Orthodox prayers for daughter


There is a belief among the people that the prayer, uttered by the mother, is full of special power. Therefore, a woman who has given birth to a child should know a certain number of prayers, pronounced to bring good luck, success and good health to her life.

How to pray for your child?

Pray for the child should be daily. It is not a duty and not a duty, the miraculous prayer comes from the heart. If a woman tries to make a prayer only because her friends do this, or she follows fashion, then you should not wait for a wonderful providence. Even if children become adults and live separately, you rarely see each other, or, as often happens, do not maintain a relationship, you cannot leave a prayer. A real mother is above any offense, and if her soul is open to love, the Most High will help.

A prayer for a daughter, a very strong prayer, an appeal to God to protect your child - you can say them in your own words. The main thing is to believe in the true power of the holy psalm or kathisma. There are special prayer texts that are canonical with the approval of the Church. Their reading is recommended, but not a strict charter.

The Orthodox religion advises the mother to begin to say a prayer for the child when he is still in her womb. After giving birth to a baby and being baptized, contact the guardian angel in thoughts. Older children pray near their bed: this helps to further strengthen the unity between mother and child. There are no hard and fast rules on how to pray for a child.: some believe that the prayer in verses about the daughter is better than any religious chants. In fact, there is only one condition - you must be absolutely sincere and reject all pride, selfishness and resentment.

Orthodox mother prayers for daughter

Mom will understand, forgive, give comfort and forgive. But who will comfort the woman herself who suffers for her child? Mother's prayers for her daughter for good luck and happiness, for healing and successful childbirth, carefree marriage - there are dozens, if not hundreds. Appeal to various saints, but most often mothers cry out for help to such representatives of higher powers as:

  • United father;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Virgin Mary;
  • St. Matrona Moscow;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • St. Seraphim of Sarov;
  • Blessed Ksenia of Petersburg.

You can choose for yourself who to call for assistance at the time of prayer, but we will give an example of the most famous Orthodox prayers.

About protection

There is a special bond between women, which is stronger than ever between mother and daughter. Mom is able to feel what trials life prepares for her daughter, as she herself went through many of them in due time. Such thoughts are alarming and sadness is settled in the mother's heart. To get rid of negativity and reflection, it is useful to talk in private with yourself and turn to the higher forces. For this, a prayer is read for the daughter and protection over her, which is addressed to the Matrona of Moscow:

"Matronushka Moscow Blessed, I do not ask for myself, I say my word for my daughter. Do not turn away your holy face from my face and forgive me, sinner. Hear my mother's prayer for your beloved child. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to give her peace of mind, heartfelt love , successes in life and light mind. Let her life flow smooth river without obstacles of evil, dark spirits. May God send her a faithful Protector Angel on the way and reliable companion in life. Thank you, Matrona Moskovskaya, I trust and trust in you alone " .

Blessed Matrona was deprived of the joy of motherhood, but she would never refuse such a request to a suffering woman.

For health

No mother wants to observe the sufferings of her offspring, be it physical or spiritual torment. Diseases and illnesses can knock down both the physical and spiritual shell, so they become a real disaster. A loving mother suffers doubly, as she is ready to take the daughter’s flour upon herself, but this is impossible. When medicine fails or its effect does not appear for a long time, you can ask for grace from the heavenly patrons. Mother's prayer for daughter for health is pronounced to Jesus:

"Lord, You commanded us in Your Word to pray for each other for healing, and I pray for the healing and health of my child. I ask you that no illness, no illness spoil his life. I ask You, protect him (her) from any disease. In whatever part of the body of my son (daughter) the disease hides, I ask You, Lord: touch him (her) with your hand and heal, give my (her) son (daughter) complete recovery. Save him (her) from diseases and injuries. Especially I ask You for healing (the name of a certain organ). If we must Visit the doctor, show us the specialist we can trust, and give him wisdom and perfect knowledge of the ways and methods of treatment. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for suffering for us, for saving us. I ask you to fulfill the promise about the healing that You gave to believers in Your Word. I expect that You will give my child (name) complete healing and good health. In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! "

If you ask for health for the child, you need to remember: the maternal prayer for the daughter is very strong in itself, but do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones. It is especially effective to read the prayer book by agreement with relatives.

About early marriage

A woman who has known love, matrimonial warmth and a blessing to give birth to a child cannot help but wish the same happiness to her daughter. But how not to worry if in the modern world a huge number of marriages ends in divorce? And the process of the life partner itself is not simple. And if the girl does not dream of marriage at all and plans to focus on a career? All these factors provoke the mother to be upset and drive her into depression. However, there is a downside: the real selfless love from the mother is unconditional, so she will not pray for marriage for her daughter just to get her grandchildren as soon as possible.

But if internal conflict does not become a problem, seek help from the martyrs Adrian and Natalia. They died for their faith at a young age, but their love and devotion to each other became a symbol of a spiritual strong union. Mother's prayer for the marriage of a daughter to their address is pronounced in the following words:

"On the sacred twin, the holy martyr of Christ, Adrian and Natalia, the blessedness of the supers and dobli sufferers! Hear us, praying to you with tears, and send down to us all that is demanded by the souls and our telema, and pray to Christ God and have mercy on us and work with us His grace, let us not perish in our gorechs. To her, Sacred Martyr! Accept our voice of prayer, and deliver us with your prayers from glory, ruin, coward, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and civil violence, from sudden death and from all troubles, sorrows and diseases, d but with your prayers and the intercession of strengthening, let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. All glory, honor and worship befits to Him, with His beginningless Father and Sacred Spirit forever and ever.

The mother’s prayer for the happiness of her daughter in her personal life should not go against the interests and beliefs of the latter. The daughter must make a choice on her own. If she doesn’t have much enthusiasm for arranging a family hearth, then you shouldn’t force events. Let them grow naturally

About safe pregnancy and childbirth

Only one who has gone through the hardships of childbearing can understand how much another woman falls. If the resolution of the burden of waiting for their own daughter, the mother is all nine months in constant excitement, because in the hands of fate is not only her child, but also the future continuation of the family kind. Who is able to share the suffering and take the anxiety to yourself? Only Mother of God. A mother’s prayer for a pregnant daughter to give birth to a healthy child should be made using the text below:

"Holy Mother of God, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I beg You to have mercy on God's Slave (daughter's name) and help her relieve from her burden safely. Oh, all-merciful and kind Lady of Heaven, come to the aid of my daughter, give her support in difficult for her time. Only from you I am waiting for help for my krovinochka. I crouch to your image and pray for the protection of the Most High for my daughter.

At the moment of giving birth to a daughter, the motherly prayer is read before the Icon of the Hearful Hearing:

"Blessed Lady, Blessed Mother of God, God of the Word who gave birth to every word for our salvation, and His grace was most abundantly than everyone who had received, the sea appeared to flow through Divine talents and wonders, flow to everyone, with faith to You, and I put the pattern on the pattern. To you, all the vaunters of the Mother of Humanity The Lords: surprise Thy grace upon us, and our petitions brought to You, the Speedmaker, hasten to fulfill everything that is good for consolation and salvation. Ossetians, Presenting, Thy servants, Thy grace, await those who are celibate and perfect health, overcome silence, captive freedom and various images of those who suffer, comfort, save, all-mercifully Mrs., all hail and country from eyes, ulcers, coward, deluge, fire, sword and foreign punishment temporal and eternal, by Your bold boldness angering the wrath of God: and soulful relaxation, the cravings of passions and fall of sin, free Your servants, who, nevertheless, in all piety, lived in this world, and in the future eternal blessings will be gracious and human lyubiem thy Son and God, Emuzhe due all glory, honor and worship, is from the beginning of His Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Assistance in training and charms for happiness and good luck

Gnawing granite science is hard and often not too interesting. If the daughter does not have a strong interest in learning, pray to God for her, pronouncing such a text:

"O Lord God and our Creator, in His image we who taught the people, taught Your law to Thy law, so that those who listen to him are amazed, He revealed the secrets of wisdom to the children of those who seek it, and open their hearts, minds, and the mouth of Your servants (names ) to comprehend the power of your law and successfully know the useful doctrine taught to them, for the glory of Your Most Holy Name, for the benefit and dispensation of Your Holy Church and for understanding your good and perfect will. Deliver them from all wiles of the enemy, save them in Christ’s faith and purity e all the days of their life, let them be strong in mind and fulfillment of your commandments. And so those who are taught will glorify your most holy name and be heirs of your kingdom, for you are God, strong in mercy and blessings of strength, and all fame, honor and worship should be to thee, To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen! "

You do not always have the luxury of being near the child. She spends most of her time at school, but here she also needs maternal protection. Exit - impose conspiracy. To protect the child from the evil eye and resentment, read this spell by the baby bed:

"My daughter, are you asleep? Or do you stand before the Lord? Do you look at the Mother of God? Jesus Christ, Mother the Most Holy Mother of God, Protect my daughter in all matters, With all ways, with the sun, with the month, With the road night and the day's road, With strangers people on foreign sides.
The legs and hands would be taken away from her enemies, The darkness or their brains would be found, So that they would not recognize either their father, Nor their mother, It would be unfair to offend someone else's daughter. The spell is not removed to anyone. Key, lock, witch ceiling. Amen!"

To keep the happiness from knocking on the door and touching, first of all, the native child, use another word guard (read before the icon of the Virgin Mary):

"Oh, Mother of Christ, Oh, Guardian Angel, You are the intercessors of my daughter, the Slaves of God (name), the Slave of God (name) as a summer light, Do not spoil her neither to the enemy, nor to the witcher, Nor to the evil charmer, Protect the servant of God (name In all things, in all ways, In the sun and in the night. God save my daughter. I put three crosses: Jesus Christ is ahead, the Most Holy Mother of God is behind, the Guardian Angel above your head.

After reading the conspiracy plot, cross your daughter's forehead three times, kiss her and say good night. Extinguish the candle lit at the icon and once again say the words of gratitude to the higher forces.


Watch the video: Prayer For My Daughter - Prayers For Your Daughter (June 2024).