Pomelo: calorie content, benefits and harms of large citrus. Various facts about the beneficial and harmful properties of pomelo


Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit.

The pulp of the pomelo is drier compared to other types of citrus fruits, the taste is slightly bitter, the fibers are large and elastic, the color is greenish-yellow, the smell vaguely resembles a banana.

But the taste of the broom is unusual - the combination of sour and sweet will be remembered by everyone.

The homeland of pomelo is China.

BC, this fruit was intended exclusively for the royal nobility.

And at the beginning of the XIV century it was brought to Europe, where it did not immediately take root. Currently pomelo is grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, India and Indonesia.

Pomelo is an integral part of many dishes of Chinese, Thai and Indian cuisines. Interestingly, the weight of some pomelo can reach 20 kilograms!

There are 3 types of pomelo:

Red - oval-shaped fruit with bitter red pulp

Pink - juicy fruit with pink flesh and anthelmintic effect

White - the shape of the fruit resembles a pear, the pulp is white and sweet

Many confuse the pomelo with its closest relative - grapefruit, mistakenly believing that their tastes are the same. However, their properties and characteristics are much different. Pomelo is not a giant grapefruit, but rather its parent. What won the hearts of an unusual fruit?

Pomelo: what are the benefits for the body?

Pomelo - a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and coarse fibers.

The unique taste of the pomelo is justified by its unique composition:

• Potassium

• Calcium

• Iron

• Sodium

• Vitamins of group B and A

• Beta Carotene

• Vitamin C

• Essential oils

Pomelo strengthens the immune system! The experts conducted an interesting experiment: they studied lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, orange and pomelo for the presence of vitamin C. Surprisingly, the pomelo became the winner! The highest amount of ascorbic acid was found in it. Being a source of vitamin C, pomelo serves as the prevention of colds, infectious and viral diseases. If they already exist, a broomstick will help to cope with them easier and faster. Essential oils in the pomelo perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Coarse fibers pomelo create some kind of food lump moving through the intestines. Coarse fibers collect toxins and undigested food residues, absorb and remove them from the body.

Pomelo helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure. Moreover, doctors have proved that a broomstick can protect against the formation of a blood clot in the vessels!

Pomelo improves mood, increases vitality and helps the body to tone. Lemonids in the composition of the pomelo are responsible for our performance, attentiveness and productivity. The phosphorus contained in the pomelo promotes vigorous mental activity.

Scientists have proven that pomelo helps in the fight against cancer. Exotic fruit is able to withstand the growth of malignant cells.

Fans of citrus will definitely appreciate the special, fresh, pleasant taste of the fruit. If you compare the pomelo with its relative grapefruit, you can see the difference - the grapefruit is bitter, but the pomelo is sweet in taste. In summer, the flesh of a pomelo can perfectly quench your thirst.

Pomelo is useful for lung diseases and poisoning. In China, many medicines are made on the basis of pomelo.

Calcium in a pomelo strengthens bones, hair and nails. The antioxidants in the pomelo will help for a long time to maintain youth and good physical health.

Pomelo is recommended to include in the diet for people suffering from high blood sugar. Regular consumption of it will help normalize sugar levels.

Pomelo is an assistant for gastritis and other gastric diseases. Making decoctions and tinctures from the pomelo peel, you can quickly cope with poisoning, indigestion and disturbances in the intestines.

Pomelo is not only tasty and healthy, but also healing. Inhaling the smell of the pomelo peel, you can easily eliminate nasal congestion and even slightly lower body temperature!

It is often difficult to force yourself to go to the gym or go on a diet from the next Monday. Then the broom will come to the rescue! The fruit helps the rapid breakdown of proteins and fats in the body, speeds up metabolism and helps burn extra calories.

Pomelo is also useful for cosmetic purposes. A great tool for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin. Rubbing the skin with pomelo juice, the effect is noticeable immediately: the skin shone, rejuvenated, became more fresh and clean without oily sheen. The pulp of the fruit is incredibly juicy and nutritious, so the broomstick will become the companion of the fasting day.

Pomelo is a symbol of prosperity, wealth, health and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give this fruit on New Year's Eve to your loved ones. Try to give a piece of happiness to your family by presenting them with a basket of tropical fruit.

Often in Europe you can find jewelry of their skin pomelo. At home, it is of interest to make a salad platter of fruit peel by cutting the fruit horizontally in the shape of a circle.

Pomelo is an ingredient in many culinary dishes! Feel free to add it to salads, supplement meat and fish, start pies with it. Peel is used for making jam or tea flavoring. And, of course, do not forget that there is nothing better than starting your day with freshly squeezed juice.

Invaluable benefit pomelo for the nervous system. Pomelo is boldly called an antidepressant fruit. Eat this wonderful fruit and improve your mood! But the source of joy and happiness is not only the inside in the form of pulp pomelo, but also its peel. Psychologists advise not to throw away the peel, fill it with a deep vase and put it next to the berth. Such a natural aromatic lamp is sure to give positive emotions, energy and strength.

Calorie Pomelo

Despite the huge number of useful properties, the pomelo is characterized by low calorie content - 100 g of product contain 25-40 kcal. Such boundaries are due to a simple rule: the sweeter the pomelo, the more calories it has. The low calorie content of the pomelo is explained by the high water content in it - almost 90 g of liquid per 100 g of fruit!

Pomelo: what is the harm to health?

The benefits of the pomelo are proven, and no one can argue with that. But, like any product, a pomelo has its drawbacks and contraindications.

Do not eat pomelo if you have:

• Allergic reactions to citrus fruits

• Gastric and duodenal ulcer

• Increased acidity of the stomach

• hepatitis

• Jade

• colitis

Be sure to consult your doctor before eating fruit in the presence of the above diseases. Eating pomelo can exacerbate chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Strongly increasing the acidity of the alkaline environment, it causes heartburn.

An allergy to citruses can lead to swelling of the throat and even asthma attacks. In order to check whether you are allergic to a broomstick, it is enough to eat 1-2 slices of it or remember what the body's reaction to other citruses is.

During breastfeeding, eating a pomelo is not recommended, so as not to harm the health of your unborn baby. Excessive consumption of pomelo can have a laxative effect. Overeating the fruit causes itching and hives.

Pomelo for children: useful or harmful

Due to the fact that the pomelo belongs to the citrus genus, the fruit is a strong allergen. Children under one year of age are not recommended to give pomelo. After a year, you can add to the diet, but with caution and in small portions.

Be sure to consult with a pediatrician if the inclusion of a rather exotic overseas fruit in the diet will harm the baby. If the child took the fruit well, and the body did not give any reactions, feel free to feed the baby. But, remember, it’s better to eat seasonal fruits, for example, pears and apples. They absolutely will not bring the child undesirable health effects.

There is less juice in the pomelo than in orange and grapefruit, and children often treat this fruit neutrally. Therefore, parents can decorate desserts and fruit salads by adding a few slices of such a healthy and tasty pomelo.

Children's salad with pomelo

He will need a few simple ingredients:

• Pomelo

• A bunch of salad

• Boiled breast

• Hard cheese

• Sour cream

Pomelo cut, cleaned from layers, finely chopped with a bunch of salad. Mix with small pieces of soft boiled chicken breast. Hard cheese is rubbed on top. Stir, plentifully pouring sour cream. If desired, grated nuts can be added.

How to choose a pomelo?

Only the ripened fruit will bring benefit. How to find one and not make a mistake?

It should be soft to the touch, heavy in weight, fragrant in smell, and light yellow in color. It is best to buy a pomelo from January to March, because it is during these months that the peak of its maturation occurs. Be sure to monitor the skin - it must not be damaged! The peel of the fruit should be firm and shiny, the smell from it should come intense.

The whole pomelo is stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Sliced ​​fruit should be stored for a maximum of 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

Pomelo is an alternative to many bad desserts. For more than 15 years, the fruit is presented on store shelves - affordable, healthy, exotic. According to many criteria, the pomelo is superior to grapefruit: it is easier to clean, the taste is sweeter, it is almost impossible to get dirty.

Once you have tried a broomstick, you will surely fall in love with it!


Watch the video: Pomelo vs Grapefruit Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, Side Effects (June 2024).