Can I take children to the cemetery? Can children attend a funeral? Such controversial issues: what do psychologists and priests say


A trip to the cemetery is a very joyful event in the life of an adult, let alone a child who sometimes has to visit this place, as he accompanies parents to a funeral or to commemorate the deceased relatives.

So is it possible to take children to the cemetery?

Approach to the question whether a child can go to a cemetery in different countries

The cemetery is the resting place of our ancestors. This is the beginning of a new path of the human soul - this is believed in eastern countries. Here, the spirit does not ascend or descend into the lower kingdom, but is reborn. As you know, in many eastern countries the tradition of burying the dead in a cemetery is abolished. They are simply cremated, and their ashes are stored in specially designated urns.

In some countries, burials are open specifically for cremated deceased. A person may come here and not experience grief. At such burials there are no plates with sad inscriptions and photographs of the deceased. Eastern tradition convinces its adherents not to lose heart at the funeral, but to rejoice that the soul continues its path and has the opportunity to re-live life.

That is, it turns out that if only the ashes of the human body are stored in urns in the cemetery, and the soul is freely reborn, then is there a need to go to the cemetery, take children with you and grieve there? No - it makes no sense. It is worth rejoicing at the possibility of the soul to be born again and live life more dignifiedly - this is how people think in eastern countries.

Western tradition preserves the ritual part of the funeral service before burial of the body in a specially prepared grave. On the grave there must be a tombstone with an image of the deceased. Thus, Western tradition indicates that a relative whose photograph rises on a tombstone is resting in this place. His spirit is not free, and to communicate with a loved one who has died, you must go to the cemetery. But at the same time, the Western Church rejects the recognition of the possibility of resurrecting the dead, the possibility of communicating directly with them. Only through God. But then it turns out that it is not necessary to go to the cemetery to commemorate - it is enough to put candles in the Church for repose.

It is very important to understand that when, in the Western tradition, burials mourn forty days for the deceased, then this confirms the impossibility of his rebirth. The question is, is it possible for a child to go to the cemetery, especially to himself? Such a rash situation can cause a number of inconveniences to the child and his parents. On memorial days there are many people in sorrow and grief, so they can negatively relate to the child. Any funeral is stress for children.

Is it possible to take children to the cemetery - the psychological aspect of the issue

It is worth noting the fact that the psyche of the child is rather weak and vulnerable compared to the psyche of an adult. Therefore, when asking the question whether it is possible to take children to the cemetery, it is worthwhile first of all to answer honestly, and is this trip so necessary. Is it possible to leave the child with a nanny, relatives and herself to go to the churchyard?

The thing is that many parents argue that they take their children to the funeral and memorial days in the cemetery by the fact that a close relative of the child died, the parent and the child should say goodbye to him.

Until a certain age, the child is not able to distinguish between the categories of "good", "bad", "life", "death". A child whose parent has died and is already experiencing stress. Very often, parents ask themselves whether it is possible for children to attend a funeral, after the child has visited them and received a fright or other negative programs.

As psychics say, the energy of sorrow that is inherent in a funeral and the cemetery itself can simply destroy the child’s energy field. Children do not fully understand why the funeral takes place, why they are held in this way and whether they can be avoided. A child who has lost a loved one or parent experiences oppression and fear, but they are exacerbated in the cemetery.

Many psychologists note the fact that if the child initially had discussions about what it means to live and what it means to die, then he looks at these two categories quite simply. The child knows that death is inevitable and can easily endure being in the cemetery. He understands the reason that everyone cries and mourns and understands that this is inevitable.

Due to its age characteristics, the psyche of the child is prone to active associations. This means that the child can quickly adapt to the environment and can instantly create positive and negative images in his head.

That is, a child at a conscious age who attended the funeral may, until the end of her days, develop a negative attitude related to this event. No psychologist will give a reliable forecast as to how the trip to the cemetery for one or another baby will go.

Can I take children to the cemetery? Psychologists recommend taking into account the child's age and his psychological state, making such a decision. Of course, many parents believe that a one-year-old child will not feel discomfort from the fact that there are grieving people around him. On the one hand, they are right, since all children react to such trips differently. On the other hand, no one is immune from emotional upheavals, and even adults experience discomfort in the cemetery.

Can children attend funerals when they reach a conscious age? The question is very controversial. In some children, the worldview is practically formed by the age of ten, in others it is formed at the age of adolescence. Everything is individual - psychologists say. But it’s not worth the risk, especially if there is an opportunity to protect the child from nervous shocks.

Can a child go to the cemetery? What to do if necessary

If visits to the cemetery cannot be avoided, then it is worth protecting the child from excessive nervous shocks. Next to him should be one of the relatives. The child does not need to be present at the funeral of a relative, you can protect him from this procedure. Children cannot always understand why the body lying in the coffin is no longer his own person. This misunderstanding can cause various mental deviations.

If we are already talking about the conscious choice of the child to visit the cemetery, it is worthwhile to conduct an explanatory conversation with him before going there. It is important not to leave the baby alone after such a trip and carefully monitor his emotional state.

Can a child go to the cemetery himself? Undesirable, Many of its visitors have a desire to honor the blessed memory of the deceased by drinking alcohol, and such an event does not teach the child decency and a healthy lifestyle.

It is worth noting that until a certain age, his conscious state - it is better not to take a child to the cemetery. If you can’t avoid a hike, you should weigh the pros and cons once again and protect the child from excessive emotional upheavals. Each child is individual and the approach to each should be individual. The main thing is the health of the living, especially the children who are most vulnerable.


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