You seem to weigh more than you think


Do you know your weight? Take your time to answer. Perhaps you underestimate him, like most other women, according to a new study by the British Health and Social Information Center.

The survey conducted by his respondents, encompassed more than 10 thousand people, each of whom was asked to give their approximate weight, and then compare it with the actual weight, using the scales.

After the calculations, experts came to the conclusion: the predominant part of women tend to consider themselves less "weighty" than they really are.

So, the average difference between the estimated and real weight of the participants was about 2.5 kilograms, and not in their favor. The most optimistic attitude about their own figure was revealed in women aged 35 to 39 years - they underestimated their weight by an average of 4 kilograms. By the way, men showed the greatest modesty in the study - the average value of their error was defined as 1.5 kilograms.

A certified Scottish psychologist Andrina McCormack, commenting on the results of the survey, said: “Probably, underestimation of one’s own weight is a kind of consequence of social pressure - everyone wants to think that he is slimmer than he really is. As a result, we begin to convince ourselves that we have everything is not so bad, and then we perceive it as the truth. Thus, both women and men give wishful thinking. However, if you look at this fact more deeply, it is not negative at all, and on the contrary, it allows us to to feel more perfect and improve self-esteem. "


Watch the video: When You Think You're Insanely Strong But it's Fake Weights (July 2024).