Protein diet for 7 days - minus 7 kg: how to lose weight without feeling hungry? The basic rules and principles of the protein diet for 7 days - minus 7 kg


The protein diet is recognized by experts as one of the most effective methods for losing weight.

Its advantage over others is that you can lose weight without the presence of hunger and restrictions on the size and variety of servings.

How to eat a protein diet for 7 days - minus 7 kg: general principles and permissions

A protein diet for 7 days minus 7 kg is a good way to lose weight for those who like to eat plenty and are not used to limiting themselves in meat. At the same time, the diet menu may include not only protein products, but also other foods containing all the necessary substances that the human body needs, which greatly facilitates compliance with the regime.

The essence of the protein diet is to saturate the body with high-protein food, while significantly limiting the intake of carbohydrates. With this principle of nutrition, an energy deficiency occurs in the body, and to supplement it, the body begins to look for additional sources, finding them in adipose tissue. Weight loss occurs first due to the removal of fluid, and after this reduction of muscle-fat material.

At first glance, the weight loss scheme is quite simple, but in practice it is a more complex process. The effectiveness of the diet will depend largely on the willpower of the losing weight and its severity and correctness in observing the diet.

As a result of observing the protein diet, you can get rid of 7 kilograms per week.

What you can eat during the protein program:

• any kind of meat - these include beef, pork, poultry;

• eggs;

• offal;

• seafood and fish - cod, flounder, pollock, salmon, pink salmon, tuna;

• tofu cheese, other types of cheeses with low fat content, yogurt and cottage cheese;

• you can add lard, sausage, canned fish without oil washed with water in the menu in small amounts;

• fresh vegetables - greens, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, saturated with lycoline, which increases the efficiency of a weekly protein diet;

• olive oil or lemon juice - these products are ideal for dressing salads;

• oat and buckwheat porridge - it is allowed to eat 1-2 times for the entire weekly course.

Among the strictly prohibited foods during the diet are:

• sweet - this list includes not only confectionery, cakes, desserts, but also any sweet fruits;

• pasta and bread, as well as other flour products, all kinds of pastries;

• potatoes are forbidden from vegetables;

• cereals and cereals, any side dishes;

• butter;

• dishes cooked in fat, as well as fatty meat or fish, such as halibut;

• alcohol products;

• semi-finished products.

Protein can be found in animal and vegetable products. The first variety is very well absorbed by the body, it is found in fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk. The human body is able to absorb this kind of species almost completely (by 92-98%). Vegetable protein is rich in foods such as mushrooms, legumes, cabbage, lettuce, it is able to be absorbed by the body by 60-80%.

The basic principles on which protein nutrition is built to lose weight:

1. An increase in the proportion of protein, a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates - this principle leads to a reform of the metabolism. In the usual mode, the body gets used to getting energy from food, on a protein diet it is on the verge of its deficiency. Therefore, to ensure the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems, the body will look for internal reserves and find them in adipose tissue. Metabolic processes will be rebuilt in such a way that energy is extracted during fat burning, while adipose tissue will be destroyed.

2. Lack of hunger - due to the saturation of the diet with nutritious foods, such as meat, cottage cheese, eggs, yoghurts, which also has a complex structure, the body will not feel the need for food for a long time, as it will be occupied with its breakdown and digestion . In the diet there is no strict restriction on the size of servings, therefore it is possible in any quantities, avoiding only overeating.

3. There is no sharp need for a snack - the appearance of a desire to have a snack is usually associated with a jump in the level of insulin in the body.

For the human body, the intake of a significant amount of protein is not commonplace. Part of the substances will be absorbed, and part with sufficient physical exertion will be able to go to the formation of an expressive muscle relief.

An example of a healthy menu for a protein diet for 7 days - minus 7 kg

Before starting a protein diet, it will be useful for 2-3 to begin to gradually switch to the use of lighter meals, as well as cleanse the intestines.

There are many ways to make a diet. But in general, the daily calorie content cannot be more than 1 thousand kcal. You can even combine the allowed products at your discretion, most importantly, do not go beyond the calories.

A healthy diet is a diet that is more gentle on the body, which in addition to protein foods also includes fruits (apples or grapefruits), vegetable salads, cereals (rice or buckwheat). The effectiveness of such a diet will be slightly lower than that of the hard version. Examples of the menu for several days:

1. You can start the day with low-fat kefir, add rice cereal for lunch, eat up to 200 g of beef for lunch (pre-cook), for lunch and dinner you can eat vegetable salads up to 200 g in each meal, and the last meal - a glass juice.

2. In the morning you need to drink a cup of tea or coffee without milk and sugar, eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast, prepare a vegetable salad for lunch, season it with lemon juice and boil chicken, eat 10 tablespoons of rice and half a large green apple for a snack or a whole small , try tomato salad for dinner, and the last meal is tomato juice.

3. Another day you can start again with tea or coffee, continue the second breakfast with a slice of low-fat boiled beef, lunch can be made complete by choosing rice and fish for garnish (you can bake in foil), an afternoon snack will consist of an apple, and prepare a cabbage salad for dinner with the addition of onions and peas (portion not more than 200-250 g), apple juice is waiting for the last meal.

Important features of the protein diet for 7 days - minus 7 kg: advantages and disadvantages, nutrition tricks

Among the main tricks and rules of a protein diet can be identified:

1. Be sure to eat both types of protein - animal and vegetable. Their proportions should be 1: 1, and the total proportion of protein in the daily regimen can be no less than 60%.

2. It is advisable to organize six meals a day, in which the last meal will be held long before bedtime, at least 3-4 hours.

3. It is best to cook meat and fish dishes by stewing, baking without oil or cooking. You can also cook them on the grill or with steam and multicookers.

4. Need to drink more liquid - the daily rate of purified water is 2 liters. Limited in fruits and vegetables can cause dehydration, and water will prevent this process.

5. Although any kind of meat is allowed, it is better to replace fatty pork and lamb with beef or poultry.

6. Only “pure” proteins must enter the body, so eating sausages, sausages, and processed foods is not the best option.

7. The maximum intake should be limited to any type of carbohydrate.

8. The effectiveness of the diet will increase when combined with physical training. This can be fitness, visiting the gym, walking, running, aerobics. A large amount of protein is included in the diet, which will contribute to a quick recovery of strength after training. If you abandon physical activity during the diet, then an excess of protein leads to the development of kidney disease and swelling on them.

9. If desired, antioxidant products such as grapefruits, kiwi can be included in the diet. They will help saturate the body with essential vitamins and nutrients.

10. Be sure to use multivitamin complexes, which will eliminate the imbalance of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Despite the high efficiency of the diet and an acceptable regime, not everyone can sit on it. The technique is contraindicated in such cases:

• with existing kidney diseases - a large load is placed on this organ with such nutrition;

• during pregnancy - a limited and unbalanced diet is not suitable for expectant mothers;

• in old age there is a high risk of thrombophlebitis due to the high intake of protein foods;

• in the presence of joint diseases, arrhythmias and diseases of the intestine or digestive system.

The technique can be harmful to the body in case of non-compliance with its rules. Very often malnutrition can lead to disorders and disruptions in the normal functioning of the digestive tract. A monotonous undiluted menu often provokes the appearance of problems with the chair, constipation in particular. A lack of carbohydrates can lead to headaches, loss of strength, fatigue, irritability, and a decrease in concentration.

When leaving the diet, it is very important to maintain the acquired weight indicators. Therefore, you need to introduce other products with caution, gradually. Servings should not be sharply increased in size. An ideal option would be the transition to proper nutrition, where fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and cereals predominate in the diet.


Watch the video: The Two Most Important Habits For Fat Loss. Tim Ferriss (June 2024).