What to do if you accidentally find a condom in your husband: 5 non-standard solutions


Dedicated to men who buy "gum", but do not use them in marital relations.

More than half of all married women have faced such a situation at least once in their lives. In a trouser pocket before washing, in a secluded place of a car, in a man’s sports bag or somewhere else ... suddenly a personal protective equipment (or a pack of such products) is found.

First thought: life is over! treacherous cheater!

Second thought: well done, at least protected! protects himself and me!

Standard Solutions: huge scandal, immediate divorce, or divorce from scandal. If you can’t wait to get a divorce, the find under discussion will be an excellent occasion.

A sensible woman does this: calls her husband for a conversation, asks to explain, listens carefully to his excuses about “it's not mine,” “I don’t know where,” “gave a friend a car for a couple of hours,” “bought to fix something in the car urgently, "" at work they inflated balloons for fun, "" bought to brag to a friend, they say, I’m such a cool man, I go to the left, because everyone walks, but I don’t go ... "well, there are different others. And then - either pretends to believe, or - see "standard solutions."
Unreasonable, but creative women go the other way.

ATTENTION! All of the following methods were invented and applied by different women in different countries at different times. Repeating some things is dangerous. Others are unpredictable.

We shift the product into your handbag. Let him accidentally find them. See the reaction and understand a lot. You can answer the questions honestly: I found it from you and took it to myself, if you came in handy, maybe I will need it!

We open the package, get it. Expand the product. Inflate and deflate a couple of times, make an imitation that the product is used and put in place. The woman who shared this secret with me used oatmeal for filling.

We carefully remove the products, wipe the packaging from the inside with a dry cloth. Instead, we put the note "Wife and children love you! Put on your pants and march home!" or something like that. Carefully seal or seal the packaging.

An interesting idea is to remind yourself with the help of your smell. You probably have a favorite perfume, shampoo or something else with a smell that will immediately remind him of you. Women did this: they scooped up their odorous substance in a syringe and carefully introduced it into the package. The needle hole is sealed with tape with jewelry. Imagine how at the crucial moment the packaging is torn, and something with such a familiar and familiar smell arises from it. The product, of course, will be spoiled, the mood of the cheater, too.

The following method is better not to apply. But to tell that offended wives do this is sometimes useful. One woman told what she had done with the found gum package. She went to a small but insidious self-mutilation. Chili pepper finely cut and squeezed through cheesecloth 2-3 drops of juice. She carefully injected pepper juice through the packaging with a syringe on both sides without damaging the product. I wonder who, what and when combed ...

Many women who accidentally found condoms from their spouse, then lived happily ever after with them, raised children and enjoyed their lives. Remember the second thought? Sometimes you need to: understand, forgive and let go. Everything happens ... maybe, really, I blew the balls for fun?


Watch the video: Finding the Fix: Heroin's Hold on the Heartland (June 2024).