Cheesecakes with apples - curd joy! Recipes of various cottage cheese pancakes with apples for a healthy diet


A cheesecake with an apple is not a pie yet, but it’s a very tender, sweet, juicy and beloved dish.

Appetizing cottage cheese is fried in a pan or baked in the oven, served for breakfast, afternoon snack or dessert and there are many recipes.

The best ones are collected here.

Cheesecakes with apples - general principles of preparation

For cheesecakes, it is best to use simple cottage cheese without additives, you can take a low-fat product. Some recipes indicate that it needs to be wiped, but if the consistency is soft, then just knead.

What else is put in the curd dough:

• eggs;

• flour, semolina, oatmeal;

• vanilla, cinnamon;

• sugar, salt.

Apples for cheesecakes are usually just added to the dough. Fruits are cut into pieces, mixed with the total mass. Then cheesecakes are formed. Classic puck shape. But you can always just make balls, make oval products or give a different shape. It all depends on your imagination and the capabilities of the test.

Cottage cheese pancakes with apples and semolina

A variant of nutritious and juicy cottage cheese pancakes with semolina. When forming products, a little flour is used, it is not added to the dough itself.


• curd 0.5 kg;

• three tablespoons of semolina;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• egg;

• flour for powder;

• an apple, one big one is enough.


1. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, rub with a fork. You can not use a blender or a sieve for grinding, it is enough to get rid of large pieces.

2. Add semolina and sugar to the cottage cheese, you can pour a small pinch of salt for taste, stir.

3. Beat the egg, one is enough. Stir and leave the curd for half an hour.

4. During this time, peel the apple, cut into cubes and add to the dough.

5. Heat a little oil in a pan. You can take vegetable or its mixture with butter.

6. Pick up a tablespoon of dough, put in a hand sprinkled with flour, form a ball.

7. Lightly press the cheesecake, transfer to a frying pan.

8. Fry until cooked. Big fire does not need to be done. On average, cheese cakes should be fried for 3 minutes on each side.

Cheesecakes with apples, cinnamon and flour

A variation of cheesecakes on flour for those who do not want to wait for the semolina to swell. You need to be prepared for the fact that if the cottage cheese is weak, flour may need a little more than the one listed below.


• 400 g of cottage cheese;

• 2 apples;

• egg;

• 5-6 tablespoons of flour;

• cinnamon, oil;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• a pinch of salt.


1. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar, throw a pinch of salt, cinnamon and an egg to them, stir.

2. Now the apples. They can simply be cut into small pieces and put in the dough. Either rub it, but only coarsely so that you do not get a lot of juice.

3. Add half the recipe flour, stir again. Rate the consistency. If the mass remains weak, add a little more flour.

4. Pour the rest of the flour into a plate.

5. Moisten your hands, nip off a little dough, roll a ball in your palms, roll in flour. Do not shift the chopping board. Form all cheesecakes in this way.

6. Heat the oil, spread the cheesecakes, but before that, each little thing needs to be flattened, giving the shape of the washer.

7. Fry the apples in a pan until cooked.

Cottage cheese pancakes with apples in the oven

A variant of diet cottage cheese pancakes with apples. Products are baked in the oven. To get the perfect dish, it's best to use a silicone mat. Also a feature of this recipe is that apples are filling.


• ¾ cup flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 2 apples.


1. In the cottage cheese, add eggs with sugar, grind, add flour. Stir. The dough should be pretty cool.

2. Grate the apples coarsely. The peel can not be removed, remove the stubs.

3. Turn on the oven 160 degrees, let the stove warm up for now.

4. Cover the pan with a silicone mat.

5. Nip off a little dough, crush it into a flat cake on your hand.

6. Put the grated apple in the center of the cakes, connect all the edges on top to get a bun with filling. Pinch the seam securely.

7. Put the cottage cheese on the baking sheet with the seam down. Similarly form the rest of the product. When laying out, leave a distance between them.

8. Put in the oven, bake for 15 minutes.

9. Add the temperature to 200 degrees, fry the cheesecakes until golden brown.

Fried cheesecakes with apples and raisins

A variant of delicious cheesecakes with apples and raisins. A dish is prepared in a pan, any cottage cheese can be used.


• 250 g of cottage cheese;

• egg;

• 50 g of raisins;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 1 apple;

• vanilla, flour.


1. Rinse the raisins, put on a napkin, let the grapes dry.

2. Cut the apples into cubes, you can leave them on the board.

3. In the cottage cheese, add the egg and sugar, rub, add the apple with raisins, just stir.

4. Now flour. It needs to be added so much that it turns out not cool, but not batter. Pour, stir, look at the density.

5. Now pour a little flour on the cutting board, put the dough out, sprinkle the flour lightly on top and roll out the sausage.

6. Cut across into circles in the form of a washer.

7. Hands correct the shape of the cheesecakes, sprinkling sticky slices with flour. If individual raisins bulge out strongly, then you can push it inside.

8. Heat the oil, fry the apple cottage cheese pancakes with raisins until golden brown.

Cottage cheese pancakes with apples and oatmeal

Another variant of healthy cheesecakes, which are prepared with the addition of oatmeal. They can be fried in a pan or baked in the oven, you get a diet option.


• 200 g of cottage cheese (pack);

• 100 ml of sour cream, it is better to use a fatty product;

• two apples;

• oatmeal 200 grams;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 0.3 tsp salts;

• whole egg and 1 protein;

• a little soda.


1. If the cottage cheese is dry and with lumps, then for this recipe, it is advisable to grind the product through a sieve or grind it in another convenient way.

2. Add sour cream with sugar and yolk. Set the squirrels aside. Stir.

3. Now add the oatmeal, stir again, cover and leave to swell for 30 minutes, stir occasionally so that the moisture is evenly distributed.

4. Grate the apple, mix with cottage cheese and cereal, add a pinch of soda. If desired, a little washed raisins, cinnamon can be put in the dough, vanilla can be poured.

5. Beat the whites until lush foam, put in the dough, gently stir. It is advisable not to upset the foam.

6. Pour a little oil into the pan, you can just grease it.

7. Now spoon the syrniki into a preheated pan with a spoon. Shape the thick pancakes, cook first on one side, then flip and cover. Fry until tender.

8. Either put the cheesecakes on a baking sheet, you can grease with the remaining yolk from the second protein, bake at 160-170 degrees.

Cheesecakes with apples and banana

You need to use a ripe banana for such cheesecakes, so it will be easier to chop it into gruel, without using anything other than an ordinary fork.


• 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;

• 1 banana;

• 1 apple;

• 4 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• frying oil


1. Remove the peel from a banana, break it into pieces and transfer to a bowl. Remember the fork to make mashed potatoes.

2. Add eggs with sugar, beat with the same fork.

3. Now add the grated or simply mashed cottage cheese, stir.

4. Grate or crumble the apple into cubes, send to the total mass for cheesecakes.

5. It remains only to season the curd dough with flour and vanilla, stir well. If it is wet and very sticky, add more flour.

6. Roll the balls from the dough, roll in flour. Press down to make cheesecakes in a classic shape.

7. Spread in warmed oil, cook until a beautiful crust is on both sides.

Lush curd cheese cakes with apples

The recipe for soft and lush cheesecakes, for which dough is added to the dough. Apples for this recipe are best cut into slices, as grated fruits will give off a lot of juice, the dough will become liquid. Such syrniki need to be fried in a large amount of oil so that they float freely.


• 250 g of cottage cheese;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 1 apple;

• 1 egg;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 50 g flour;

• butter, vanilla.


1. Stir flour with baking powder.

2. Grind the cottage cheese with sugar and egg, season with vanilla and a pinch of salt, stir.

3. Crush an apple into cubes of 0.5 centimeters.

4. First mix the curd with an apple, then add flour with a cultivator.

5. Blind small syrniki from the prepared mass.

6. Heat oil in a frying pan, pour a layer of at least a centimeter.

7. Fry until golden brown, remove the apple cottage cheese pancakes on a napkin.

Cheesecakes with apples - useful tips and tricks

• No matter how you would like to use old cottage cheese in cheesecakes, it is better not to do this. Unpleasant acidity and a musty smell cannot be masked with vanilla or sugar.

• If the cottage cheese is too wet, you need to express the serum. The easiest way is to put the product in a linen bag and hang it for a while.

• If the cottage cheese is very dry, then you can add a little kefir or sour cream to it. Then these two products just beat well with a combine until the consistency of a thick cream.

• Cheesecakes without eggs are difficult to make, but it is important to be careful with them. If you shift, the dough will turn out liquid, it will take a lot of flour, cheesecakes after baking will be tough. On average, one egg is used per 400 g of cottage cheese.

• You can add not only fresh fruit to cheesecakes, but also dried apples. It is advisable to soak them a little in warm water.


Watch the video: Cheese Muffins Recipe (June 2024).