Five useful tips for every day gynecologist


Intimate problems can occur in every woman. But many are embarrassed to discuss with experts what is bothering them. And there’s no time to go to the doctor. Therefore, we often self-medicate, or leave the malaise unattended. And this can already lead to unpleasant and more serious consequences. Using the recommendations below, you can determine which condition in gynecology is considered the norm, and what is a deviation and requires emergency treatment.

Tip one: keep an eye on your selections

Particular attention should be paid to the allocation. I must say that all women have discharge: for some, they are transparent, and someone observes more yellowish and thicker at certain periods. Only if a woman regularly takes oral contraceptives does the discharge become stable. A change in the consistency, quantity and color of the discharge directly depends on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and may indicate possible deviations from the norm, which can become a sign of infection, and even more so if other concomitant signs have appeared. For example, the sudden appearance of white cheesy discharge and intolerable itching often indicate an acquired fungal infection. Liquid discharge with a specific smell that appeared after making love indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis, which is so common among women under 40 years old. But if the woman's discharge has acquired a greenish tint and an unpleasant smell, then it is better not to hesitate and go to the gynecologist's appointment, since it is very likely to talk about the presence of trichomoniasis.

Girls under the age of 25 who are actively engaged in sexual activity are recommended to be tested for chlamydia at least 1 time per year. In the case of a positive result, the specialist will direct you to check for the presence of gonococci, which are the causative agents of gonorrhea and are associated with chlamydia.

Tip two: do not ignore repeated symptoms

Do you have symptoms that seem familiar to you? Have you already had this? You repeated the previously prescribed course of treatment, but ... did the symptoms reappear? This issue should not be ignored. If treatment only helps for a while, then perhaps it is inadequate to the problem. Or re-infection occurs. Or the problem is something else. In any case, it is better to inform a specialist about such a situation.

Tip three: remember the factors that provoke the development of diseases

Significantly increase the risk of the appearance and development of a gynecological disease can be anything that determines the hormonal level and the acid-base environment of the vagina. The development of infection can be triggered by factors such as:

- Douching. A similar procedure helps wash out beneficial bacteria;

- Perfumed shower gels, intimate cosmetics and bath salts that violate the natural flora of the vagina. Moreover, they can cause allergic reactions (nonspecific vaginitis). Therefore, if cosmetics cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa, then ruthlessly dispose of them.

- Taking antibiotics;

- Taking oral contraceptives.

Tip four: only safe sex

Do not neglect safe sex. A woman should not lose her vigilance (except when she is 100% sure of her partner). Like many years ago, a condom is the best means of protection against possible sexually transmitted diseases. And only a 100% guarantee can be given by the word "no." If you still notice suspicious symptoms after intercourse, it is better to visit a specialist immediately - most likely it is an STD (sexually transmitted disease).

Fifth tip: visit the gynecologist once a year

A regular medical examination should be carried out because any (infectious or non-infectious) disease can be asymptomatic at the initial stage. And the initial stage is such a stage at which it is very easy to cure. With the onset of distinct symptoms, many diseases are extremely difficult to treat, and cancer - alas, it is almost impossible. It is for this reason, even if you do not feel any suspicious symptoms, regularly visit a gynecologist and take all the tests.


Watch the video: 5 Things Your Gynecologist Wants You To Know. MamaDoctorJones (June 2024).