Alopecia in women - causes, symptoms and treatment Alternative treatment of alopecia in women with folk remedies


Hair loss, baldness do not cause serious health problems, are not accompanied by malaise and obvious physical changes in organs and systems, do not affect the general condition, but for women, alopecia is such a serious psychological problem that takes away all strength, depresses and sometimes leads to depression .

Hair changes with age: lose their density, color, become dull and dry. If the process occurs gradually, then these are age-related changes that occur gradually. But when suddenly a sudden loss of large amounts of hair begins, leading to the appearance of bald patches - alopecia - this becomes a tragedy for a woman. In such cases, it is necessary to find out the causes of sharp hair loss in women and take urgent measures to preserve them. Alopecia can develop in women at any time, regardless of age.

The term itself is translated from Greek as baldness, baldness. Hair in many cases falls out not only on the head, but also on the body. The problem is that the hair not only falls out, but - does not recover, their growth is disturbed, persistent baldness occurs.

Modern medicine distinguishes several types of alopecia in women:

- nesting;

- diffuse;

- androgenic;

- cicatricial;

- seborrheic.

Each of them has its own causes, certain clinical symptoms, different treatment methods.

Alopecia in women - causes

The reasons leading to alopecia in women are many. But all their diversity can be divided into two large groups:

- hereditary;

- acquired.

If alopecia is present in one of the family members, it may appear in the next generation - in such cases it is difficult to change something.

Acquired include hormonal, toxic, symptomatic alopecia in women.

The causes of symptomatic alopecia in women are as follows:

- frequent stress and depression;

- hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;

- unbalanced nutrition;

- infections.

The causes of toxic alopecia in women include:

- chemotherapy;

- improper intake of drugs, chemicals.

The causes of hormonal alopecia in women are many:

- pregnancy and childbirth;

- taking hormonal contraceptives;

- pathology of the ovaries;

- various diseases of the thyroid gland;

- hormonal disruptions in the body of a woman as a result of constant stress, stress;

- menopause.

Sometimes alopecia lead to home treatments with hair. This occurs after repeated curls with a curling iron or tongs, the constant use of hot curlers, irons for styling hair. Various chemical compositions for curls, the regular use of a large amount of hair spray, and hair dye are especially fatal to hair.

Alopecia in women - treatment

When choosing treatment methods or specific drugs, it is necessary to consider the causes of alopecia in a woman, the possibility of eliminating them, and the type of alopecia.

Medicines that are used to treat and prevent alopecia are used externally and for internal use.

As mentioned above, often the cause of alopecia in women is hypovitaminosis (or vitamin deficiency). Therefore, it is necessary to fill the lack of vitamins by taking them in therapeutic or prophylactic doses. We can recommend such effective vitamin complexes:

Vitrum Beauty, Merz.

There are drugs whose action is aimed at restoring the structure and quality of hair:

Nutricap, Pantovigar, Minoxidil, Folten Pharma products. It is important that multivitamins or hair restoration preparations contain vitamin B6.

This is the easiest and most affordable method. But, in any case, you need to find out the true cause of hypo - or vitamin deficiency, and treat the underlying disease that led to vitamin deficiency and alopecia in women.

Another method that is used in an attempt to stop hair loss and restore their growth. This is mesotherapy - a method of introducing medications or vitamin shakes under the skin. A special therapeutic cocktail, which is individually prepared, is injected subcutaneously, opens access to the hair follicles, and stops intense hair loss in women. Along with mesotherapy, massage, phototherapy and ozone therapy are effective.

In severe cases, if other methods of treatment have exhausted themselves, resort to transplantation. Such operations are carried out in large specialized centers. Surgical treatment is used for diffuse alopecia. It is necessary to begin treatment with the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

Focal and seborrheic type of alopecia are easier to treat, you can fight them at home.

Treatment of alopecia in women at home

Sometimes, if the problem of alopecia in a woman is uncritical, you can try treatment with folk remedies. You need to start with a gentle hair care regimen. And at the same time use the following types of medicines:

- butter;

- mask;

- infusion;

- decoction;

- shampoo.

At home, essential oils are used. Choose a specific oil depending on the type of hair and the problem that needs to be solved.

Burdock oil, orange and wheat oil increase growth; the process of precipitation slows down if almond oil is used. They are rubbed into the roots. For dry hair use chamomile oil, for greasy - jojoba oil, birch. Since essential oils are very allergenic, a drop of oil must be applied to the elbow bend before use to prevent a possible allergic reaction.

Traditionally used burdock root for the preparation of masks and decoctions. When preparing the mask, melted lard is added to the crushed root of burdock, which is boiled in a certain amount of water, the lard is dissolved in a water bath, and this mask is rubbed several times a week into the roots of the hair, then wrapped the head with a bag and a towel on top (effect saunas).

You can use the following mask recipe: rub one piece of honey, burdock oil and crushed fruit of capsicum twice a week into the hair roots, wrap it with a bag and towel for 20 - 25 minutes. A similar mask can be prepared by replacing burdock oil with onion juice.

Effective mask based on cognac: honey and yolk are mixed in a glass of cognac, rubbed into the roots of the hair and left for half an hour.

Burdock broth It is recommended to rub daily before bedtime (so that the action lasts until the morning). It activates hair growth. Every day you need to cook a fresh broth.

It is believed that no alopecia can withstand a mixture of alcohol and pepper. Chili pepper is insisted for two weeks on alcohol or vodka and rubbed into the hair roots. You can use a simplified version: castor oil is mixed with the finished “pepper” and rub into the scalp.

Another proven home treatment option: Sea salt, ground in a coffee grinder, is rubbed into the head before each wash. Salt acts as a peeling: dead skin cells disappear, there is a rush of blood to the places of baldness, hair growth is stimulated.

Alopecia in women - prevention

As you can see, alopecia in women is not a sentence, and female pattern baldness, in contrast to male pattern baldness, is effectively treated. The main thing is not to give up and do it in time. And first of all - seek the advice of a doctor - trichologist or gynecologist - endocrinologist to find out the cause of alopecia and get professional advice on treatment. A trichologist works in every dermatovenerological dispensary.

As a prophylaxis of alopecia in women, it is necessary to carefully treat hair care products, do not often use forceps, curling irons, ironing, rest your hair: do not braid tight pigtails daily, and do not do complex hairstyles using a large amount of varnish.

Adhere to a healthy lifestyle with a normal nutritious diet, avoid stress, relax more, establish sleep.

And, of course, maintain a normal immune status, take high-quality multivitamins two to three times a year, and visit a gynecologist on time. And, if such a problem as alopecia has already arisen, do not leave without attention and at the first signs consult a doctor - trichologist. If you follow these simple rules for the prevention of alopecia in women, success will be ensured.


Watch the video: Alopecia: causes and treatment of hair loss explained (June 2024).