What foods will help conception


Many women dream to experience the joy of motherhood. And this is quite natural - any woman feels absolutely happy, holding a newborn son or daughter in her arms. Alas, modern life dictates its own conditions: poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, chronic diseases lead to the fact that women are increasingly resorting to artificial insemination in order to conceive a child.

According to one of the popular holistic health consultants, a good diet combined with appropriate therapy can help women increase their fertility. For this, it is necessary, firstly, to exclude the ingestion of hormonal and toxic additives in the body. And secondly, try to eat natural organic products.

A proper diet that affects conception consists of five components:

1. Healthy fats. Products containing omega-3 fats have a positive effect on the hormonal background of the body, promoting ovulation. Good sources of these fats are: walnuts, hemp seeds, linseed oil, beef, fish, eggs.

2. Vitamin D. Promotes the synthesis of estrogen and oversees the regulation of cell growth. Vitamin D is rich in oysters, caviar, fish oil and oily fish.

3. Vitamin A. The most important fat-soluble vitamin that helps the maturation of follicles in the ovaries and improves the composition of cervical fluid. There are two groups of vitamins: carotenoids and retinols. The latter are found in beef liver, fish oil, eggs, cream and organic oil. Beta carotene is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, herbs, spinach and pumpkin.

4. Vitamin E. It normalizes the hormonal level, thereby positively affecting the ability to bear children. Contained in sunflower seeds, almonds, eggs, olive oil, green leafy vegetables.

5. Iodine. An essential mineral necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which produces sex hormones. Seaweed, seafood, spinach, dairy products, eggs, coconut and kelp are rich in iodine.


Watch the video: Top 10 Foods that increase ovulation rate in women and help you in getting pregnant (June 2024).