Estonian schoolchildren portray gay mosquitoes and sex in the toilet


According to DELFI, in Estonia, dancers participating in a youth dance competition called Slide 2012 were instructed to stage a number of very extraordinary compositions. One of these tasks was the image of "gay mosquitoes." This competition, which took place on November 27 of this year, was attended by young people aged 12 to 20 years. All participants were from Tallinn. They had to demonstrate all their dancing skills and abilities to the music of various styles. During one of the last rounds they will dance a certain storyline described in the text issued to them.

The portal brought us several fragments from these texts.

Gay Mosquitoes: Two gay men have fallen in love. One of them, crouching on his knees, asked for a leg from his partner. The second mosquito was so glad that he began to dance the dance of happiness. The next morning, they both went straight to Las Vegas. Upon arrival in the city, the mosquitoes in love went to the casino, where they spent most of the time playing the mafia. Very tired, they jumped out of the house skipping. Not having time to go far, in one of the dark alleys they were attacked by an ominous gangster bee. The enemy pulled out his sharp sting and began to be rude and insult lovers ...

“Mouse and hedgehog”: A very sexy mouse and a very strange hedgehog suddenly collided on the dance floor of a nightclub, after which a rodent invites the hedgehog to dance with her. During the dance, the mouse sways sexually, demonstrating its remarkable external data, while its partner diligently walks the gait of the national dance. At the end of the disco, the gray prankster grabs his gentleman by the paw and quickly pulls him to the toilet. Despite the words of the mouse that she craves sex, the prickly gentleman refuses, justifying all this with a fear of using a condom ...

The competition is dedicated to the prevention of AIDS and HIV infection. Obviously, therefore, it was decided to take as the basis themed assignments from the life of brothels and alkopritons. But perhaps one of the compilers of the tasks has mental problems and therefore considers it quite appropriate to give children such tasks. If the Estonians as a whole calmly look at such initiatives, then they can only sympathize.


Watch the video: The Path to Nazi Genocide (July 2024).