Chicken in Chinese sauce is simple and oriental. We cook exotic chicken dishes in Chinese sauce at home


Exotic cuisine is an indispensable success, and it is Chinese dishes that have been especially popular recently. Brackish, with a slight sourness, but at the same time a slightly sweet taste, an unusual selection of products, noticeably distinguishes oriental cuisine from the more familiar European one.

It is easy to play the restaurant version of the oriental dish at home and it is not necessary to have rare products for this. Prepare a delicious dish of prosaic chicken, seasoning it with a fantastic Chinese recipe.

General principles for cooking chicken in Chinese sauce

• Chicken in Chinese sauce is usually cooked in a special bowl, namely in a wok. In its absence, you can use the pan, but it must be wide, with high sides and thick-walled.

• Feature of the dish - all components, including chicken, should be cut into strips. Therefore, chicken breast fillet is usually used in cooking. Options for cooking chicken in Chinese sauce and in the oven are not ruled out. Usually chicken wings are baked, but you can also take other parts of the bird if you wish.

• Chinese cuisine is unusual in a combination of sour, sweet and salty in one dish. Chinese sauces are a prime example. An integral component of any sauce is salty soybean extract. For sweetening, honey or granulated sugar is used. To achieve acidity, apple or balsamic vinegar is added to sauces, which is sometimes replaced with sour apple juice.

• The dish is prepared in stages in a pan. First, pieces of chicken are fried until golden brown. Then the sauce is prepared in it, after which everything is combined and the dish is brought to readiness. For baking, chicken pieces in Chinese sauce marinate for at least three hours.

• Chicken dishes with Chinese sauce are often supplemented with vegetables - bell peppers, onions, eggplant or any other, to taste. Ginger is used for piquancy; it is mostly flavored with garlic, but spices can also be added. Pungency can be achieved by hot pepper or by adding hot tomato ketchup to the sauce.

• Chicken cooked in Chinese sauce is usually served with rice, but it is no less tasty as an independent dish.

Chicken in Chinese Garlic Sauce


• non-frozen breast fillet - 300 gr.;

• two small bell peppers;

• garlic;

• three tablespoons of refined oil;

• a spoonful of dry fresh starch;

• two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;

• 90 ml of soybean concentrate;

• drinking water - 5 tbsp. l .;

• 25 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fillet well in cool water. We remove all the films hanging at the edges, dry. Cut longitudinally, with plates a half centimeter wide, which are further cut into strips of the same width.

2. Wash the pepper. Having cut the stalk, select all the seeds, and then rinse again, washing off their remains. Cut the flesh into thin short strips.

3. Cooking Chinese sauce. Combine apple cider vinegar with water and soy sauce. Dissolve sugar in a mixture. Add starch and mix thoroughly - there should be no lumps.

4. Pouring oil into a pan, heat over medium heat. In two or three sets, depending on the size of the pan, fry the fillet pieces. Do not brown, spread on a plate as soon as the chicken turns white.

5. Fry the fillet, add a little oil to the pan and fry the pepper with finely chopped garlic. Cooking, stirring actively, about two minutes. Strips of pepper should be slightly gilded, but at the same time remain elastic.

6. Spread the previously fried fillet in the speed, add the sauce. Stirring, simmer the chicken on low heat for about a quarter of an hour - until tender.

Chicken in Chinese Nuts Sauce


• chopped ginger - 1 tbsp. l .;

• chicken fillet - 200 gr.;

• 40 ml of soya salt sauce;

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• protein of one egg;

• one meaty fruit of bell pepper;

• two tablespoons of apple juice;

• two teaspoons of starch;

• 80 gr. cashew nuts;

• green onion feather - 3 pcs.;

• spicy sauce "Chili" - 1 spoon.

Cooking method:

1. At room temperature, we cut the chicken into thin strips. We shift the pieces into a bowl, mix with the protein whipped with a quarter teaspoon of salt. Sprinkle the fillet with starch and mix well again.

2. In a wok or in a thick-walled pan, warming the oil well, lay out the pieces of chicken and fry until a beautiful crust appears. Fry over high heat, stirring vigorously, then the filet will brown quickly and will not have time to dry out. Spread the fried chicken in a plate.

3. In the same pan, adding a little oil, lightly fry the ginger with chopped onions. Add the strips of pulp of bell pepper, cook everything together for another two minutes.

4. Pour in soy sauce, spread chicken and nuts. Add the chili sauce and apple juice. Stir well, leave to simmer, setting a small fire. After five minutes, turn off.

"Yin and Yang" - fried chicken in Chinese sauce with ginger and pineapple


• three sweet peppers, preferably different colors;

• chicken breast (fillet) - 700 gr.;

• a small can of canned pineapple (slices);

• 110 ml of soy, dark sauce;

• three tablespoons of honey;

• 110 gr. wheat flour;

• a glass of vegetable oil;

• starch - 100 gr.;

• two eggs (proteins);

• 60 gr. tomato paste;

• three tablespoons of vinegar (apple);

• 30 grams of ginger root.

Cooking method:

1. Fillet, sliced ​​in small pieces of oblong shape, spread in a bowl. Pour soy concentrate so that the chicken completely covered with it. Let’s marinate for at least half an hour.

2. Pour a spoonful of starch with the same amount of flour to the chicken, and mix thoroughly. We make sure that all the pieces are evenly covered with starch-flour mixture.

3. Cooking batter. Beat proteins until foam. Combine the remaining flour and starch, add a pinch of salt - mix. Pour the whipped proteins into the mixture, whisking slightly, stir everything with a whisk - there should be no lumps. The thickness of the batter should be like dough for pancakes. If it turned out to be too thick, dilute with water.

4. In a deep thick-walled pan, we warm the vegetable oil. Pour a lot to pieces of chicken floated freely in it. If you have a deep fryer, you can use it.

5. Prying one piece at a fork, dip the fillet in batter and immediately lower it into hot fat. Fry for 4-5 minutes until golden. We lay the finished chicken on a plate, the bottom of which is pre-coated with napkins or a paper towel.

6. Cut the peppers from seeds into narrow, short strips. Grind the ginger root with a fine grater, decant the syrup from a jar with pineapples.

7. Cooking the sauce. We put the pan on a small fire. Pour quite a bit of oil, warm and spread the pepper. Stirring, fry its strips for no more than one and a half minutes. Add ginger and pineapple, add vinegar. Add half a liter of water, put honey. Stir well, simmer for three minutes.

8. We mix tomato in the sauce, to thicken we introduce a tablespoon of starch.

9. Put chicken in the sauce, reduce heat to a minimum. Having mixed the contents of the pan well, cover with a lid and leave it on fire for three minutes.

Eggplant Chinese Chicken


• sesame seed - a teaspoon;

• chilled chicken fillet - 800 gr.;

• wine vinegar, preferably red - 60 ml;

• starch (potato) - 1 tsp;

• 900 gr. small eggplant;

• three tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 75 gr. granulated sugar;

• garlic;

• red hot pepper;

• a tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger.

Cooking method:

1. Fillet washed in water is well wiped off with a paper towel. Cut lengthwise into wide slices a centimeter thick, and then into long strips 1 centimeter wide.

2. Dipping in hot oil, fry strips of chicken in several batches. Do not bring to rosy, as soon as the meat turns white, immediately get it and put it on a towel.

3. In the pan, where the chicken was fried, add oil and heat it. Dip the eggplant sliced ​​into strips in hot fat, add chopped ginger root and finely chopped garlic cloves (2 pcs.). Pour a third of a glass of cool water to the eggplant, let it boil. Lower the heat to medium and cook, occasionally gently stirring, until the liquid evaporates. Lightly brown the eggplant.

4. Combine soybean concentrate with vinegar, dissolve sugar in the mixture, add and stir starch. Introduce sesame seed and ground hot pepper into the sauce.

5. Spread the fried pieces of chicken in an eggplant pan. Fill everything with the prepared sauce and bring to a boil. Then, stirring, simmer over minimal heat until the sauce visibly thickens.

Chicken in sweet and sour Chinese sauce with tomatoes


• a pound of chicken breast;

• fleshy tomato;

• a spoonful of soy sauce;

• one and a half teaspoons of starch;

• garlic;

• three tablespoons of vegetable frostbite oil;

• 1 bell pepper;

• a teaspoon of honey;

• balsamic vinegar - a teaspoon;

• fresh grated ginger.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fillet with cool water. Drain, cut into narrow long strips. Lightly fry chicken in vegetable oil. We do not wait for browning, only the pieces whiten, we transfer them from the pan to the plate.

2. We prepare vegetables. Dip the tomato for a minute in boiling water, quickly cool, fill it with cold water, and remove the skin from it. We clear pepper from seeds. We wash it repeatedly with water to wash off the remnants of the seeds.

3. Cut the tomato and pepper flesh into strips, ginger root into small cubes. Press the press two small garlic cloves.

4. In a thick-walled pan, heat the vegetable oil. Do not heat, make it slightly warm. Add soy sauce, put honey here. Stirring, continue to warm until it is completely dissolved.

5. Put the pepper in the sauce, stirring actively, cook for a minute and add the tomatoes. On low heat, simmer vegetables for two minutes.

6. Spread chicken, garlic for vegetables, pour vinegar and continue cooking for another six minutes. Do not forget to stir, so as not to burn.

7. Dissolve starch in a small amount of cool water and pour the mixture into a pan. Tom chicken in Chinese sauce for two minutes.

Chicken in Chinese Oven Sauce: Flavoring Wings Recipe


• kilogram of chicken wings;

• liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l .;

• onion head;

• three tablespoons of fat mayonnaise;

• 50 ml of soy non-salted concentrate.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the wings. We rinse with water, wipe with a towel from moisture. We cut into joints into two parts and put in a bowl.

2. Stir the honey until dissolved in soy sauce, pour the mixture into the chicken. Add mayonnaise, a little hot pepper, half an onion and mix everything thoroughly. Leave the chicken to marinate in the refrigerator for three hours.

3. Spread the marinated wings with the onion on a baking sheet. We lay out at a small distance from each other and place the cook in a hot (180 degrees) oven.

4. Not earlier than in half an hour, we take out, pour the wings with the sauce that has accumulated in the pan and place them back in the oven. Bring to readiness within a quarter of an hour.

Cooking Chips in Chinese Sauce - Useful Tips

• It is advisable to marinate the chicken for a while, not only before baking. Pour the fillet with soy sauce and soak in it for at least half an hour - in the finished dish the chicken will be juicier and tender.

• The characteristic sweet and sour Chinese sauce can be adjusted, taking into account your own preferences. Reduce or increase the number of components that are responsible for sweetness and acid - do not be afraid to experiment.

• Chicken should be fried on intense heating, actively mixing the pieces. Do not cook a large portion at a time, do it in several stages. Chicken fried more evenly and faster.


Watch the video: 4 Easy Chinese Food Recipes That Are Awesome Taste The Chinese Recipes Show (June 2024).