For old things - a new life: vintage style in the interior


Fine French wine of many years, an ambitious American designer and financial problems - it would seem that they have in common with the "vintage" style?

Vintage - A History of Origin

The French gave this name to the noble wines of many years of aging. Why did the interior and clothing design, after the wine, also become known as?

Vintage style is still very young, it barely passed ten years ...

Material difficulties do not stop creative people, but push them to new designs and ideas. And this happened not far from us in 2002, when the American architect Patrick Willis was preparing for the presentation of his new brainchild - the original ellipse house, consisting of five-walled rooms-cells.

He no longer had any funds for interior decoration, and the day when the whole local elite and journalists gathered to look at the house was close ...

Remember, with A. Akhmatova: “When would you know from what rubbish ...”? So Patrick Willis was born the interior of a new house: he, in the literal sense, collected for this "rubbish" at various landfills. There were found suitable chairs, tables, cabinets, bedside tables. Having washed and cleaned them, he gave them a very decent look and gave the resulting interior as a new, specially conceived idea, giving the name the style - "vintage".

By this he emphasized the fact that time only gives nobleness to aged wine and old furniture. The new idea was enthusiastically accepted; moreover, the vintage style quickly appeared in the fashion for clothes and shoes.

To old things - a new life

Furniture that is used in this style should not be antiques. These are completely different concepts - expensive, almost museum, copies and furniture, which are in the attic or in the pantry, which you once regretted throwing away. Such things that are old and out of fashion can be mercilessly transformed: repainted, varnished, changed parts or added new ones, even sawed!

This is the main idea of ​​the vintage style - the use of outdated, creatively recycled furniture and other sentimental gizmos.

For interior fit items released more than thirty years ago.

It is worth noting that not only used things are used, but original, exclusive ones that can decorate a room with their presence.

Vintage styling

Not every fan of this style has an attic or pantry with deposits of such "wealth." And not everyone agrees to “take” under their shelter someone’s things, worn out and filled with alien energy.

And the style is fashionable, very popular! Many people want to get away from the "stamp" of modern reality, crowded with impeccable factory furniture and new technologies.

Vintage, so feminine, sentimental and romantic, is gaining an increasing audience of fans.

Some of them, mostly creative people, find a way out: they buy new furniture, and then “age” it, creating things history.

Many manufacturers of furniture and accessories go to meet the rest of those who wish, producing products stylized as “rarities”.

Restorers also began to practice a new type of service - they give a worn-out look to new things, creating copies with a touch of antiquity.

Therefore, everyone who wants to create a vintage interior in their home now has such an opportunity.

You can admire such an arrangement not only in residential buildings and apartments. Many restaurants and cafes receive guests in a similar setting, knowing full well that it is conducive to a leisurely conversation.

Hotels, boutiques make out interiors in this style - slightly theatrical and extravagant, but elegant and laid-back, enveloping with peace and tranquility.

Basic style rules

Vintage is not created according to certain rules, this is its main charm. But the room cannot be turned into a combination of various old furniture and accessories. Everything should be decorated with good taste and a sense of proportion.

Vintage loves natural materials, so the interior uses wood, brass, forged metal, ceramics, linen, natural silk, cotton.

The ceiling in the room can not be stretched, painted, with stucco elements, is quite suitable.

The floors can be covered with parquet or ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum are inappropriate.

Wallpaper on the walls can be in light pastel colors, if the focus is on furniture.

If the atmosphere of vintage is supposed to be created using wallpaper rather than furniture, then the wallpaper is chosen with a small and delicate floral pattern or with a large, contrasting ornament.

Style also prefers natural, natural, restrained colors. White, pink, pale lilac, light blue, beige, gray-green - these are the colors that perfectly complement the vintage interior.

Bright tones (yellow, green, red, blue), if used, are surely muted.

Lighting should not be bright, but warm. For this, crystal chandeliers, fabric shades, floor lamps, and table lamps are suitable.

Various wonderful details make the space stylish: ancient sculptures, porcelain dolls, old folios, phonograph records, photographs, beautiful dishes, flowers (dried and alive), decorative pillows, paintings.

But there is no need to overload the interior with an abundance of decor, otherwise it will turn out not to create the necessary vintage charm, but a haphazard set of accessories.

What many people like about this style is the lack of strict rules. Everyone who has decided to create a vintage interior can give complete freedom to the flight of his imagination, while being absolutely sure that the result will be unique and not like the others.


Watch the video: Decorating My New House - Thrifted decor, Ikea, vintage interior. @thehellajam (June 2024).