December 4: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 4th

Informatics Day in Russia

Today in our country is officially celebrated the birthday of computer science. On December 4, 1948, the USSR Council of Ministers registered the scientific invention of Soviet scientists I. S. Bruk and B. I. Rameev - the first digital electronic computer. The invention received its own individual number "10475" and was the first officially registered, state document directly related to the development of Soviet computer technology.

Indian Navy Day

The day the Indian Navy officially considered the day when the Indian Navy successfully conducted the complex special operation Trident, which subsequently significantly affected the outcome of the Indo-Pakistani war. Residents of India celebrate this holiday throughout the week. During the celebration, various recreational events (in particular, musical performances, football matches and even air shows), demonstrations by troops, a demonstration of the military power of the Indian Navy (weapons and equipment used in warships, jet boats) are held. The celebration of the "Day of the Navy" ends with a grand, solemn ball.

Artisans Day in Mexico.

The main purpose of the celebration of the "Day of artisans" in Mexico is the opportunity to show how important its ordinary workers are for the country. It is the ordinary Mexican artisans, who are often engaged exclusively in the manufacture of souvenirs, that all Mexico celebrates on this important day. Craftsmen put up for sale in their shops everything that they managed to do in the last year, and tourists from all over the world who managed to be in Mexico on the day of the holiday are happy to buy souvenir products.

Lawyer Day in Belarus

Over the past few years, every first Sunday of December, Belarus has traditionally celebrated Lawyer's Day. The holiday was established in honor of people who every day stand guard over the rights and legitimate interests of Belarusian citizens. “Lawyer's Day” is another way of recognizing the merits of those who have devoted their lives so important and necessary for each state to legal activity. Today, it is the lawyers who are responsible for the responsible mission of creating the legal culture of civil society, respect for the legal policy of the state and the Law.

December 4th in the folk calendar

On this day (according to the old style - November 21), the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most significant holidays - the big twentieth holiday "Introduction to the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary". The holiday "Introduction" is rooted in the days when Christianity was just beginning to emerge. The feast was widely spread in Orthodoxy at the beginning of the 9th century. However, among the people its full church name was reduced to the first word - "introduction". The reason was that the Russian people associate the holiday no longer with the Virgin, but with the very concept of the beginning - in our particular case - the beginning of a real winter. People sincerely believed that on that day, on their streets with three horses, in a snow-white fur coat, the Winter itself rides, that with its icy breath, it draws bizarre snow patterns on the windows and freezes the air. By "Introduction" they judged about the future harvest, about the upcoming weather in the near future. From that day on, "winter auctions" began in the villages - the famous Vvedensky fairs, which were especially popular with sledges. Simultaneously with the fairs on the "Introduction" made the first test trips on winter transport. More often than others, the newlyweds started the walk.

Historical events December 4

December 4, 1674 Frenchman Jacques Marquette founded the missionary post near Lake Michigan, which later became the city of Chicago. In early 1666, Jacques Marquette went to distant French North American possessions. The main goal of the 38-year-old Jesuit is the conversion of local Indians to the Christian God, as well as the study, by then little studied, of the lands south of the Great Lakes. In order to wait out the winter, on December 4, 1674, the Frenchman founded a small missionary post near the southwestern border of Lake Michigan. After some time, the missionary post turned into the second in terms of financial and economic importance and the third most populous American city - Chicago. The city got its name by changing the French Indian word "shikaakwa" (in the lane - "wild bow"). The official status of the city, Chicago acquired in 1837.

December 4, 1707 the first military hospital was opened in Moscow, which is now proudly bearing the name well-known throughout the country - “The Main Military Clinical Hospital named after N.N. Burdenko”. The hospital opened on December 4, 1707 and became the first Russian state medical institution. At one time, such prominent Russian doctors as Samoilovich, Schepin, Sklifosovsky, Mukhin, Yudin, Pletnev, Burdenko worked here. At this institution, Pirogov performed his first operations under general anesthesia. Today, the "Main Military Clinical Hospital named after Academician Nikolai Burdenko" is a modern multidisciplinary medical institution. The Hospital has over ninety specialized laboratories and departments, nine treatment and diagnostic centers. It is to the “NN Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital” that hundreds of wounded people who suffered in zones of armed conflict owe their lives.

December 4, 1946 the first Soviet passenger car Moskvich-400 was assembled in Moscow. The four-seater Moskvich-400 passenger car assembled at the Moscow subcompact car factory looked very much like the German Opel-Cadet K38 car. During its production, the designers of the car connected the body of the four-door "Cadet" and the chassis of the "Ford". The maximum speed of the “passenger car” was 90 km / h. The initiator of the first Soviet car was Stalin. Even before the war, he really liked the car "Opel-Cadet K38". The mass production of the Muscovite began in 1947.

December 4 were born:

1882 year - Yakov Isidorovich Perelman, a famous Soviet scientist.

Yakov published his first work, “Concerning the Expected Rain of Fire,” as early as 16 years old in the newspaper “Grodno Provincial Gazette”. During his life, the scientist has published more than a thousand scientific articles, forty scientific books and eighteen textbooks. In the USSR, Perelman was published more than 400 times, about 12 million copies of his books were published. His most popular scientific works were "Entertaining Algebra", "Living Mathematics", "Entertaining Arithmetic", "Entertaining Physics", "Entertaining Astronomy" and "Entertaining Mechanics". One of the lunar craters was named after Jacob Perelman.

1901 year - Nikolai Konstantinovich Simonov, Soviet actor, Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR.

After graduating from the Institute of Performing Arts in 1924, Nikolai Simonov, despite an invitation to the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater, went to serve in the Red Army for a year. However, immediately after the end of the service, Simonov returned to the theater, where he played several leading roles and worked for a total of seven years. In 1931, the great actor decides to return to Samara. Here Nikolai Konstantinovich for some time directs the regional drama theater. Three years later, Simonov went back to Leningrad and worked in the troupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater until the end of his life. The most famous film works of the actor were the role of Peter I in the film of the same name, as well as the image of Fedor Protasov in the film "Living Corpse." In total, Simonov played more than thirty movie roles. Nikolay Konstantinovich died on April 20, 1973.

1963 year - Sergey Nazarovich Bubka, Ukrainian athlete-athlete, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

Sergey Bubka 6 times won the title of world champion, several times became the owner of the IAAF Grand Prix - the International Association of Athletics Federations. In 1984, the athlete set a world record for the first time taking a height of 5.85 m during the competition in Bratislava. A year later, in Paris, Bubka will conquer a height of 6 meters. Sergey Bubka was awarded the Order of Lenin, has the title of “Hero of Ukraine” and “Honored Master of Sports of the USSR”. For its many achievements in athletics, Bubka was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

1795 year - Thomas Carlyle, British publicist, philosopher, historian.

For the first time, Thomas Carlyle gained fame in 1837, thanks to his work "The History of the French Revolution." In it, he fully justifies the overthrow of the French monarchy. The writer expresses his sincere respect and sympathy for the working people in the pamphlets Now and Before and Chartism. In them, Carlyle calls himself an adherent of feudal socialism. The next creation of the philosopher - published in 1841, the book "On Heroes and Heroes Honoring", had a rather strong influence on the entire historical science of Europe. In it, the author calls to consider world history exclusively in the context of the life and work of great people.
Thomas Carlyle died in London on February 5, 1881.

Name day on December 4th:

Today, Abram, Adam, Alexander, Ada, Ariadne and Mary celebrate their name day.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (June 2024).