5 reasons to give fish oil to your baby. Harm fish oil for children: contraindications


Fish oil is a unique product in its composition, which acts as a natural source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. But giving it to your child is necessary only according to the instructions, otherwise fish oil for children may be harmed.

What are the benefits of fish oil for children?

The composition of fish oil is very rich. In it you can meet:

• palmitic and oleic acids;

• useful trace elements such as phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, chlorine, calcium;

• fat-soluble vitamins D, E, A;

• polyunsaturated fatty acids.

All these components have an irreplaceable effect on the body, especially in childhood. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are actively involved in metabolic processes, expand blood capillaries, improve blood circulation in the brain, and help activate metabolic processes in the brain.

After taking fish oil, brain activity improves, as well as the mental development of the baby. In children, the ability to understand and absorb information is strengthened. Overly excited children become more assiduous and attentive. Also, the pluses include the fact that the motor skills of the hands develop and children learn to write and read faster.

Retarded children begin to catch up with their peers in development after a three-month course of therapy. Also, the technique is reflected on the psycho-emotional background. Fish oil is able to improve mood, which is extremely important in adolescent depressive states.

Another good quality is a positive effect on the baby's immunity. After administration, the progression of an allergic reaction is prevented, island-inflammatory reactions decrease and resistance to various infectious ailments is significantly increased.

Vitamins that are in the composition of fat are essential for children. Vitamin D helps prevent the progression of an ailment such as rickets. Also, vitamin is extremely important for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. This vitamin is responsible for the formation of the skeleton, mineralization of the skeleton and bones.

Vitamin A in the composition is important for vision. It helps to cope with the fragility of the nail plates and hair. The condition of the skin and the digestive tract also improves. Retinol helps wounds heal quickly.

Vitamin E is characterized by antioxidant effects. Vitamin helps reduce the risk of progression of malignant diseases. A lack of vitamin A can cause a disturbed menstrual cycle in girls and in the future to infertility.

The benefits of fish oil for children: indications for use

Fish oil can be given to children of any age category. But there are some features in the treatment of babies. Indications for taking the product are as follows:

• prevention of rickets;

• excessive irritability and aggressiveness;

• dry skin;

• treatment of wounds and burns;

• excess weight;

• eye diseases, visual impairment;

• anemia;

• attention deficit disorder;

• frequent cramps;

• excessive activity of the baby;

• violation of the physical development of the child;

• hypovitaminosis;

• congenital heart disease;

• postoperative time;

• frequent depression;

• disorders of neuropsychic development;

• lowering the immune system.

In any of the above conditions, fish oil has only a positive effect.

The benefits of fish oil for children: can it be given to infants?

Up to one year, fish oil can be prescribed to a child only by a doctor after examining the baby. At the same time, closure of the fontanel on the head of the baby and phosphorus-calcium metabolism takes place. If you give the baby a product spontaneously, not taking into account the recommendations of a specialist, then the fontanel may close too soon. This will have a negative effect on brain development.

Children who are on artificial feeding, just need to use this product. This is due to the fact that they do not receive the necessary fatty acids with food. This often becomes the root cause of mental retardation, especially in premature babies.

If the baby does not receive breast milk and it’s too early for him to introduce fish into lure, then the only way to saturate the body with useful substances is to prescribe a fish oil intake. The pediatrician individually determines the dosage, frequency of administration and duration of therapy. Most often, fat is prescribed at the age of four weeks.

The benefits of fish oil for children: how to choose a good product?

Fish fat is a clear, oily liquid that has a yellowish tint. This composition has a characteristic smell and taste. Previously, fat was prepared only from the liver of fish. But the liver is the organ that accumulates toxins and harmful substances the most. The seas and oceans are currently very polluted, so this negatively affects the quality of the produced fat.

Today, in addition to this method, there is another way to obtain a very high-quality product. The product is obtained from fish carcasses by cold pressing. Both options are different in composition. Omega-3 fatty acids are not found in liver fat. but on the other hand there is a large amount of vitamins A and D. For this reason, the course of therapy should last no more than three months. Better fat from fish carcasses contains all the necessary acids. If necessary, it can be combined with any pharmacy complexes.

When buying fat for children, it is important to pay attention to the method of obtaining it. It is highly recommended to purchase a better product, although its cost is higher. But the pharmacy today also offers to buy not only liquid fat, but also in the form of capsules. Preference should be given to the capsule form of release. This form helps to get rid of fat from an unpleasant aftertaste and a special smell. In pharmacies there is also a special fish oil for babies, which includes additional vitamins. Before buying, be sure to consult a specialist to determine the appropriateness of taking such a remedy. It is also important to make sure that all the additives in the composition are natural and will not harm the baby's health. It is believed that the best and most environmentally friendly fat is fat from Norway. There are no toxins, salts of heavy metals and various oil products in the waters.

Harm fish oil for children: contraindications

Despite the fact that fat is a natural product and has many positive properties, there are still contraindications to its use. These are:

• severe injuries;

• hypervitaminosis;

• personal immunity of seafood;

• stomach diseases;

• liver disease and gallstone disease;

• chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage;

• excessive bleeding;

• active tuberculosis;

• vegetovascular dystonia, in which there is a tendency to lower blood pressure;

• chronic cholecystitis in the acute stage.

in any of the above conditions, it is categorically not recommended to give fat to your baby.


Watch the video: Warning: Dangerous Fish Oil Omega 3 Side Effects (June 2024).