Inflammation after tooth extraction, causes and symptoms. Inflammation after tooth extraction treatment and prevention methods


Tooth extraction is a rather complicated procedure.

In some cases, the doctor must open the gum, remove a small piece of bone and then suture.

Despite the development of medicine and the availability of such modern technologies, it is still not possible to completely avoid the occurrence of complications.

In many patients, after the tooth has been removed, an inflammatory process occurs and there are many reasons for this.

Inflammation after tooth extraction causes

In a normal outcome, the hole after removal should be filled with a small amount of blood, which subsequently forms a kind of blood clot. After a day or two, it will become yellow or white, due to the fact that fibrin falls out of the blood. In no case should you try to remove it yourself! Several days will pass, the gingival mucosa will gradually form, and the wound will completely heal.

However, the hole does not always heal well and complications can develop, this is due to many factors:

1. The roots of the tooth are curved.

2. Under the crown, the remaining root collapsed.

3. The tooth was crumbled, the specialist removed it in small pieces.

4. The tooth began to erupt, but not completely.

The following contributes to the occurrence of complications:

1. The patient is ill with SARS. In this case, the removal is best done after recovery comes, this will avoid complications.

2. The body is susceptible to infection, as a result of weakened immunity.

3. Caries, it is known to be a source of the emergence and reproduction of harmful bacteria.

4. After tooth extraction, the roots remain in the well.

5. In the hole there was a cyst from the extracted tooth.

6. Anesthesia is chosen incorrectly.

7. The instruments were poorly sterilized, resulting in infection.

8. The technique of performing the "operation" is broken.

9. The gums, when removing a tooth, are badly damaged.

These are the main reasons why inflammation can develop after removal.

Inflammation after tooth extraction symptoms

A few days later, after the dentist removed the tooth, the first symptoms of inflammation may appear, conditionally they are divided into two groups: general symptoms and local.

The general symptoms of inflammation are as follows:

1. Body temperature rises to 37-38 degrees.

2. In the jaw area, lymph nodes increase, pain occurs on palpation.

3. Bad and bad breath.

Local symptoms of inflammation:

1. Around the gums, the entire area becomes swollen and red.

2. There is no blood clot necessary to protect the gums.

3. A visual inspection shows that there is a gray coating on the hole.

4. Periodically, pus is secreted from the well.

5. In the place of the extracted tooth, severe pain, every day it becomes stronger and goes to the head.

It is not difficult to identify the problem, the dentist can see if there is a problem during a visual examination. The patient must undergo an X-ray examination, the results of which can also confirm the presence of an inflammatory process.

Inflammation after tooth extraction first aid

If you have obvious symptoms of an inflammatory process after tooth extraction and you don’t have an opportunity to see a doctor at the moment, you need to give yourself first aid at home. Rinses should be used carefully, especially if the solution contains soda. Despite the fact that soda is often used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, in the case of inflammation, it can provoke leaching of the clot, thereby making the situation even worse.

When rinsing, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

1. You can’t rinse your mouth intensively, just draw a small amount of water into your mouth and hold for two to three minutes.

2. No matter what the clot looks like, it is black or even green, you can’t try to remove it.

3. The rinse frequency should be up to several times per hour.

Even if the symptoms of the inflammatory process have passed and it seems to you that everything is fine, it's still worth a visit to a medical facility. You will not be able to get rid of the disease without antibiotics or to extract the remaining roots yourself. The measures described above are only temporary, they allow you to normalize the situation until you see a doctor.

Inflammation after tooth extraction treatment

If you do not take measures to treat inflammation, the body will be in serious danger, since complications may develop. An actively developing purulent process can lead to the formation of osteomyelitis, which in turn will create favorable conditions for phlegmon and abscesses. Infection is even more dangerous, because the patient will face sepsis, and this, as a rule, can cause death.

Specialists conducting the treatment usually adhere to the same rule:

1. The place of localization of pain must be anesthetized.

2. The specialist will rinse all contents from the well with an antiseptic solution.

3. The dentist will remove the existing fragments from the tooth or dead tissue with a special surgical spoon.

4. The well area is again washed with the solution.

5. Dry the well with a sterile swab.

6. If necessary, a swab soaked in a drug is applied.

7. Sutures or a sterile dressing are applied to an open wound.

As part of the treatment, certain medications can be used:

1. Antibiotics. In order to prevent the development of infection, it is necessary to use antibiotics. They must penetrate deep into the bones. These include drugs such as - lincomycin, sumamed, levofloxacin.

2. Anti-inflammatory. The pain in the inflammatory process can be severe, which is why drugs must be taken. The specialist can prescribe the following - nimesil, ibuprofen, ketonal.

3. Antiseptics. Used to treat the wound and the entire oral cavity. It is allowed to use ordinary furatsilin. Many people use folk remedies - sage or a decoction of chamomile.

In addition to the traditional treatment, using drugs, physiotherapy is used:

1. Fluctuorization. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to achieve analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

2. Helium-neon laser. The doctor will act on the active points with a beam, while all the natural forces of the body will be restored. Symptoms of the inflammatory process will pass.

Inflammation after tooth extraction prevention

In order to avoid the development of the inflammatory process and possible complications, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures:

1. The swab, which the specialist left in the hole, must be removed after 10 minutes, otherwise it can become an obstacle to the formation of a clot in the hole. As a result, the tissues will become infected and complications cannot be avoided.

2. You can’t drink and eat for the next three hours after tooth extraction, and then do not eat hot for a few more hours.

3. You can not take a steam bath or take a hot bath. Give up alcohol and sports. This will provoke an increase in pressure, which means bleeding will open.

4. If the doctor sutured the wound, then you can’t open your mouth wide for several days.

5. In no case do not warm your cheek and especially do not apply cold to it.

6. On the day of tooth extraction, do not clean the oral cavity, do not touch the hole with your tongue, and even more so with a toothpick. The medicine that the doctor left will resolve on its own after a while. The next few days, try to brush your teeth very carefully.

7. Refuse spicy and solid foods, it is desirable to chew food on the other side.

8. If severe pain occurs, you can take an anesthetic - ketans or tempalgin.

9. If your body temperature rises on the day of tooth extraction, you can drink an antipyretic - ibuprofen or aspirin. But in case the fever bothers you in the next few days, be sure to visit the dentist.

10. In the event that a specialist has prescribed antibiotics for you, be sure to drink their full course, while observing the dosage.

Inflammation after tooth extraction is a rather complicated complication. In no case do not let everything go by chance, otherwise complications may develop that pose a danger to your life. With a timely visit to a specialist, you will quickly and easily get rid of the problem.


Watch the video: Patient Walk-through of Wisdom Teeth Extraction. Boston Children's Hospital (July 2024).