fresh potato juice. After that, it is recommended to lie down for 15 minutes, after 30 minutes you can have breakfast.

3. For headaches and constipation. The recipe will be useful to everyone, especially women during pregnancy. It is known that during this period any drugs are prohibited. However, what if the headache does not rest? Drink potato juice. This should be done 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. If constipation suffers, potato juice is mixed with beetroot in the same proportion.

4. For sore throat and sore throat. It is recommended to gargle with fresh potato juice 5-6 times a day if the throat is red. The recipe is useful for children and adults. The tool perfectly relieves pain, for the best effect, it is recommended to mix potato juice with cabbage juice. In a few days, the person’s condition will improve significantly.

The use of potato juice in cosmetology

When treating with potato juice, one should not forget about oneself. Women can use product residues for cosmetic purposes. Potato juice perfectly moisturizes, tones, eliminates acne and eliminates pigmentation.

Mask for skin of any type

50 ml of potato fresh juice must be mixed with honey (half a teaspoon). Honey must be dissolved. The resulting lotion is evenly distributed on the skin of the face. You do not need to wash immediately, the product is left on the dermis for 20-30 minutes, then removed with warm water. Mask recommended daily. The skin after it becomes soft, smooth and tender, like velvet. Over time, acne, acne, age spots will disappear.

Potato juice: harm, important contraindications

Potato juice will be harmful if it is abused, and the formulation is not followed. There are also some contraindications in which it is not recommended to use it for traditional medicine recipes.

The main contraindications

1. Potato juice helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach. For this reason, it is not recommended for people who suffer from serious diseases of the stomach.

2. Abuse of the product can cause severe gas formation in the intestine.

3. Due to the presence of sugar in the composition, drinking potato juice for medicinal purposes is not recommended for people suffering from severe diabetes.

Potato juice contains a lot of substances useful for the body. The main thing is, when using it for medicinal purposes, strictly follow the recipe, do not abuse the quantity.


Watch the video: Make Rough And Dull Skin into Shiny,Baby Soft Pink Glowing Bright Skin. Potato Juice For skin (July 2024).