The benefits of dandelion for the liver: recipes for treatment and prevention. How to Make Dandelion Jam for the Liver


An inconspicuous dandelion weed has a lot of useful properties for the whole organism. This medicinal plant is effectively used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, digestive organs and other components of the human body.

Dandelion for the liver: recipes for the prevention of diseases and organ cleansing

Common dandelion, common in nature, contains a lot of useful components that beneficially affect the health status of the human body. Its properties are especially pronounced in the treatment of liver diseases. It perfectly cleanses the blood, kidneys, gall bladder and liver.

For effective liver therapy, various drugs are prepared from the components of the plant at home. It can be teas, tinctures, decoctions, jam. They even make wine from dandelions and add their leaves to healthy salads.

Purification of the liver and other digestive organs is carried out thanks to tannins, essential oils and bitterness, which are part of the plant. Juice extracted from stems and leaves normalizes liver function, outflow of bile, and therefore has a restorative effect on body cells.

If dandelion is used to clean the liver or to prevent possible diseases, then the course of therapy should last 2 weeks. This should happen in the spring, when yellow flowers are just beginning to appear. Therapy will be of great benefit to the body and at the same time it will not require a lot of effort and time.

Cleaning involves the removal of accumulated toxins, toxins and harmful substances from the body, which are found not only in the liver, but also in the blood. In this case, metabolic processes will normalize, and internal organs will strengthen.

To clean the body, the root is usually used, from which decoctions, infusions are prepared, but the flowers of the plant are also useful.

1. Recipe for infusion from the root of the weed. To create a drug, you need to dry and grind the root of the plant. 3-4 tbsp. l pour 1 liter of water. The finished mixture must be boiled for 20-30 minutes, let it cool and strain. The product should be infused for a couple of days. Take the finished product three times a day 1 hour before a meal of 100 ml.

2. Flower broth is prepared from 1 tbsp. l dry flowers that need to be poured with one glass of boiling water. Such a decoction should be infused until completely cooled. The mixture must be filtered and drunk during the day, divided into 3 doses.

3. Coffee drink from dandelions. A favorite coffee drink can be made beneficial to the liver. To do this, you need to finely chop the young roots of the plant, dry it in the oven or in the sun. After drying, the roots should be fried in a pan without adding water, oil, crushed and brewed again, like any other coffee, using coffee makers or Turks. To add flavor to the drink, you can mix it with additional ingredients, such as cardamom, ginger, cloves or other spices. The allowed rate of coffee is 2 times a day.

Recipes with dandelion for the liver: how to treat juice and broth

For the treatment of liver diseases, juices, decoctions and preserves can be prepared from the components of dandelion.

One of the most healing elixirs based on dandelion is its juice. It perfectly tones the body. To get it, you need to grind fresh roots and leaves of dandelion, squeeze them carefully. For diseases of the gallbladder and liver, you need to drink 1 tsp every day 2 times before meals. a drink. If pain is present in the liver area, then the dosage should be increased to 4 tsp. in a day.

A ready-made decoction of leaves is used as a healthy liver and lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. To prepare a decoction, you need to take one teaspoon of crushed dry raw materials, pour 250 ml of hot water, cover and let it brew for 1 hour. After this, the mixture must be filtered and drunk 50 ml before meals 3 times a day.

A method of preparing dandelion jam for the liver

Dandelion jam is not the most common type of dessert. And all because of people's ignorance of the taste and healing qualities of this amazing dish. To prepare any kind of jam, you must first properly prepare the raw materials for it.

The process of preparing dandelions is the most time-consuming, it consists of 5 stages:

1. Collection of plants. Only inflorescences will go for jam, other parts of the plant are not used. You need to go to collect flowers in sunny weather so that they are all uncovered.

2. Washing raw materials. Flowers need to be slightly rinsed under running water to clean them of possible insects, settled dust or other particles.

3. Separation of the petals. Green sepals should be separated from the picked flowers in order to rid the future jam of a bitter aftertaste. Only yellow petals should participate in the preparation of a tasty and medicinal product.

4. Prepared petals need to fill with water and leave them to soak for a day in a clean salted liquid.

5. The last stage is drying. Strain the water through a colander and dry the petals a little.

After that, you can choose a suitable jam recipe and start cooking it. It is very important to start the timely processing of buds. This should be done almost immediately, because, after a few hours, the buds begin to wither, close, and constitute unsuitable raw materials for jam.

For a classic jam recipe you will need the ingredients:

• 400 buds of dandelions;

• 1 liter of boiled water;

• one lemon;

• sugar 7 glasses;

• citric acid 5 g.

Auxiliary objects will be an enameled basin and spoon. Raw materials from dandelions should be put in a basin, filled with water and boiled for 20 minutes. After that sugar, citric acid, and lemon wedges are added to the container. The mixture should continue to boil for another 10 minutes.

After that, it must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool. The finished mass must be filtered, and the resulting syrup boiled again. Distribute the finished mixture into sterile jars, and the jam is ready to eat. You can take it on an empty stomach for 1 tsp. or mix with green tea.

Who is contraindicated in dandelion jam for the liver

Taking medicines from dandelion in the presence of liver diseases is not worth it if there are other concomitant diseases or individual intolerance of the plant components. It is not recommended to treat the liver with dandelion in such cases:

• in the presence of diseases of the digestive system and high acidity in them (gastritis, ulcer);

• with blockage of the biliary tract;

• with a tendency of the body to frequent diarrhea and vomiting.

Any medicine from dandelions can cause harm to the body in case of overdose or preparation from low-quality raw materials. In these cases, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea may appear.

The quality of the raw material may be affected by the place of its collection. It is better to give preference to environmentally friendly places. You can do the collection yourself or purchase ready-made products in dry form in pharmacies.


Watch the video: How to Prepare Dandelion Flower Herbal Tea (June 2024).