What conversation topics do people of different zodiac signs like?


The art of communication has never been an easy science, and to many it seems almost higher mathematics. Of course, there are "safe" topics, such as, for example, the weather. Although how many people really want to talk about the weather? However, you also know that if someone starts talking to you about a topic that you are passionate about, communication will become much easier.

Try to understand how you can make contact. Set aside your phone and focus on the person you are trying to start a conversation with. And by the way, each zodiac sign has its favorite topics for conversation.

1. Aries

Talk to Aries about his career successes: maybe this is a new position as a CEO or team leader. People of this sign love to discuss their achievements and situations that make them take the initiative. Aries also do not mind talking about everything that motivates them: for example, any hobbies, or sports that they do.

2. Taurus

Taurus love to talk about gardening or on topics related to romance and aesthetics. They are also interested in cooking issues, favorite recipes and dishes that they have recently prepared. Taurus also love to do needlework. Try asking them about hobbies or touching on the topic of art.

3. Gemini

Gemini can talk literally about everything. Ask them a lot of questions, and the Twins will be happy to support any topic. Do not forget about their interest in music and books. People of this sign also love to travel and get new information, so ask them about places where you can eat, or about which coffee house prepares the best espresso.

4. Crayfish

Crayfish love art and home dinner with friends. Ask Cancer who his favorite artist is or what dishes he cooks for his loved ones. People of this sign also like to spend time near the water, so you can talk about their favorite beaches or vacation spots.

5. Lion

Any Leo always strives to be admired, therefore, you need to talk about Leo himself. Ask where he rested, what is his favorite brand of clothing, what kind of music he prefers. Lions are also art lovers, so you can chat about new productions, shows, exhibitions and concerts.

6. Virgo

Virgo loves animals and nature, and you can easily find a common language with her, speaking on these topics. Virgo also prefers healthy food and can talk for a long time about how they eat properly and what foods they prefer. They are very analytical people, so at first it can be a little difficult to get them to open up emotionally.

7. Scales

These are very objective people who take an interesting position on any topic. You can even talk with them about politics and religion, and they will be happy to express their opinions to you. Libra really likes to relax in the fresh air, so discuss with them your hiking and walks in the country.

8. Scorpio

Scorpio has all the answers and all the facts. You can touch on the strangest or boring topic, and Scorpios will perfectly reveal it from their point of view. They like to prove their case, so if you want to take the opposite position on some issues, this can lead to a very interesting and informative conversation.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is delighted with travel. Ask them about the most impressive places they have visited. People of this sign also like to talk about philosophy, so address some ethical and moral dilemmas and see how they perceive it. And you can chat with them about nature and ecology.

10. Capricorn

Capricorns value family and traditional values. Talk about their family tree, family memories, and customs. They love music, and you can easily talk to them about your favorite songs and artists. Capricorns are typical know-it-alls, so do not take it to heart if they behave somewhat condescendingly or even arrogantly.

11. Aquarius

Aquarians love to talk enthusiastically about what they are currently fighting for, but they themselves are also excellent listeners. Aquarians enjoy intellectual conversations, they want to know everything about their interlocutor, but they hate empty secular chatter. They constantly strive to help others, so ask them questions about their participation in volunteer work.

12. Fishes

Pisces love art in all its forms. Ask about their favorite work of art or film. In addition, Pisces is very sensual and romantic, and therefore can spend hours talking about love, expressing emotions and even about their partners.


Watch the video: 10 Things to Know About a Leo! ZODIAC TALK (June 2024).