The meaning of the name Yaroslav


Name Yaroslav born in pagan Russia. Its basis is made up of two Slavic roots: "ardent" - strong, active, powerful and "glory".

There is also a version that the first root comes from the name of the East Slavic mythological character - Yarila, who, first of all, was associated with the idea of ​​fertility and sexual, life-giving power. In this case, Yaroslav is interpreted as "glorifying Yarilu."

After the adoption of Christianity, the Orthodox Church adopted and canonized the pagan name. The combination of two syllables: hard (fierce) and soft (fame) certainly influenced the creation of a characteristic image of the owner of a contradictory and extraordinary name.

Yaroslav - character traits

In childhood, Yaroslav is a persistent, courageous, energetic child; often stubborn and capricious, in dealing with people trying to impose their opinions and rules, provoking on this basis frequent conflicts with peers.

A crucial role in shaping the personality of Glory is played by parenting. Both teachers and the environment in which the child grows influence. Therefore, his character is often contradictory, because people are all different, and little Yaroslav, like a sponge, absorbs both the positive qualities of the people around him and the negative ones, he is easily influenced.

From childhood, the boy wonders about the universe, about the meaning of life and the existence of mankind. He deeply respects nature, the Earth and everything that it gives birth to, and he is cold to study, he attends classes without much enthusiasm.

Yaroslav is endowed with a creative streak, but often hides his talents, trying to suppress them in the bud. He is smart and laconic, because he considers excessive chatter a waste of time. He is bored at lush banquets and parties. At such moments, he plunges into himself and ponders or, under some pretext, tries to leave. A completely different matter is the company of bosom friends, where he can sometimes relax, although arranging frequent gatherings is not in his character.

Yaroslav is modest and does not seek power, he is leisurely and never rushes to conclusions. First, he will analyze the situation, weigh everything, only then he will make a decision and draw conclusions. Glory is a calm, kind and vulnerable nature, but if you touch him for the living, then what he values ​​most, will be offended, it is quite possible that he will break all ties with the provocateur. To beg forgiveness from such a person is almost impossible.

Yaroslav is talented in various areas of professional activity. It will make an excellent doctor, biologist, teacher, choreography and journalism can also be a life-long affair.

Yaroslav - name compatibility

He behaves easily and naturally with women, Yaroslav is well-educated, he has impeccable manners. It has that highlight that so attracts girls. The representative of the name is very sexy, but respects the weaker sex and does not consider women only as an object of desire. For this, the ladies appreciate him.

For the sake of his beloved girl, he will turn mountains. Yaroslav appreciates love and enjoys every breath of it. He is passionate and gentle at the same time, able to feel his partner. True, the spouse will have to come to terms with some of his oddities.

To create an ideal marriage, he should pay attention to Galina, Larisa, Lyudmila, Dina and Klara. Relations may not work out with representatives of such names as Elena, Antonina, Taisiya, Evelina, Elsa.

Famous people named Yaroslav

Y. Geyrovsky is a chemist, Y. Hasek is a satirist, Y. Ivashkevich is a Polish writer, Y. Smelyakov is a poet, Y. Wise is a prince of Kiev (980-1054).

Yaroslav - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac sign - Leo, Gemini;
- patron planet - the Sun, Jupiter;
- favorable colors - scarlet, blue, raspberry;
- treasured plants - violet, oak and nettle;
- animals - pheasant, deer, swallow;
- a stone talisman - jasper, agate, amber.


Rita 04/18/2016
It is very difficult to choose a name for a child, because it is for life. It seems to me that Yaroslav is a good name, bright and unusual, a wonderful option.

Oksana 04/18/2016
My friend Yaroslav is just such in a relationship, as described in the article. True, he does not like being called by his full name, for all he is Glory.

Tamara 04/18/2016
I am pleased with the name Yaroslav, it is not kutsee, not funny, even rather proud and rich. Character traits are also impressive, I’ll propose that my husband call his son that.

Natali 04/18/2016
Interested in the origin of the name Yaroslav, that's the name of my son. Thanks to the portal for valuable information.

Smorodina 04/18/2016
Yaroslav of all the Glories is now the most sought after. Many little Yariks walk in our yard. It sounds very worthy, I am pleased with this name.


Watch the video: THE YAROSLAVIV VAL STREET. It is Yaroslav the Wise. (July 2024).