Pregnancy with a negative test is possible or not? Find out if there can be a negative test when a pregnancy occurs.


The notorious two strips on the test for a pregnancy test have long been the "talk of the town". But it is unlikely that anyone will argue that he has significantly eased the anxiety of a woman during the period of delayed onset of menstruation. Someone the result of the tests will foreshadow the joy of motherhood, and someone will bring great pleasure to make sure that so far everything has passed.

But is it worth it to unconditionally believe this method and can the test be negative during pregnancy? As the long-term method of applying such tools shows, one cannot be completely insured against mistakes. Therefore, it makes sense to penetrate deeper and understand why such a serious discrepancy between the result and reality occurs.

What you need to know before determining the causes of a negative test during pregnancy

The start date for the next critical days has come, but nothing happened. The very first thought a girl has about possible motherhood. Regardless, it scares or pleases, I want to make sure that the assumptions are correct. This can be done in two ways.

1. The first type of tests is invented to comfortably determine the level of urinary concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. This hormone is actively produced by the woman's body after fertilization of the egg. For analysis, the urine of the lady is needed. The test is performed at home and you do not need to contact a gynecologist for it.

2. The second type of testing is carried out exclusively in the laboratory, the participation of the doctor in such cases is necessary. It is clear that it is somewhat inconvenient, but the accuracy of the results is much higher, since the tests of the second type are much more sensitive. If you test the blood of the future mother with their help, then pregnancy can be determined after the sixth day from the moment of ovulation.

Which option to choose, decides each lady herself. Usually, because of convenience and guaranteed anonymity, they prefer the first one, forgetting that it is he who subsequently forces him to look for the causes of a negative test during pregnancy. In order not to encounter inconsistencies, one must have an idea how he acts and why he sometimes makes mistakes.

The principle of determining pregnancy is quite simple. If in the urine sample taken, the level of hCG is above the permissible rate, then it is a positive decision in favor of the accomplished conception. However, in rare cases, even in women in whom the fertilization of the egg did not happen, the concentration of the hormone reaches the desired rate during pregnancy. Or, on the contrary, the lady is already expecting a child (even if she still does not suspect it), and the stripes indicate that there is not even an interesting position. Naturally, in such cases it is better to immediately consult a doctor to find out the reasons for the negative test during pregnancy and to take action. After all, a similar incident can happen both with a banal spoiled drug and with the development of a tumor in any organ of the reproductive system.

Why there is a pregnancy with a negative test: confusion with dates

So, the purchase is completed, the lady rushes into the bathroom with excitement in order to collect urine and perform all the magical actions. The result convinces in vain of all experiences. But reguly and do not occur, and the treating gynecologist stunned by the news about the pregnancy. So why did the test show negatively during pregnancy? First of all, the matter can be in the woman herself and in the peculiarities of her body.

1. The lady hurried. Not everyone and not always celebrate and consider their menstrual cycle. As a result, the period, its beginning and ending is lost, the girl estimates them "by eye". Therefore, often the test is carried out too early. In the very first weeks after ovulation, the level of hCG is rather low and rises only by the next critical days. Therefore, the late test will give a negative result.

What can be done? You should be patient, wait a few days and repeat the test. Naturally, to buy just in case the product is from another manufacturer.

2. Offset ovulation. This is another factor that is to blame for the fact that the beginning of a pregnancy with a negative test was not noticed. It happens that ovulation shifts either to the beginning of the regula or to their end. The first case is quite rare, the second is quite common. If the egg leaves the native ovary late, then by the time the dough is applied, the hormone level is still low, and the lady receives false information.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: diseases of the excretory system

If the female body for some reason is prone to illness, unstable conditions, then pregnancy may be detected with a negative test, no matter how convincing the result initially seemed.

For example, the level of hCG sometimes does not rise in a timely manner in the presence of certain pathologies in one or both kidneys, as a result, the data obtained are false.

And if in the passed urine test a protein is detected in the study, then a poor-quality result is practically provided.

The collected urine for the test should not be stored for more than two days. After 48 hours, it must be removed from the refrigerator where it was stored according to the rules, and a new amount of urine is collected for testing.

If it is kept warm, then various processes develop in the nutrient medium at a comfortable temperature in the urine that are not inherent in the initial state of the liquid. Therefore, it is not necessary to use it, because otherwise the test result can be immediately and boldly questioned.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: ectopic pregnancy

Very often, women have to find out if a pregnancy test can be negative. As we can see, maybe there are quite a few reasons that are provoked by the poor-quality result of the research of the state of the lady. But one of the most serious, health threatening, is a developing pathological pregnancy. It happens if for some reason the fertilized egg implants not into the uterine mucosa, but into the walls of the tubes.

The same false result will be obtained if the resulting fetal egg cannot properly or firmly adhere to the walls of the main female organ of the reproductive system. An erroneous test will be performed if the placenta in the uterus for the developing fetus forms with pathologies. As a result, the so-called chronic placental insufficiency of the fetus does not allow obtaining reliable results of the study.

Such situations require urgent intervention by an experienced gynecologist. Ectopic pregnancy is eliminated only by surgical intervention, and in no case can a woman start her painful condition, since treatment and recovery take place in such a situation much more difficult.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: urine quality

For the test at home, you need to take a certain amount of urine, as in the usual analysis. If a woman before the "experiment" saw a lot of different liquids (water, tea, compotes), ate watermelons, took diuretics, then diluted urine has a low concentration, as a result it contains little of the required hormone and the presence of hCG reagents is not fixed.

To have more accurate results, it is best to conduct a study of your own condition in the morning, barely awake. It is by this time that the level of hCG in the urine used increases quite sharply. It should not be forgotten that the night before you should not drink much, take a diuretic, feast on the world's largest juicy berries.

A few weeks after ovulation, the amount of human gonadotropin jumps so much that, no matter how diluted the urine is, the test will still determine the woman’s pregnancy as accurately as possible.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: compliance with instructions

As often excited by the upcoming study, the girl forgets that any remedy is necessarily accompanied by instructions for use. You should know that high-quality tests must have instructions (rules of application), published in Russian, and very often in graphic form, in pictures for easy access to understanding.

In order not to wonder whether there can be a pregnancy with a negative result, it is necessary to follow the instructions to the smallest nuances.

The algorithm of actions for testing is as follows:

1. purchasing a test in a pharmacy, you must check the availability of instructions, shelf life, manufacturer, availability of instructions;

2. slowly, carefully study the home guide to action;

3. perform the procedure, carefully following all instructions;

4. check the test result.

If all conditions are met, then the readings are likely to be sufficiently accurate.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: test storage conditions

With a responsible approach to the purchase, the result is likely to be reliable, because in pharmacies there are very strict requirements for the conditions of detention of any medical products and drugs. But if the prudent and thrifty lady bought the test ahead of time, then there may be the following deviations from the standard storage requirements:

- placed in a wet place;

- in the room where the strips were stored, often significant temperature drops occurred;

- lay unused at home for too long;

- was acquired without a guarantee of quality from the hands in some completely random place from a stranger.

In such cases, such a test can never be trusted.

Causes of pregnancy with a negative test: the quality of the test itself

The human factor and the irresponsible attitude to the production of goods has not been canceled, therefore it happens that the quality of tests of one manufacturer differs significantly from the same product of another company. It is here that one of the possible causes of a negative test during pregnancy.

In such cases, the recommendations are the following: for your own peace of mind, it is necessary to conduct a test not once, but several times. The periodicity between mini studies should be several days. For the correct test, it is best to select products from different manufacturing companies.

Attention: The principle of "cheaper - poor quality" does not work here, so you should not strive to choose the most expensive tool, just look at the characteristics, among which price plays the smallest role. Such a careful approach to the choice is necessary, so as not to stumble upon the purchase of defective, obviously spoiled tests.

Observance of the elementary rules of attentive attitude to one's own health, strict counting and control of the menstrual cycle allow a woman to get rid of many problems even before they appear. Indeed, for the sake of this, it is worthwhile to accustom yourself to the strict implementation of the recommendations of modern medical professionals.
