Why do two people have the same dreams


We all see dreams, but why does it happen that several people have the same dreams? Let's figure it out.

Why do two people have the same dreams on the night of Friday to Saturday

According to popular beliefs, it is often said that prophetic dreams may occur on the night from Friday to Saturday. These are dreams that may come true in the future. Will they come true in the near or near future? This will say the dream book. Dreams do not always literally convey future events, they need to be interpreted.

Correctly interpreted dreams will make it possible to understand what lies ahead and prevent irreparable difficulties, problems, and avoid terrible turns of events. How to do it better? There are a lot of dream books that give a full interpretation of those or other symbols that appear in dreams.

According to many years of observation, it is the dreams from Friday to Saturday that are the most true, their interpretation is the most accurate. As a rule, they come true in the next few days. Often, these are warning dreams.

Our ancestors considered Friday a special day, which precedes the beginning of the weekend, the beginning of the period of restoration of energy potential by a person. During this period, we are most relaxed, it is easier for us to get clues in dreams.

But why can two people have the same dreams these days? They can dream of those who are going in the coming days to the same event. Dreams may differ in minor details, but the main plot line in them will be the same, as well as their interpretation of the dream book.

If people have experienced a certain stress, have been in the same negative situation (tragedy, disaster, loss) - they may have the same dreams as a result of experiencing negative emotions. Psychologists attribute this phenomenon to the fact that the recent past is very often reflected in dreams.

If you have disturbing dreams that night, and you do not remember their plot well, but your soulmate remembers him well, it means that soon joyful events will visit your home. You simply will not be ready for them, therefore, dreams are shared between both partners.

Why do two people have the same dreams if they are relatives

Scientists have long proved the emotional and energetic connection between family people. They can feel each other's problems, pain, and fear. They can foresee the various events that will occur in the life of a loved one, they can internally rejoice at him, being at a great distance.

It is this invisible emotional connection that can lead to the fact that two or more relatives will have the same dream. And it doesn’t matter at all whether he dreams in one night. Such dreams can dream at a considerable interval, can dream during day or night sleep.

If a tragic event happened in the family, then several relatives shortly before it might have a nightmare with a very similar plot.

This will be a warning about upcoming problems that each of them will have to face.

It happens that two relatives dream of a conversation with each other, it may not be the same word for word, but its general features and its outcome will be the same. Why does this happen? Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that between relatives a certain unresolved situation could arise and due to the same dream they will be able to find a compromise in it.

If relatives have the same dream, but with the opposite result, this indicates the importance of a joint solution to the problem. For example, two people may dream of a car accident. One of them dreams that everyone survived as a result of a car accident, while the other - that everyone died. In this case, the details of sleep will be identical in both cases. What does that mean? This may mean that thanks to the efforts of the second dreamer, the situation can be resolved very positively.

It happens that a person has a dream in which he sees himself in the main role. And the same dream is dreaming, with the same details to his relative.

Such a dream can speak of a close emotional connection between people and the desire to do one thing, the importance of mutual cooperation on some important issue.

If a mother and her young child have the same dream, then quite serious changes will occur in the life of the mother, for example, a major loss or gain will occur in her life. It all depends on the interpretation of sleep. But why does the child have the exact same dream? The thing is that the mother and the child up to a certain age are in a very close energy relationship, so the child can see the mother’s dream, feel her anxiety and joy.

Why do two people dream the same dreams on the full moon, during an eclipse

The full moon and eclipse are the most unstable periods in terms of energy. The full moon often dreams that portend important events, warn of cardinal changes. If their scale affects several people, then they will have the same dreams.

During an eclipse, many people exacerbate extrasensory abilities. Due to this, in a dream, they can receive tips and warnings, therefore, their dreams can be very similar. The main details of such dreams will remain unchanged, but the characters may change.

Scientists have been studying the symbolism of dreams for centuries, and increasingly come to the conclusion that identical dreams are not unusual.

So, the sea, the waves, the ship sailing along the waves - one of the most common dreams that many people dreamed of. But it is worth noting that for each of them, such a dream foreshadowed certain life events.

Many dream of their children playing, crying, or laughing. Such dreams are due to a previous anxiety about their children. Therefore, psychologists recommend that before going to bed do not think about anything negative, do not experience too active emotions at bedtime. It is also important to understand if you often have the same dream - you can not get rid of any problem.


Watch the video: 2,000 People Have Seen THIS MAN in Their Dreams (June 2024).