June 15: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 15th.


Holidays June 15

Flag Day celebrated in Armenia

The red-blue-orange-tricolor was adopted by the Supreme Council of the Armenian Republic in 1990 as a state symbol of the country. The historical flag of the Democratic Republic of Armenia of 1918 was taken as the basis. The cloth of which consists of three equal strips. The upper red denotes the blood of Armenian sons who died in the struggle for independence. The middle blue stripe is a peaceful clear sky, under which every citizen of the country dreams of living, and the lower orange symbolizes the fertile lands of Armenia and the hardworking people who process them. After the adoption by the National Assembly of the republic on June 15, 2006 The Law "On the National Flag", was simultaneously approved and the national holiday - "Flag Day", which they decided to celebrate on June 15.

June 15 on the folk calendar

Nicephorus Duboder

From Nicephorus they began to harvest oak bark, peeling it from the trees. Tanning of animals was not complete without oak bark. To make the skin better, the bark of old and young trunks did not fit, it was collected from oak trees aged ten to fifteen years.

Green loach. June 15 was also called the "Green Loach". On this day, young girls for luck wove wreaths of loaches. Such a wreath promised good luck, an early meeting with the narrowed one and served as a charm from the evil eye and damage. In the evening, boys and girls gathered for games, where they sang songs, danced round dances and looked after a bride or groom.

Historical events of June 15

June 15, 1846 Britain and the United States signed the Oregon Treaty, which established the border between the two states on Oregon land, which ran along 49 parallel

The Oregon Treaty put an end to the mutual claims of these countries on neutral territories near the border. The fact is that back in 1818. the two states were separated by a forty-ninth parallel, the boundary line ran up to the Rocky Mountains. And the territory west of the mountains was free, and was equally used by both England and the United States. Naturally, constant disputes arose, because each side wanted to achieve complete control, especially the zealous Americans who wanted to expand their holdings to 54 parallel. It got to the point that the air smelled of gunpowder, the countries were ready to engage in hostilities among themselves. But in 1846. war broke out between Mexico and the United States, the Americans could not afford to fight on two fronts, and agreed to a compromise.

June 15, 1985 Rembrandt's Danae canvas was cut and doused with acid

This unpleasant incident occurred in the Hermitage right before the eyes of museum visitors. A short man separated from the group of sightseers and came close to the picture. First, he stabbed the canvas, and then splashed with concentrated acid. By accident, the liquid did not get on Danai’s face, but most of the reproduction instantly turned into a black spot. After a long restoration, which was carried out for 12 years, the painting took its former place in the museum.

June 15, 1996 The greatest jazz vocalist Ella Fitzgerald died in the USA, she was 79 years old

Ella Fitzgerald was considered the best jazz vocalist in the world for more than half a century. Possessed a wide range of voices of three octaves, masterfully owned voice improvisation. It is noteworthy that Ella had no musical education and never attended vocal classes. She also did not need a chant before concerts, she took any note with ease, without the slightest effort and training. Over the course of her singing career, Fitzgerald has released 90 albums and won a Grammy Award 13 times. Even during the life of the singer, more than forty million records with records of her songs were sold. She wore unofficial titles "Queen of Jazz" and "First Lady of the Song."

June 15, 1999 In Belgium, a ban was imposed on the sale of Coca-Cola

Maybe once Coca-Cola was a natural and tonic drink, but not at present. After laboratory analysis, it was found that in addition to sugar and water, there is nothing natural in this drink. Even caffeine and that manufacturers added synthetic, and instead of citric acid put phosphoric. It was because of the high content of chemicals in order to preserve the health of their citizens that the Belgian authorities banned the sale of this popular drink in the country. Let all fans of Coca-Cola make one think about the “benefits” of this sparkling water: for transporting a drink concentrate to a spill site, the cans in which Cola is transported are equipped with special pallets designed to move liquids with an aggressive composition.

Born on June 15

Demis Roussos (born 1946), Greek singer

Artemios Russos, this is the real name of the singer, was born in a musical family. His father played the guitar excellently, and his mother was a singer. Therefore, it is not surprising that parents from childhood instilled in the boy a love of music. He plays the organ, guitar, double bass, trumpet, and most importantly, has a very beautiful and unusual voice. For which the grateful listeners nicknamed the singer "Greek nightingale." During his singing career, Demis Roussos has performed many songs, many of which have become hits or ranked in charts, but his calling card is undoubtedly “From souvenirs”. Russos became famous not only for his rich voice, but also for his colorful appearance; he weighed 150 kilograms. Then he set himself the goal of losing weight, and in six months he lost weight to 95 kg. The enterprising singer even released a book where he described the stages of his weight loss. As he admits, gaining a normal weight helped him to separate food, which he adhered to. Although the singer’s ill-wishers claim that the sharp weight loss is associated with the stress that the tenor had to endure after being held hostage by the terrorists for a week. There was such an event in his life, when in 1985. the plane in which the singer was flying was hijacked along with other passengers. The story had a happy ending, the captives were released, but the singer received psychological trauma and experienced severe stress.

Anna Kovalchuk (born 1977), Russian actress

Anne Kovalchuk at school was easily given exact sciences. She even planned to enter the faculty of cybernetics at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. But while I had finished my graduation class, I changed my mind. And I took the documents to the theater. A talented student was noticed even while studying, and after receiving a diploma was invited to play in the Lensovet Theater. And the first role in the movie, the actress was waiting in 1998. It was the film of Vladimir Zaikin "Love of Evil." But the all-Russian popularity and recognition of a multimillion-dollar audience, Anna brought the role of a strict and fair investigator Maria Shvetsova, in the famous series "Secrets of the investigation." Anna Kovalchuk easily manages to play absolutely any role. She proved this by starring in the film by Vladimir Bortko based on the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", appearing in front of the audience in the image of Margarita, with the role of which she brilliantly coped. As the actress herself later admitted, the personal diaries of the wife of the author of the novel, Elena Bulgakova, helped her to get used to the image of the main character.

Name day june 15

Ivan, Dmitry, Nicephorus, Danil (Daniel), Constantine, Maria


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).