What dreams of carrots - national signs. If you dreamed of a carrot: what does it mean, what can you expect, be happy or upset?


A carrot in a dream has several interpretations depending on how exactly the fruit looked, what happened to it, What feelings did the dreamer experience?.

Therefore, do not blindly believe everything that is written in different dream books, because it is your subconscious that sends this or that dream.

One people carrot, seen in a dream, brings money in reality, and the other - problems with her lover.

What dreams of carrots: appearance and taste

Strong, bright carrot - It is a symbol of wealth, good health and general well-being of life. A person is waiting for success in business or work, the appearance of successful circumstances, a great success in all matters, a cheerful and joyful state of mind. All our plans will surely be fulfilled, the main thing is not to miss your chance, to be active.

Girls can count on the imminent appearance of an enviable groom in their lives, who will be a noble, decent man. Perhaps the early appearance of children, and childbirth will take place safely.

Why dream of a carrot to a young man? Good luck in business matters and a quick acquaintance with a young stranger. The brighter the color, the more beautiful the girl will be and the more happiness the couple will have.

Very good if succeeds taste the carrot. If the fruit is sweet, causes a pleasant feeling, you can count on the well-deserved wealth and great unexpected joy.

What dreams of carrots with an unpleasant, bitter taste? To disappointments, failures, losses and sorrows. Conceived will not be fulfilled, time to act is lost.

See poorly rotten carrot. Such a dream can be considered a warning: you should not risk either in business or in personal matters. It is better to wait some time. Girls spoiled carrot dreams of a quarrel with her lover, parting with him. Zhenya must beware of unpleasant and even catastrophic exposure, shame and condemnation.

Sometimes rotten carrots are the harbinger of petty monetary losses, squabbles, quarrels with superiors or households, all sorts of troubles and even illnesses. In some cases, such a dream foreshadows the death of children.

Dirty carrot means health problems, difficult sad times, problems, troubles and quarrels from scratch. Detractors and gossips can annoy. But a sluggish carrot, dreamed of a woman, can mean hidden displeasure with a partner, female dissatisfaction.

Important! The unpleasant image of rotten carrots can be associated with the loss of energy - look, is there a vampire of energy around you? Pay attention to your health: sleep can mean the debut of a dangerous disease. After such a dream, you need to analyze your condition and consult a doctor if at least something seems unusual or causes indisposition.

What dreams of carrots: action

Of great importance for the interpretation of a dream are the actions that we perform in a dream, the passive or active state of the dreamer or the dream object itself.

Plant carrots in even, beautiful rows, to see lush green tops and strong bases - to big profits, to streamline matters, to correct errors and difficult and sometimes dangerous situations. Time to act, because the help of higher forces is now on your side.

What dreams of carrots that the dreamer buys? To profit, completely unexpected and therefore doubly enjoyable, as well as the help of allies. Perhaps, like snow on the head, the lime will fall on a large inheritance, a rich patron, a secret benefactor will appear. In any case, things will get better. You will be lucky in the game, luck will turn your face, insults will be forgotten.

See flower bed with carrots - a sign of the speedy achievement of our plans, approaching the time for collecting the fruits of your labor. See how carrots: if you see large, beautiful fruits, and the tops are clean, correct, the results will please. Those who are planning a large undertaking do not need to be afraid of failure: everything will work out, great opportunities will open up, hopes will not be in vain.

If dreaming carrot digging processthen it may mean inheritance. It will get, most likely, from a distant relative and will not cause much distress. Maybe soon the dreamer will receive the long-awaited results of his work, which will be joyful.

Picking carrots means getting big money or a valuable item. This is a material mark that guarantees quick profits. Its size depends on the size of the fruits and sensations experienced by the dreamer. If the carrot is small, ugly, and the feeling in a dream is unpleasant (disappointment, surprise, indignation), then in reality the profit will be much less than expected and will cause negative emotions.

If the dream of collecting carrots is a dream of a childless woman, she can finally get lucky in person: a long-awaited baby will be born.

Peel the carrot - To the speedy deliverance from unrest, anxieties, problems for family men. But if such a dream is seen by a married woman, she should take a closer look at the behavior of her spouse: has he got a connection on the side? Symbolic cleansing of problems and rapid progress toward the intended goal is the meaning of sleep for a businessman, although there is no hope for a large profit. It's not a good dream for a young man: if he peels carrots, he will have trouble or a little money.

Why dream carrots that are cut? Men - to victory over a rival, happy deliverance from gossip and detractors. A woman should beware of waste and stupid purchases made under the influence of emotions.

Rub carrots - to a lot of small cash troubles. A man such a dream will bring success in a risky business, a profit, which he did not expect, an unexpectedly profitable business proposal. If the dreamer sees a lot of grated carrots, small money is waiting for him. The girl, who saw the grated carrot, may become pregnant very soon.

What dreams of carrots: interpretations of various dream books

The composers of dream books sometimes quite differently interpret the appearance of carrots in our dreams.

Family Dream

Carrot dream foreshadows excitement about their own health. To collect bright large fruits - to a profitable business and make a good profit. If someone has treated you to a carrot in a dream, then in the near future a profitable offer will be received. It will certainly bring satisfaction and joy if the dreamer in reality accepts this offer.

Artificial carrot - a sign of deception, a strange unexpected loss.

Dream Miller

A girl or a young woman who treats herself with carrots in a dream will soon marry and become the mother of beautiful children. The rest of the dream about carrots promises prosperity, health, successful events.

Dream dream miss hasse

One and all, a carrot in a dream promises good, success, joy, great profit. And girls - a favorable marriage and happy motherhood.

Modern dream book

What dreams of carrots according to the modern dream book? The image means a good stable income, professional and personal success, excellent health. A young girl can marry quickly and successfully, become a happy mother with many children and live in complete harmony with herself.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud

What dreams of carrots for Freud? From the point of view of an Austrian sex therapist, carrots are an obvious phallic symbol. Unlike ordinary dream interpreters, Freud seldom saw something good in this image, associating more with suppressed emotions and desires.

• If a man carefully chooses carrots, in reality he is very picky about his sexual partners, proud, inclined to exaggerate the value of his genital organ. A woman who chooses a bigger carrot is prone with self-satisfaction.

• Buying a carrot means being overly concerned about your love life.

• To rub carrots for a man is a sign of constant suppression of his temperament, a habit of deterrence. For a woman, this is a sign of denial of men, a negative attitude towards sex with members of the opposite sex.

• Why do carrots dream of without Freud? Eating it means literally consuming spiritual food, getting new experience and knowledge. See - lack of activity, healthy initiative, laziness and unforgivable sluggishness.

• What is the dream carrot, cooked in the form of a dish? Such a dream means that the person endured the idea and is ready to realize it. Overcooked indicates obsession with something or indicates the presence in the life of a dreamer outdated relationship.

• If you dream of a rotten, tainted carrot, family problems, troubles, something close to an unpleasant end.

What dreams of carrots - national signs

In Russia, they always believed signs and were very careful about dreams. Often dreams were interpreted as a direct indication to action. A dream about carrots, for example, meant a lot in the lives of our ancestors. Knowing why a carrot dreams, you can plan your life and correct those situations that cause negative emotions.

If you had a vigorous, even, beautiful carrot, you can safely take up a long-delayed case. It is sure to be profitable and successful, will bring profits and prosperity to the family.

If the dreamer has planted carrots, he should immediately begin searching for a new job. If you do not miss your chance, you can get a very good offer and change destiny.

What dreams of carrots in the form of foods made from it? A slight but unpleasant malaise, a disease, is coming. If the taste of carrots was sweet, you should beware of food poisoning and stop drinking. The taste of rot in the tongue means a serious illness and high costs associated with it. It is better not to delay a visit to the doctor.

There are carrots - to shame and disgrace. So you need to beware of compromising actions and relationships.

To dig a carrot is a sign of contention and trouble with money. It should abandon all dubious cases and remain calm. Family is more expensive!

A large (very large) carrot is a bad sign. After such a dream, you should wait for shame and shame, so if there is nothing to be ashamed of yet, be very careful. If in the next few days you are offered something indecent, adventurous, indecent - no matter how tempting it is, give up. You will have to regret until the end of your days.

If everything bad has already happened, you need to wait for a strong negative return, but accept it with dignity. Yes, the consequences will be serious, it will be hard to survive what happened. But if you prepare for the tests in advance, you can try to correct the situation. Such an opportunity to present themselves soon. Do not miss out!

All the action associated with the processing and grinding of an orange vegetable (cutting, peeling, washing) signifies waste that can be avoided. After such a dream, the purse must be removed away and not succumb to adventures.

What dreams of carrots on Fridays? To gossip and quarrels. Therefore, all the gossips need to be shoved away, not to talk with outsiders about anything important, and about unimportant too. With high probability, all your words will be distorted, which will cause scandals and quarrels with loved ones.


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