Tireless Charlie Angel - Drew Barrymore is now mom!


Hollywood actress, producer and director Drew Barrymore gave birth to a long-awaited daughter last Wednesday.

“We are proud to announce the birth of our daughter, Olive Barrymore Kopelman. She was born healthy and happy on September 26, ”said actress and her husband, art consultant Will Kopelman, to the press. The name of the newborn comes from the Latin word "Olive" (olive tree) and symbolizes peace and victory.

In a statement, the couple also thanked the media "for respect for our privacy at this very special moment in life."

Although rumors about the pregnancy of the 37-year-old celebrity appeared in February, the actress herself did not utter a word about her situation. Only the wedding portrait of the couple, made in June this year, said everything. On it, a young spouse acquires Barrymore in the area of ​​a rounded tummy.

“I can’t just wait until I have children,” - so said the actress to one of the publications, indirectly referring to her pregnancy. “I just want to do funny, wonderful things for my family.”

Drew Barrymore took the issue of pregnancy very seriously. In recent months, she attended yoga classes for women, and also spent a lot of time in the family circle - with Kopelman's parents.

For the actress, this is the first child, but marriage with Kopelman is already the third. Being at the 6th month of pregnancy, Barrymore tied the knot in a Mediterranean-style marriage in the home circle - on the movie star estate in Montecito (California).


Watch the video: Drew Barrymore Recalls Flashing David Letterman (June 2024).