8 pluses of an aquarium in the house


Many people consider the fish in the aquarium to be just pets, no more. However, such a water world, in fact, has a lot of advantages for all households. First off, it's just beautiful. Secondly, caring for the aquarium and watching fish can be a very rewarding experience. You will have the opportunity not only to observe the underwater fauna and flora, but also to feel how beneficial the fish affect the atmosphere of your home, making it more calm and harmonious.

  1. Watching life in an aquarium lowers blood pressure

And this is a scientific fact! Numerous studies have shown that contemplation of fish gives a noticeable therapeutic effect that helps to reduce pressure. Try to watch your pets for 10-15 minutes a day, and you will feel relaxation and inner peace. By the way, any pet, and not just fish, has such a therapeutic effect. According to experts, pets reduce the risk of heart attacks from their owner by 3-5%. However, do not rush to immediately run to the pet store to get an aquarium: the fish may seem like unpretentious pets to you, but you must take care of them and their environment.

  1. Watching fish in aquariums soothes kids

Studies have shown that children diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) become calmer by observing the life of the fish in the aquarium. It is believed that the sense of peace that arises when contemplating the underwater world in miniature can distract children from their usual hyperactive actions.

  1. Watching fish can help reduce toothache.

Since fish tanks help reduce stress, they can often be seen in medical, and in particular dental rooms. Studies were conducted in this area, and they showed that patients who contemplated the fish before meeting with the dentist were practically not nervous and needed less painkillers.

  1. Watching aquarium life helps people with Alzheimer's

In 2018, studies at Purdue University, Indiana, actually proved the fact that aquariums with bright fish help patients with Alzheimer's disease and adjust their behavior and eating habits. A total of 60 people were examined from three different nursing homes, and its results showed that patients became more calm and relaxed, and behavioral patterns such as screaming and physical aggression were significantly weakened.

  1. Having aquariums teaches responsibility

And this is necessary not only for children, but also for adults. Proper care and maintenance of the aquarium requires additional knowledge, time and effort, not to mention discipline and organization. Aquariums with fish can also help all households learn how to take care of their pets responsibly. However, if you decide to give your children fish, first check how ready they are for additional household chores and whether they can take on such responsibility.

  1. The aquarium in the house makes the living space more pleasant and attractive.

As already mentioned, fish tanks are great for relieving stress and creating a sense of calm. If you want to “invite” this positive energy to your home, then consider how and where you can install the aquarium. In addition, the Feng Shui rules strongly welcome his presence in the living room.

  1. You can reuse aquarium water

You can reuse water after partially or completely replacing it in the aquarium, for example, for watering indoor flowers or your garden. Fish waste is great for providing your plants with additional nutrients. This will only benefit them!

  1. You can keep fish almost anywhere

If you rent housing, your landlord may not allow pets: cats, dogs, rodents, birds. Or you simply don’t have a place to get a bigger animal. Fortunately, this does not apply to fish. Calculate your space yourself: for example, if you want goldfish, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 75 liters. And if you plan to start such fish as a cockerel (Siamese fighting fish), an aquarium of only 10 liters is enough (although a 20-liter is still preferable).


Watch the video: This will make you Rich and Lucky. Fish aquariums Attract Money, Wealth and Good Luck (July 2024).