Inflammation of the sinuses causes and symptoms. Effective and safe treatment for sinus inflammation


Under the influence of bacteria, viruses, allergies, many sinuses become inflamed. The inflammatory process can be detected using x-rays, MRI and other diagnostic methods.

But how to stop this process and what treatment methods are best used?

Inflammation of the sinuses of the nose

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of sinusitis (inflammation). The following factors provoking inflammation are distinguished:

1. Viruses. The main symptoms of viral inflammation are a manifestation of SARS, nothing can be suspected at the first stage of the development of inflammation.

2. Bacteria. Manifested in the form of a runny nose due to the presence of viruses. It can also be the result of untreated teeth, gradually bacteria penetrate the maxillary sinuses. The general condition will worsen, severe headaches. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

3. The fungus. If the patient arbitrarily takes antibiotics, fungal sinusitis will develop as a result. antibiotics must be taken carefully, especially for children. In the treatment of using antifungal agents.

4. Allergy. Take antibiotics for treatment, there is no sense whatsoever.

5. Injuries. If the sinuses of the nose become inflamed after receiving an injury, then it is necessary to first eliminate its consequences.

As a result of the curvature of the nasal septum, the sinuses can become inflamed in both children and adults.

Sinus inflammation symptoms

Symptoms of the disease are manifested by severe headache, a feeling of heaviness near the nose, cheekbones, on the forehead. In some cases, dizzy when trying to get up.

Since the nasal mucosa is prone to swelling, a runny nose occurs, breathing becomes difficult. In the throat, everything is overdried, occasionally there is a urge to cough, the tongue seems to be imposed on something.

Sinusitis is noted not only by headache attacks, but also by flatulence, bloating, the whole body as a whole is weakened. The mood is panic, constantly pursued by a sense of fear, in the extremities of a kind of tingling sensation. The face and legs may swell, while the complexion is very pale. Perhaps a slight pain in the shoulders and neck.

The mucous membrane changes depending on the nature of the disease. So, for example, in the acute form, it thickens, the secret leaves difficult, and the vessels are oversaturated with blood. First, a bleeding of blood is noticeable, and then a small amount of pus.

The patient is in a state of fever, unusual pressure and heaviness are noted in the skull, olfactory sensations become dull. It is possible to increase body temperature to around 39, pus is constantly released from the nose.

If we talk about external symptoms, then there is a swelling of the cheeks and the area above the eyebrows, redness of the face is possible. If you try to tap on the sinuses of the nose, there will be pain.

Another symptom of the inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose is a prolonged runny nose, especially if the discharge is green. In order to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, you can not drip vasoconstrictor drops, under their influence, the motility of the mucous membrane is impaired, which means the blood supply will worsen.

With inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, the symptoms are always clearly manifested, so you can make a preliminary diagnosis yourself, however, to accurately confirm it, you need to undergo a diagnosis.

Sinus Inflammation Diagnosis

The doctor prescribes the necessary diagnostic procedures only after he collects a complete medical history and examines the patient. With such a disease, a blood test can show an elevated white blood cell count, which is what indicates the presence of acute inflammation.

You can get full information about the condition of the sinuses using computed tomography. When conducting such a study, you can see the presence of fluid, polyps, pathological changes, as well as patency of the mouth.

In recent years, X-ray examination is rarely used, since it carries no special information. Use it exclusively in the acute form of the inflammatory process. In rare cases, it is necessary to carry out a sinus protocol, as a result of the procedure, pus will be taken from the nose and removed.

During this procedure, the patient sits. As a local anesthetic, the drug is injected into the lower canal of the nasal passage. Using a puncture needle, the doctor will pierce the central wall of the sinus, then inject sodium chloride of room temperature there. Thanks to these manipulations of the sinus, the nasal cavity is flushed and disinfected. The last step in the procedure is taking antibiotics or stimulants, at the discretion of the attending physician.

Sinus inflammation treatment

When examining a patient, making an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. The main goal of the doctor is to eliminate the inflammatory process, completely clear the nose of mucus and pus, as well as relieve swelling.

First of all, antimicrobials are prescribed, in the treatment of acute forms of inflammation, it is necessary to take drugs for up to three weeks. In the event that the disease has become chronic, the course of treatment reaches several months.

In order to reduce edema, vasoconstrictors are prescribed, they can be used for no more than three days.

If the symptoms of the disease are accompanied by allergies, the specialist will prescribe special H1 - blockers.

The advanced stage of the inflammatory process is characterized in that the discharge becomes thick and viscous, while the smell resembles rot. In this case, the ENT doctor will take a puncture to rinse the sinuses in the future, remove all secretions and administer the drug. As a result of such manipulations, the patient’s condition will be easier, and the doctor will receive material for research and identification of the exact pathogen.

Quite often, in the treatment of the inflammatory process of the sinuses of the nose, a combined method is used, namely they take antibiotics for two weeks. Then they puncture and remove accumulated pus and other secretions.

In addition to traditional treatment, folk methods are also used, and it is better to combine these two therapies.

So, folk remedies for the treatment of sore sinuses:

1. In the inflammatory process, headaches can be controlled by inhalation with the addition of mint. Pour a liter of water in a container, add 50 grams of mint leaves, boil everything and breathe for 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to go outside in cool weather.

2. Relieve the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the first stage can be essential oils - St. John's wort, calendula, mint, eucalyptus. They can also be used for inhalation.

3. Peel one clove of garlic, crush and mix with a spoon of honey. Eat once a day before bedtime, drink with warm water.

4. Pour two tablespoons of flaxseed, pour half a glass of milk, put on fire and simmer for 10 minutes. Turn off and breathe over the steam until the contents of the pan have cooled.

5. For chronic inflammation, dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in several tablespoons of water. The finished product must be instilled into each nostril up to five to six times a day.

6. For sinusitis, the following compress helps well: rub the garlic on a grater and dilute it with vodka. It is necessary to put a compress for 2 hours several times a day.

7. With sinusitis, it is recommended to instill aloe juice up to four times a day.

Use of folk remedies is necessary only after examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis.

Sinus inflammation complication

Important to understand incompletely cured inflammation will lead to serious complications. Often the reason lies in the improper use of drugs, or a decrease in immunity. Indeed, it is during this period that the body becomes vulnerable to the penetration of various harmful microorganisms.

The most common complication is damage to the eye sockets and eyes, the inflammatory process goes to the brain, resulting in intracranial complications. Complications related to eye damage, experts include the following: inflammation of the eyelids, severe swelling, phlegmon, and more. Intracranial complications include thrombosis of the corpus cavernosum, inflammation of the soft membranes of the brain.

The sooner treatment is started, the more likely it is to recover faster and avoid complications. To do this, you must consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Thrombosis is considered the most serious complication, and the reason for this lies not only in the acute stage of the disease, but also in the chronic. Inflammation from the frontal and sphenoid sinuses passes to the skull.

There are quite a few reasons that can cause such a complication. First of all, it is a weak immunity, defects in the base of the skull.

The inflammatory process spreads with great speed throughout the body along with blood, as a result of sepsis. This is a serious threat to the health and life of the patient.

Such a complication as inflamed sinuses of the nose require immediate treatment, which includes the whole range of complex measures. Measures to eliminate cerebral edema should also be taken in a timely manner. In exceptional cases, surgical intervention is required.

Despite the high level of development of medicine, a complication such as inflammation of the corpus cavernosum can be fatal. Therefore, if you observe the first symptoms of sinusitis, treatment should be started as soon as possible.


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