Why the Bazhena grape is remarkable: description of the variety. Features planting and propagation of grapes "Bazhena", care of the variety


Grapes "Bazhena" is known among amateur gardeners and professionals for its stable crops and good taste. This is a universal variety that is suitable for fresh consumption, the preparation of wine, juices and other preparations. Growing table grapes is not as difficult as it might seem, it is enough to follow simple rules.

Description of the Bazhena variety and grape characteristics

The hybrid variety was bred in Ukraine by V.V. Zagorulko, a breeder from Zaporozhye. As a result of long work and crossing of well-known varieties "Arcadia" and "Gift Zaporozhye", a new excellent grape was obtained. It quickly gained popularity, today it is cultivated on an industrial scale. And this is no accident!

Variety "Bazhena" refers to a white table grape early ripening. From the formation of the ovaries to the complete ripening of the fruit, less than 100 days pass. Harvesting begins in mid-August. The young plant begins to bear fruit three years after planting.

Bushes are powerful, give good growth during the growing season, stably bear fruit due to bisexual flowers. The leaves of the shrub are pale green, large, carved. Grapes are resistant to peeling, do not degenerate.

Good plant immunity allows you to grow grapes without frequent sprinkling and processing. The Bazhena variety is resistant to fungal diseases and rot. Ripe berries do not attract insects, although very fragrant and sugary.

Harvest retains marketability for a long time, which gardeners like. Bunches withstand long-term transportation with virtually no loss.

Advantages of the Bazhena variety and its disadvantages

The main advantage of grapes are its berries. They are large, elongated and incredibly tasty. The mass of one berry reaches 25 g. Dense and heavy clusters will decorate any table. With good care, the weight of one cluster exceeds 2 kg. But this is not the limit.

The berries themselves are of a pleasant amber hue, although in the stage of technical ripeness they can be pale green or light green. They taste like ripe cherries. The sugar content in grapes is about 18%. The pulp is juicy, crispy. The skin is dense, allows the berries to withstand rainfall and not crack, but is almost not felt when eating.

The yield of the variety is high, a large number of clusters are ripening on one plant. However, in order not to overload the young plant, you need to resort to rationing the ovaries. Gardeners noticed that stepsons do not carry crops, but only take away the strength of the plant, they must be cut out.

Among the disadvantages of the variety, a special love for a warm climate can be distinguished. The vine does not tolerate a drop in temperature below -21 ° C, while partially freezing. In the central part of Russia, a variety is grown only with careful shelter for the winter.

Planting grapes "Bazhena" and propagation of the variety at home

Grapes of this variety are well propagated by cuttings at home. Seedlings quickly take root and start growing. After a few years, you can get the first crop from them. However, at first, the cuttings will have to be carefully looked after. Young plants do not tolerate drought, so watering should be regular.

If you have vaccination skills, then the variety can be grafted onto other varieties. Thus, it is possible to increase the winter hardiness of the plant, but the ripening time of the berries will slightly increase.

Planting of vines is carried out taking into account the climatic zone of cultivation. The fact is that in the south of the country the berries are baked in the scorching sun, the seedlings are placed in a shaded place. But in a temperate climate, shading is unacceptable, this will adversely affect productivity. Landing is carried out in a well-lit area, protected from the winds. Seedlings are planted in spring or autumn. In the southern regions, the vine takes root well in the fall, but in the central part of Russia, planting is carried over to spring.

Gardeners noticed that Bazhena grapes grow well on fertile and loose soil. Before planting seedlings, the soil must be properly prepared: dig, free from weeds and fertilize. In autumn, the bed is covered with humus and left until spring, and before planting, fertilizers, sand are applied.

The holes for planting a heat-loving variety are made deep so that the root system does not freeze during the cold season. The optimum depth of the landing pit is 80 cm. Do not forget about the drainage layer.

Advice! Keep in mind that the Bazhena grape variety is growing rapidly. If you plant bushes tightly to each other, then they will compete for nutrients and moisture, as a result, one plant will die. Productivity will be low. The optimal distance is at least 5 m between plants.

How to prepare grapes for planting

Young seedlings with long shoots take root poorly, grow slowly and may not tolerate the coming winter. Before planting, cuttings are pruned, following simple rules:

· Choose the strongest shoot and slightly shorten it;

· The remaining shoots are cut completely.

A strong shoot is cut so that 2-3 buds remain from the root. With this pruning, the seedling will quickly take root and put all its strength into building up the root system, which is very important at the planting stage.

Grape care: watering, top dressing, pruning

This variety loves moisture, it is needed for the normal growth and development of the bush, the formation of juicy berries. Watering is laid even at the stage of planting cuttings. Grapes respond well to basal irrigation.

Grapes are watered often, especially during the formation of the ovary. At the same time, natural precipitation is taken into account. If there is enough moisture in the soil, then the soil is allowed to dry. Excessive moisture will not benefit the plant.

Young plants begin to feed after 2-3 years of cultivation. Until this time, the nutrients that were planted during planting should be enough. Each gardener has his own recipe for top dressing, it is important to remember that fertilizers need to be applied in spring and autumn. In addition, top dressing gives good results.

Adult grape bushes need pruning. The Bazhena variety is cut short, most often by 2-3 eyes or 6-8. This is done so that the bush forms powerful shoots. Cut the vine in the fall after harvest or in the early spring, until sap flow begins.

Protection of grapes from diseases and pests

The Bazhena grape variety is rarely sick, but adult plants periodically need preventative treatments. Most often they are carried out in spring and autumn.

Bushes are sprayed with a solution of iron or copper sulfate. The solution is prepared according to the instructions. Spray the vine in the evening so that the leaves are not burned in the sun.

Important! Pests rarely attack this variety, so grapes do not need additional treatments.

As you can see from the article, growing grapes "Bazhena" is not at all difficult. The variety is high-yielding, suitable for personal consumption and sale. It has good taste characteristics and high crop safety. Bushes do not require frequent processing and spraying.


Watch the video: How to trellis grapes: build a trellis, prune a vine (June 2024).