What does the elevator dream about: transparent or deaf. What dreamed of getting stuck in an elevator, going up or down on an elevator - according to different dream books


An elevator is one of the most mundane and material things in our life. Almost every day we come across him in reality. Coming in a dream, this image most often symbolizes the career, working sphere. It indicates the fate of your new beginnings and projects, gives information about the activity of your rivals and enemies.

An elevator can also mean the dreamer himself, the state of his inner world. Does the booth move up or down? Or maybe she stopped at all? We know in the article what mood of your soul is characterized and what future is predicted by these falls, rises and stops.

Why the elevator dreams - according to the dream book of A. Menegeti

In order for the elevator to start moving, we don’t need to make a huge effort: just press the button. Therefore, the elevator going up represents your desire to make global changes in your life, while doing nothing, but waiting for the help of external circumstances, hoping for a miracle. Start to be responsible for your life, take the initiative - and you will no longer have to see the elevator car in your nightly dreams.

If the elevator moves down in a dream, then in life you feel the loss of something important, your self-esteem is hurt. Accordingly, the stuck elevator dreams when in reality you are at a standstill, in a hopeless situation.

Why the elevator dreams - according to G. Miller's dream book

This dream book is interpreted by the dream in which you go up on the elevator as a harbinger of the fact that unprecedented wealth will soon fall on you, you will take steps on the steps of the social ladder. And this will happen even not thanks to your hard work, but by the will of circumstances. In other words, luck will smile at you.

The descent on the elevator, on the contrary, means that soon problems and failures await you, which, again, are unexpected from the outside, and not due to your mistake.

If in a dream you got out of the elevator, which immediately afterwards went down, then in reality you can hardly avoid trouble.

But a stopped elevator, inside which you are located, predicts a danger that lies in wait for you from where you are not expecting.

Why the elevator dreams - according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The authors believe that the elevator personifies your life situation and your willingness to change it. So try to remember exactly how the cabin looked from the inside. Was it modern, clean and silent, or in a dream did you wrinkle from the unpleasant smell and heartbreaking squeak? Did the booth swing or ride smoothly? Draw parallels with what is happening now in your life.

The direction of movement of the elevator will tell you what awaits you. In a dream, going up the elevator - in reality, to achieve success in your business without much stress. At the same time, the higher you rise, the more chances you have to implement your plan. The descent means that calm times await you, when you can relax and relax a bit - there will not be any major troubles on your life path.

Why the elevator dreams - according to the dream book of Z. Freud

To the well-known psychiatrist, the divergent flaps of the elevator reminded, oddly enough, the female genitals. If such a dream occurs to a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, then she clearly has a partner with whom she wants to keep a secret. A broken elevator symbolizes the fear that they will bite you. You are disturbed by a premonition of an event that will not allow further lurking this connection.

If you click on the elevator call button and it doesn’t arrive, your relationship is in danger of breaking.

The interpretation of this dream for men is completely different: the elevator portends a hectic sex life, full of novelty and originality.

What the elevator dreams about - according to the East Dream Book

The rapid rise in the elevator, ending with a flight to the roof, in a dream predicts new friends, a change in the circle of friends. Perhaps you will meet a person who will turn your life over forever, become very dear to you and heartily close. If you dream that you are stuck in an elevator, then in life you will have to face problems that only you can solve.

Why the elevator dreams - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov, a very fast ascent on an elevator in a dream portends an equally rapid development of events in life, surprise and unexpectedness. You will pick up and swirl over the course of many things and concerns, both pleasant and not very. All you have to do is relax and follow where this stream carries you. But a quick descent is interpreted as the presence of an obstacle that slows down the development of affairs. If you dream that the elevator car brings you to the top floor - a sign that in reality you will have to lie and trick to protect your loved one, to protect him.

Why the elevator dreams - according to the dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If in dreams you see not the vehicle itself, but the elevator shaft, you should be careful and not take hasty steps. Probably, troubles await you, to which your enemies had a hand. But do not be alarmed: having carefully thought through each of your actions, you can cope with the situation.

You can predict the outcome of the situation if you remember exactly what feelings you looked into the elevator shaft. The anxious mood that has taken possession of you at that moment suggests that the solution to the problem depends on whether you commit a certain act, which is usually not characteristic of you. If you were calm when looking into the dark inside of the mine, then in reality everything will end happily, even special efforts on your part will not be required. Dreamers who are curious at the sight of this image are not afraid of life, they even crave changes, they are drawn to experiments.

Falling into the elevator shaft is a sign that in reality you have been dragged into a routine, you dream of breaking out of a vicious circle of domestic duties, which, it seems, has no end. Find the strength and courage in yourself to resist this exhausting monotony, take the path of spiritual and creative development.

If in a dream you managed to cling to the edge of the shaft, but you cannot get out of it, a period of stagnation and boredom is coming in life, which will help you to survive with determination and a desire to change something.

From the mine comes the cat's meow or even the furry little body purrs flickers? Such a dream carries an alarming message - your enemies are more than ever ready to confront you. They are preparing a blow from behind, intending to take advantage of the effect of surprise. Look at both, think over your every step and you can defend yourself.

Why the elevator dreams - according to the Esoteric dream book

An elevator is a symbol of your inner world, the direction of its movement explains in which direction your spirit is developing and whether it is developing at all. So the upsurge means that you are doing everything right, skillfully maintaining a balance between the material world and the spiritual. You do not stand still, constantly growing morally and creatively.

The horizontal movement of the elevator in your dream, on the contrary, claims that you have chosen the wrong path and are about to get bogged down with problems and troubles with your head. You devote the invaluable time of your life to caring for earthly goods, transient material things. You completely forgot that the spiritual needs of a person are no less important than the physical. Pay more attention to what you can’t buy for any money, do what you haven’t done since childhood.

If you dream that the elevator falls into the mine, then you will find a huge failure. To avoid it, you will have to completely change your life and moral guidelines.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence or absence of persons accompanying you. If you ride alone in the elevator, then in life you should not allow outsiders to interfere in your affairs. Go your way and do not look back at the opinions of others. If you have one or more people, now you should work as a team. Do not be afraid to accept the help of others, especially those who are truly professional.

Why the elevator dreams - according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphima

In this dream book, the situation is deciphered when the elevator in a dream travels up and down, as if it could not determine the direction of movement. So the person who sees this dream is not able to decide which path he should choose. He is a troubled soul, infinitely searching and not finding, striving for something unknown. But the subconscious mind nevertheless not without reason sends you signals that come into dreams in the form of an elevator. Perhaps it is worth descending from heaven to earth, finally decide on the direction of your activity.


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