Unusual Ways to Combat Overweight


A fit body and a slender figure are an indicator of health, beauty, huge willpower and a reason for the pride of every woman. When the body is in order, self-esteem, self-confidence increase, which means achieving success and goals, it becomes easier.

But what to do to those who were not lucky enough to be slim and fit? First of all, it is necessary to realize that everything depends on ourselves, the main desire is, and there are ways. In addition, you need to figure out what in your case is the cause of the extra pounds. After all, there are a lot of factors that contribute to obesity.

Initially, it seems that the cause of excess weight is the same for everyone: an excess of calories in the process of nutrition, which the body does not have time to use up. This is true, but there are a number of points that further favor obesity.

Genetic location

According to the study, in parents with extra pounds, a child is born with an overweight position of 25%. In addition, heredity affects where exactly the fat will be located to the greatest extent (hips, stomach, etc.) .

Metabolic disease

The work of the hormonal system and metabolic processes are individual for everyone. In addition, everyone consumes energy in different ways. These are the key moments, and if a person has problems with this, then extra pounds cannot be avoided. For example, a hormone such as ghrelin is responsible for appetite. Consequently, if its level exceeds the norm, then the feeling of hunger will be very difficult to satisfy.

One of the habits that harms not only health, but also the figure is a sedentary lifestyle. Inactivity, along with overeating in a matter of weeks, can turn the body beyond recognition. Fat folds appear on the body, the skin becomes flabby and overall the silhouette leaves much to be desired.

If you have a goal to lose weight, it is very commendable. This should be done not only for the sake of "fashion", but first of all for yourself and your health.

There are many ways to slim. A variety of diets, exercises, sports complexes, drinking regimen - all this with a competent approach has a beneficial effect on the figure. But there are also unusual, little-known, but no less effective ways to lose weight.

Such a wide range of useful properties as in olive oil, is far from every product. No wonder it is popularly called "liquid gold." Olive oil cleanses blood vessels, improves the digestive tract, normalizes blood pressure, improves vision, protects the nervous system. Regular use allows you to achieve considerable success with weight loss. It is important to learn the fact that this oil is also fat, although healthy. For harmony, it is necessary to use it according to the scheme, and in a small amount. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, the opposite effect may occur. Olive oil should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, and then do not eat for an hour. To begin with, check your body for tolerance and drink only 1 tsp. Salads seasoned with "liquid gold" give a very good effect, the main thing to remember is the daily rate of 2 tablespoons and no more.

Experts say that eating whole-grain toast an hour before bedtime can help you lose weight. In general, it is worth noting that if you want to lose weight, it is important to exclude all flour products from the diet. The exceptions are bran toasts, durum wheat products. They belong to the section of complex carbohydrates, so they do not harm the figure (in moderation).

There is a set for weight loss: a fork with two teeth, a spoon without a bottom. Of course, this kit is comic, and its creators wanted to convey that if you want to lose weight, eat less. But if you think about it, then there is something in this idea. Eating a fork, you definitely eat less than a spoon, and with chopsticks for sushi, extra pounds will disappear even faster. This method is worth attention, because it does not need a lot of cost and effort.

It is proved that the longer a person chews food, the less food he eats and is more saturated. So that the process of chewing was not so boring - count the number of chewing movements. This lesson contributes not only to the thorough crushing of products, but also to the secretion of gastric juice, which is very good for the digestive system. It is important to chew the product about 40 times, so you will spend about 12% of the calories eaten. This method is the most budgetary, and the effect is worth it: on average, you can lose about 10 kg per year. Excess weight will go away slowly, but for a long time.

Sport speeds up metabolism, and this knowledge must be applied on your way to a slim figure. A few minutes of intensive training before eating is what is necessary for the rapid assimilation of food, the quickest use of energy, and the most powerful launch of metabolic processes. As a result, the body simply has nothing to “put” on your stomach or hips, moreover, the fat that is in your body will be burned at an accelerated pace. Just do not overdo it, the training should be a maximum of 5 minutes, no more.

Some colors affect your appetite. Surprisingly, this is true. It is necessary to eat from blue dishes, since this shade does not stimulate appetite, and it is better to choose food in green and white colors. Japanese inventors even created blue glasses, the food seems unappetizing in them, as a result, a person begins to eat when he is really hungry. It is necessary to avoid products of red, yellow, golden colors. The walls of the kitchen should also be non-inviting shades.

To such a delicate issue as losing weight, it is necessary to approach wisely, think about each step, be sure to consult a doctor. Everyone can achieve success, the main thing is not only to dream, but also to act, then the result will not be long in coming.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to help overweight kids get healthier (June 2024).