Which women do not leave men


There is a type of women who are unlucky in love. It would seem that they are beautiful, smart, kind, but their personal life does not go well. They choose for themselves either arrogant, who demonstrate strength, but deep down do not respect women, or sissies. Some, in desperation, live with unloved men, just not to be left alone.

Why are women so dependent on men

By nature, women need relationships more than men. Many passionately want to get married and are afraid of loneliness, therefore they associate life with tyrants, alcoholics and simply unloved men.

If you look at the statistics of queries in Internet search engines, you can see that the question “How to win and / or keep a man” is set much more often than “how to keep a woman”.

In these tips for keeping men, it is proposed to have a comfortable (or bitchy) character and behave in a pattern, wear skirts and heels, not call or write first. It’s even a shame for women: they are forced to restrain and “bother”.

These often fail in their personal lives: men feel insecure and desire to indulge at all costs.

There is another type of women: beauty may not shine, but they know how to give themselves, and men do not give them access. How do they do it?

Which women do not leave

They know how to be themselves and do what they like. Wanted to wear jeans and sneakers on your first date? She put on: she is so comfortable.

The girl who uses combat paint for meetings, wears evening dresses with 15 cm high-heeled shoes looks funny.

She wanted to write first - she, as a confident girl, wrote first.
If you conduct an experiment and invite men to get acquainted, you can see that the majority positively assesses the initiative on the part of the ladies.

Many will even be pleasantly shocked, because the girls were the first to get to know them very rarely.

Women who love themselves do not wait when they write to them - they choose it themselves.

Men appreciate ladies who DO NOT do what they don't like. Advancing on her own interests for the sake of pleasing her beloved is convenient, but boring. It is unlikely that such people think for days and nights.

They are comfortable, because she will come to clean up, she will buy products at her own expense, she can bring clothes for washing. How can you get away from such a treasure as a trouble-free girl!

Another thing is one that occurs only when it is convenient for her, she cooks and erases the man if she wants to. If you want to live together, you have to distribute responsibilities, but in the candy-bouquet period you just need to enjoy each other.

To create strong full-fledged relationships, there must be respect in the couple.

If you notice the first alarming calls on a date: violation of personal boundaries, obsession, condemnation of your ex, it is important to think and stop the meeting until it is “delayed”.

So impudent, not accustomed to appreciate women. Accordingly, it is unlikely that he will be able to deeply fall in love. Girls should learn to break off contacts with such people abruptly and irrevocably and be uncompromising, and strong reliable guys will stretch themselves.

Men respect realized women. Not necessarily she should be the CEO of Gazprom, but she must have some goals in life, love her work.

Boring people who do what they are not interested in, endure an unloved job, a quarrelsome boss, an unwanted man. In a word, insecure people.

Another attractive quality is charisma. It includes the brightness of the personality, personality, sense of humor. To radiate magnetism, it is enough just to be yourself, to show the most vivid and original qualities. The antipode of charisma is dullness, dullness, emotionlessness.

A few words about appearance

Appearance plays a role, but you should not "bother" about it, since everyone has different tastes.

If a young man is attracted to girls who are exceptionally tall, with curvaceous shapes, large facial features, he is unlikely to want to go on a date with a fragile girl with a tiny nose and eyes.

And the other young man sees himself only with an "inch".

One likes girls of standard appearance, and someone is crazy about Sarah Jessica Parker or Yoko Ono. They don’t argue about tastes, so insecure girls should discard the idea that no one will love them for such an appearance.
Well-groomed and sense of style plays a role.

If a girl comes on a date with an overgrown, stoop, in a terrible pink blouse with rhinestones, she will cause less positive emotions.

He will come in a short dress with bright makeup and huge false eyelashes - the young man will decide that she either does not love herself and wants to seem better than she is, or a girl of easy virtue.

To summarize

Signs of women who do not go away:
1) Loves himself. She does what she likes and does not allow herself to be used.
2) Well-groomed, but does not go out of her way to enjoy.
3) Does not swallow insults. Immediately declares that she does not like.
4) Bright, active.
5) Not confused about relationships and marriage.

Signs of women who quickly lose interest:
1) Dancing to the tune of the faithful, if only he would not leave.
2) Not implemented, engaged in an unloved and boring affair at a dull job.
3) Walks in a greasy dressing gown with a sad face.
4) He’s afraid of everything: to say no, to express opposition, to do it his own way.
5) Lives with a man who does not respect her, just not to be left alone.
6) Marry the unloved for the same reason from paragraph 5.

It is customary for Russian women to sacrifice themselves to the faithful at the level of mentality. She can live with an alcoholic, a traitor, a despot.

If a sufferer gives advice to break off destructive ties, she will answer: "And what else remains for me?" or "And I have nowhere else to go," demonstrating the psychology of the victim.

It is unlikely that a man will tolerate alcoholism and psychopathy, and a woman will.

Since historical times, it has been considered almost the norm when a husband drinks and hits.

It is time to get rid of this stereotype and ruthlessly break off destructive ties.


Watch the video: Why domestic violence victims don't leave. Leslie Morgan Steiner (June 2024).