The benefits and harms of salted pollock roe. Value is not in price: pollock caviar, useful for the body, is an affordable product of proper nutrition


Pollock is a fish that is considered not very high-grade throughout the world. But at the same time, this is the fish that is most often caught. And it serves as a source of enough protein for very large populations. And in the former Soviet Union, this fish was very famous and popular. And Russia is the world's largest supplier of this product.

Like any other fish, pollock lays eggs. And this caviar is quite a lot. And we neglect this product in vain, because it is quite good in taste, and in terms of nutritional and value qualities this caviar is in no way inferior to traditionally luxurious black caviar and quite popular red caviar.

Nutritional and energy value of pollock roe

So, what is the value of pollock roe?

This is a low-calorie product that contains 120-140 kcal per 100 grams, unlike other types of caviar. The vitamin and mineral complex of caviar is quite rich in components. So it contains vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, ascorbic and folic acid, niacin equivalent, as well as vitamin E. From macro and micronutrients in pollock roe, you can find calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, molybdenum and fluorine. As you can see, just a storehouse of useful and nutrients!

The benefits of pollock roe

The protein contained in the salted caviar of pollock, the body digests without residue, while stocking up additional fat-soluble vitamins A and group B, iron, folic acid and other minerals and organic compounds. Caviar, included in the diet, copes with the regulation of mineral and vitamin balance without problems, helps with hypertension. And the fish oil contained in it, thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, serves as a prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases, supports the body in work on restoration of cell tissues and mucous membranes of various organs. Significant fluoride content helps to form and strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel.

Pollock caviar has virtually no carbohydrates due to its low calorie content, but it is rich in polyunsaturated fats. This is Omega 3, which our body needs in order to fight cholesterol. Moreover, Omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids necessarily take part in the formation of nerve cell membranes. Omega 3 has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. They do not allow platelets containing in the blood to stick together, which reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis, etc.

And the content of nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, is an antipellagric factor that prevents a person from developing dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), diarrhea (indigestion) and dementia (senile dementia), expanding our blood vessels. The use of pollock roe avoids these conditions.

Among other things, the use of salted pollock roe will be very useful for people with unbalanced food intake and exhaustion of the body. It helps pregnant women enrich the body with microelements for safe bearing, as well as during breastfeeding. Nutritionists recommend daily use of caviar to children and adolescents during their active development and growth, as well as with great physical and mental stress.

Salted pollock roe is a fairly dietary product, and can be used in therapeutic diets due to its unique composition for improving conditions during atherosclerotic changes, anemia, and mineral-vitamin balance disturbances.

In addition, salted pollock roe is useful for those who care about their beauty. The vitamin and mineral complex contained in it helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens nails, and helps restore vision.

How to choose pollock roe to benefit

The first rule is to watch so that the can is not damaged, without holes, dents, bulges and signs of rust. All these signs can be harbingers of the presence of botulism inside.

The second rule is to study the production date and shelf life of the product. It is best if this information is stamped directly on the bank, and not printed on the label, because this allows unscrupulous sellers to change and correct dates for products with expired expiration dates. And when the numbers are squeezed out from below, the risk of counterfeiting is close to zero. By the way, the normal shelf life of pollock roe is about a year.

If when buying caviar you have the opportunity to look not only at the packaging, but also at the contents (for example, in a glass jar or when buying by weight), you need to pay attention to the consistency of the caviar - is it a liquid mushy substance or are the grains well separated from friend. High-quality caviar should be dense in consistency, and each egg should be well distinguished.

Fresh pollock roe has a pinkish color. You should also pay attention to this, because unscrupulous sellers and producers very often deceive the buyer by mixing pink pollock caviar with cod caviar more gray in color.

Please note that the presence of preservatives, flavors, thickeners in the composition written on the label should cause you to suspect. High-quality and healthy pollock caviar is enough just salt and oil. Sometimes, the permitted preservative E 200 and E 211 is added. Keep in mind that preservatives that can be used additionally cannot extend the shelf life of caviar. Accordingly, this raises many questions to its quality.

How to store pollock roe so as not to harm

Regardless of how caviar is packaged, whether it is canned or suspended caviar, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Many housewives in vain believe that it is enough to store a familiar tin can somewhere in a dark cool place, for example, on a shelf of a pantry. An open jar can be stored for no more than 36 hours in the refrigerator.

Harm of salted pollock roe

The benefits of eating pollock roe are unconditional, but there are some contraindications that we will consider further.

The sensible use of salted pollock roe is of exceptional benefit. But, still, do not abuse it. Caviar is very nutritious and can significantly affect weight gain. In addition, the ecological situation in the form of constant pollution of water and air by various production wastes can not affect the quality of fish in the best way, because it directly depends on the state of the environment.

Particular cases are also likely, such as, for example, intolerance by the body of individual components contained in caviar, and as a result of this, the manifestation of allergic reactions of varying severity.

Contraindications for the use of salted pollock roe

Pollock roe, in addition to the likely benefits and harm, also has contraindications for introduction into a nutritious diet.

Caviar is not recommended for consumption:

• with known allergic manifestations of seafood;

• for problems associated with high cholesterol;

• with a high level of calcium in the body;

• for diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and urinary system;

• with high blood pressure;

• with ulcerative formations of the gastrointestinal tract (due to the high sodium content in the calf).

In addition to the above, dosed, with the permission of the doctor, the use of caviar is possible for children of preschool age.


Watch the video: Cooking cod roe (April 2024).